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The 5%

Posted on 31 May 2022 @ 7:08pm by 2nd Lieutenant Thoran Shon & Ensign Teton
Edited on on 01 Jun 2022 @ 1:06pm

1,032 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck


- Holodeck -

Target practice program 23 level 12...

The hunters moved through the undergrowth slowly. Their armour blended in perfectly with the surroundings. The only thing that gave them away was the small red lights in the visors of their helmets. This was also the weakest point. A fine beam from a phaser towards the centre of this. Would mortally disable the hunter. This of course would be frowned on. If the hunters had been made of flesh and blood. Putting an opponent in a permanent coma was a barbaric thing to do.

Teton was only using these forms of targets. As no non-humans could go on the away mission. He decided to hone his shooting skills. With this particular shooting program. Crouching in a small copse not far from the hunters. He lay in wait silently counting down the seconds. Then just as the hunters got close. He sprang from his hiding place and fired two direct shots and missed.

The hunters returned fire, making Teton lay flat. Energy beams danced over his head. Narrowly missed his antenna. He aimed again but this time he hit one hunter causing it to fall to the ground. But the second shot him in the arm. With the safety protocols on. It just gave him a little sting.

“Computer pause program,” Teton said

Everything froze. He pointed the rifle at the second hunter. The scope was correct. He had the target in his sights. But he had missed them before. Was this a fault with the rifle? He needed a second opinion.

=/\= Teton to Thoran come in please. =/\= He said while taping his com. badge.

Thoran had just finished his workout in the ship's gym and was returning the weights to their respective locations when the call came in =/\=Go ahead Teton=/\= as he reached for, uncapped and took a long drink from his water bottle.

=/\= As non-humans cannot assist on the away team. I have been taking this time to fine-tune my shooting and targeting skills. However, there appears to be an error with the phaser rifle I am using. The site may be faulty but I am unsure whether this is my fault or the weapon itself. I was wondering if you would like to join me in the holodeck and advise me please? =/\= Teton asked.

Thoran made his way to the holodeck eager to aid his newfound friend. Any day he got to put his hands on a rifle was a good day in his books. The hatch hissed open revealing Teton with the rifle in question. "So," he said announcing his entrance, "What seems to be the problem here?"

Teton showed Thoran the fallen hunter as he spoke.

“ As you can see. These hunters wear armoured suits. The only way to disable them. Is to hit their weak spot which is this visor on the helmet. It causes a lethal shock to the suit system. Short-circuiting the helmet. From my targeting area, I should have been able to hit this target. Thus bringing down the hunters. Even though I had targeted them correctly. The shot did not hit its target. Therefore either I am in error or the rifle is faulty.” Teton reported.

He showed the Andorian the rifle.

“ This is a specialised phaser rifle. With a telescopic sight and an extra-large power pack. For a longer working period. It also has a muffled beam emitter cutting down the sound by 40%. I would value your input on where the fault could be? ” Teton said

Thoran took the rifle looking it over. "Hmmm," he said aloud. "Very nice," he swung the rifle around, pointing it to the sky and slowly depressed the trigger with an audible click, "Trigger pull is not too bad." He looked the rifle over one last time before commenting, "You mind if I switch the program? I've got something that can determine if the fault lies with you or the rifle."

Teton gave a nod.

“ If you consider a change in the program a better way. To analyse the rifle to determine if indeed. The fault is either the rifle or of my own making. Then please feel free to change the program.” He replied

"Computer change program to Shon-Alpha-One." The holodeck began to change into a long-range firing range. Thoran took the rifle over to a firing position and laid down taking aim and firmly squeezing the trigger. The round discharged from the end of the barrel striking the target left of where it was intended. "Aim is off by about ten centimetres. Here," he handed the rifle back to Teton, "Show me what you are doing and we will see what we need to do to correct it."

Teton took ups a firing position on the floor. He aimed at the target using the scope and fired. His shot went left as well and missed the centre of the target. He stood and handed the weapon back to Thoran.

“ I should of hit the target dead centre. But as with your shot, there was a definite pull to the left. On the scope, I had the target in range at the dead centre. But it is 5% off to the left. Not good in a combat situation. I believe the humans have a phrase…..are yes. It is the 5% that kills you.” Teton said

"I prefer 'It's all the little things myself." Thoran took the rifle over to a nearby workbench. Quickly and expertly disassembles and inspects the rifle. Noting some minor issues he bushes the rifle and reassembles it before tossing it back to Teton, "There you go. The bore had a slight obstruction due to being slightly dirty. It has been cleaned and the scope recalibrated. Give it a try, should work fine."

Teton took the rifle and tried it. This time he hit the target dead centre. Nodding he stood and looked at Thoran.

“ Thank you for your assistance in the repair of my phaser rifle. Now I must leave you as my duty shift is about to begin. As our human crew colleagues say. Have a good day.” Teton said.


2nd Lieutenant Thoran Shon
Rifle Officer


Ensign Teton ( NPC Silver )


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