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The Rescue Part #2

Posted on 11 Mar 2022 @ 1:41pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Edited on on 11 Mar 2022 @ 1:42pm

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: During Main Mission


They reached the hatch to the corridor and she pulled out her scanner and no one was detected outside she looked back at Sinclair, "tell me, doctor, does it seem strange that the corridors are not teeming with hostiles?" She asked.

"Now that you mention it," Jane answered in a whisper. "I'd think that there would be guards outside the brig. Either this ship is badly undercrewed, or..."

Deciding that she could not wait at the lift door an unhappy Donovan squeezed herself into the Maintenance tubes, it was a lot roomier than she would have thought, but she was still not happy, as was evident when she came out of the tube behind Somers, Sinclair she stood there stretching.

Alex sensing someone was behind them looked back and did a double-take "dammit S'arila, do not do that!" she exclaimed.

Looking all innocent "What did I do? I got fed up with waiting" Donovan replied and a mock innocent tone, as she looked at Sinclair "Hello there Lieutenant" She said with a smile.

"Careful Major," Jane said. "We were just noting how quiet it is around here. The Colonel thinks it's--"

"It's a trap!" Somers finished, the Colonel found a power junction and used a tricorder to figure out which ODN cable powered the lights. when she located it she looked to S'arila "Okay, S'arila I will cut the lights between here and the bridge and I want you to hunt those Nausicaans and kill them, watch out for ambushes, now they will not be able to see as well as you so be warned" Somers said.

"Understood," Donovan said and removed her special glasses that were rose-tinted, but the little holographic emitters in the glasses which made her eyes look normal hid her real eyes. She closed her eyes as she removed the glasses and slowly opened them again and all there could see was solid red cornea and Iris's the rest of her eyeballs were white, she looked at Sinclair "relax Lieutenant, I only do this when I hunt I see in infrared, at the moment all I see are shades going from white equals cold up through the yellow spectrum and red" Donovan explained as the lights went out and while it did not happen her red eyes seemed to brighten... Or did they!

Jane couldn't look away from the Major's unique eyes. Beautiful...and terrifying. The doctor knew her assignment in general, and this mission specifically, was with marines, whose job it was to end threats to the Federation at the tip of a rifle, bayonet and all. But the eyes...this wasn't just a marine. This was a huntress. Before the lights cut out, she gave S'arila a quick nod.

With a final nod, the Major left them where they were and moved quickly and quietly during this time Alex sat back on her haunches and looked at Sinclair "so EL-tee you must have questions from what you just saw, if only from a medical standpoint?" Somers asked.

"I've not seen a humanoid species like her," said Jane. "But there are hundreds of species represented in the Federation. That doesn't necessarily surprise me. And many species can see into the infra-red. But what is she?" She then couldn't help but release a slight chuckle. "And is she as good as I'm guessing she is?"

*chuckles* "S'arila was created in the normal way, but from what little we know of her and her parent species, the Major's mother had her womb removed the baby and all and that was placed in a special birthing type pod, where the baby continued to grow naturally, in a sterile but sealed environment. Along the way she was modified, the records did not say much but considering her parent species has blue skin, one of the modifications was a lightening of the skin, a medical scan that was done when she arrived showed she had human DNA, how her people got hold of it is totally beyond me as there have been no records of human's ever meeting such a species before" she paused.

"What we do know is from the time we found where she was born, you see S'arila is from a different reality, one where I died in battle with honour and the Federation was all but wiped out by the Second Dominion War, where the Dominion used Matter/Anti-matter infused nukes to wipe out major Starfleet centres on earth, the Major's reality makes the Mirror Universe look benign in comparison. As to the Major due to her modifications should she live to reach 100 she will become as frail and dependent on carers as the old aged people did back in the 20th Century, She has gills on her lower back on both sides that are connected to her lungs, so she can breathe like a fish underwater and most aquatic fluids she can swim in, obviously not acid. She has some other adjustments too, when she first arrived in this universe she was a strong telepath, we figured it was down to modifications, then on a particular mission she lost that ability, now she is sensitive to emotions, not quite an Empath but as close as anyone can get without being one" another pause.

"That mark between her eyes denotes the house or branch she belonged to, I believe it was the Nobility branch she does not talk much about her original universe and does not try asking about it as she will not answer any questions about it. I do not know if you noticed how her eyes look normal when she has those rose-tinted glasses on?" Somers intoned.

Jane nodded along and listened intently. It was likely she'd need to treat the Major at some point, and knowing this history was helpful. "They worked wonders. I never would have thought she was that different if not for the eyes. Humans of that height are common on lower-G worlds, so I had initially guessed she was Lunar or Proxima, or maybe Arvadan." She shrugged. "I guess not."

"Nope, her parent species are called Trelan, in her reality, her people lived near the Taurus Dark Cloud, we do not know if her people even exist in this reality, so for all intents, she is the last of her kind" Somers responded.

"Always a tragedy, that," Jane said somberly.

No sooner had Sinclair finished respond S'arila returned wiping her combat knife of Nausicaan blood, as she put her glasses on Alex returned the corridor lighting to normal.

"Okay, you were right it was an ambush alright, but it is all quiet now," Donovan said as she sheathed her dagger and picked up her weapon.

"Okay, let's go," Somers said and lead the way, as she passed the various ambush point she saw mutilated Nausicaans all were dead, all paused outside of the brig "okay people prepare yourself," Somers said as she scanned the other side "okay, four hostiles of the Nausicaan variety and one human and they are mine" she added pulling out her twin replica Desert eagles her disruptor versions which fired bolts, not beams.

She aimed her weapons at the door and nodded to Donovan to open the door, she knew that she would have but a short two seconds before the enemy reacted. The moment the doors opened it was as if she saw things in slow motion, firing two shots, she took one outright and another she winged their reactions were as predicted, she dived for the nearest cover and managed to see that Jasmine's face was on the floor, so she threw a flashbang and covered her ears "fire in the hole" she said knowing Donovan and Sinclair would feel some of the effects of a flashbang, as she primed the device and threw it she heard a clink of it hitting the metal deck then a bright flash and loud bang had its desired effect Alex stood up and with some well-aimed shots took out the three remaining Nausicaan's.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Major S'arila Donovan [P: Somers]
95th Rifle Officer, Bravo Unit


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