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In the Beginning

Posted on 19 May 2017 @ 9:54pm by Major S'arila Donovan

1,176 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS Scavenger/Various
Timeline: Alternate reality timeline 2


- MACO HQ – Earth –

After their recall both Alex and S’arila showed up at the briefing in their civvies, this brought them strange looks and in her way, as she always did Alex had something to say.

“Apologies on the clothes but the call sounded urgent, so unless you are willing to pause the briefing while we both get properly dressed Colonel we will go get changed!” Alex said with a smile.

The marine Colonel sighed vexed; Somers was a damn good marine with a tragic service history, which he was still trying to get clearance to see. But he knew that alpha type females and males were pre-naturally disposed to saying what came to mind and they made good leaders too boot, but dammit they had attitudes to match, he put her outburst to the back of his mind as he continued.

“Okay, a small unit of twelve led by Captain Somers and Lieutenant Donovan will be a scouting party that will go ahead of the rest of the Regiment to New Hampton Colony out in the Mira Sector. They are a newly established Federation Colony out in an area of space that has no real Starbases that are close enough to send rapid support.”

He paused…..

“One of the first buildings that were built was a basic communication’s station and as of 0800 hours two days ago the colony went silent. Currently, Starfleet does not know what has happened there and has sent a long-range scout out to re-establish contact; we lost contact with the ship yesterday when they missed a scheduled check-in. So far, the only ships that have not lost contact in that area are our freighters, they can only send back limited data. But one ship did manage to capture these images” he paused as he called up a different visual.

The image was a little blurry until the Colonel manipulated the zoom controls and there were gasps. In orbit of the planet deep in Federation space was two large Dominion Battlecruisers, Donovan wondered how did they get so far into Federation space without being detected!

Raising her hand “I have a question Sir” she began.

Looking in the direction of the voice “yes Lieutenant Donovan, what is it?” the Colonel asked.

“Sir, if they are really Dominion ships, how the hell did they get there, I assume that DS9 has not reported any unusual wormhole openings in the Bajor sector, nor detected tachyon emissions from cloaked ships coming through?” Donovan asked.

The Colonel finally took note of the tall marine wearing specialised glasses, he knew of Donovan and her unique heritage, but until now never really noted her. “Good questions El-tee, and you are correct nothing unexpected has come through the Bajoran wormhole cloaked or uncloaked.”

“So basically then sir, there are one of two possibilities then!” Alex spoke up and saw the Colonel cringe a little, she had no idea why. “ the First Option is the Dominion ships have a new type of engine that can cover the 75,000 light-years or more distance, they have been silent a long time and this could be a possible, or they have found another stable wormhole of which we do not know about! Personally, I hope it is trans-warp as that can be countered, but another stable wormhole with no Starbase guarding it is too frightening to truly contemplate.”

Alex said and noted the room had gone deathly silent and all were looking at her, she looked at them “like you all were not thinking the same!” she countered.

The Colonel cleared his throat “Captain, are do you usually look at things so realistically or does it come naturally?” he asked.

Alex looked at him “I am a marine; it is my job to look at things realistically, I got no time for pussy-footing or softening the blow, to do saw has the potential to cause casualties” Alex said.

The Colonel shared some of her sentiments, but dammit, she was oO morbid Oo he thought to himself, but hers were good observations. “This is a valid observation Captain and why your squad will be doing recon, we need to know for certain,” the Colonel said.

With that, he continued with his briefing laying out follow-up plans for the rest of the marines. When the briefing ended both women went to their separate quarters to get dressed, when they got there, they found briefing Padds waiting for them. These gave them the shuttle name and what equipment to bring and what transport they will be meeting up with at Galen system. Where they will be ferried in as close to Paradise system.

It was a stupid name and S’arila had mentioned but they were not the ones who named the systems, but New Hampton was a young Colony that had been going for twenty years already. But for it to become a full-fledged populated world would take decades or a few hundred years, but it’s fate was not what the colonists had expected.

- Earth flight Pan – Troops shuttle USS Bradley –

Alex and S’arila were waiting for the rest of their team to assemble and when they did “Okay you were all in the briefing so you know the score, but expect the situation to change when we get there as Intel will only tell you so much” Alex said.

“Okay marines; get your persons into the shuttle MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!” S’arila shouted and the marines like a well-oiled spring moved into action.

When the others were aboard both women headed to the cockpit, Alex would pilot and S’arila would be the co-pilot. The moment the door was closed the shuttle lifted off and S’arila sensed than heard the other woman’s thoughts.

“You mean to say this shuttle has a cloaking device, Alex?” Donovan asked.

Alex looked at her “Dammit, I thought you could control whose thoughts you could hear?”

Looking all innocent “It is not my fault this time, your surprise was so big that it blasted through my mental barriers, so we have a cloak, obviously it will be for when we have to land, I wonder how Starfleet got away with putting one on a shuttle?” Donovan said.

“I have no clue” Alex responded then went silent as she saw the Starfleet ships they were going to Galen system in, Alex whistled. “A Scavenger class ship, by all accounts she is the fastest ship in the fleet, but untested as it is a prototype”.

*Shrugging* “Well it looks like its test flight is to take us to the Galen system, hell of a test flight if you ask me” Donovan responded back.

Alex said nothing, she just got clearance to land on the ship, which she did and she landed the shuttle so gently S’arila did not notice until the ramp was being lowered.


Marine Captain Alexandria Somers [NPC: J Somers]
2nd SAS MACO Regiment

1st Lieutenant S’arila D’Tana Donovan[PNPC: Somers]
2nd SAS MACO Regiment


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