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Back Post "Anger"

Posted on 22 May 2022 @ 9:42pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG shakram Coro

1,322 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Serina's Office


Serina ran from her quarters in tears. It had nothing to do with Paul, she was emotionally torn apart.

She had received news from SB321 that two of her close friends, both former fighter pilots from her group, were killed in a mid-air explosion. Serina had seen explosions like this before, but not like this one.

Slamming the door to her office, Serina broke down crying harder. Again it was the Orion Syndicate that orchestrated the attack and this time they wounded several crew members on the ship. Unfortunately, for Serina, this news brought back a long-forgotten pain and flashback.

Angry again, she started throwing PADDs around her office, watching them shatter. Out loud into her empty office, she yelled, "Why do I remain here? I should be with my girls!" Throwing a small chair across the room, she just missed her computer fortunately this time. Last time it wasn't so lucky….

Pulling her boots off, she started to get into her flight suit. She was going back to SB51 and resigning her commission.

Paul had followed her straight towards what was his old office when he was the Tomcat's CAG, as he remembered the way Paul knew that something was wrong he could feel it. As an ex-pilot, he understood the pitfalls that went with the job, as he entered the Flight deck and noticed the crew looking at him.

He said " Carry on " as he headed towards the back of the flight deck. As he pressed the door chime and the door slid back, suddenly a boot came flying back at him as he said " honey, what's wrong?"

Throwing the other boot at him, "I am going back to my girls! I should have resigned a long time ago. They need me! The Orions made me unclean, dirty, and I have no right to be anyone's wife," she yelled at Paul. Picking up her coffee pot, she was about to hurl it at Paul when something brought her to tears. The girls…..would they be human or Orion?

Paul stepped inside the office and looked at his wife, he said," Those girls are our Serina and we have to protect them by doing our job" as he understood her feelings, he continued "after my crash I wanted to quit Starfleet " as he tried to make her see sense, he finished. "Our Klingon friends outside made me realise I was forgetting about my honour and why I joined Starfleet in the first place."

"I can protect them better by being with them! Not by being out here! I joined Starfleet to fly and protect, not to be used and violated by the Orion pirates. Not to be experimented on, not to have babies before I get married. It just isn't done!" Serina bellowed at Paul. The upset was not the word. Emotional turmoil led to anger and she took it out on everything. Her office was a mess and as Paul went to hold her she fought like a wildcat to get loose. The last person to hold her left her flat and now she wondered if Paul would do the same. Suddenly anger turned to fear and she broke down sobbing. "Oh Paul, I am sorry…." she whispered sobbing on his arm.

" I know hon, I do know one thing and that is those Klingons out there will help you protect the girls with their lives," Paul replied as he held onto Serena, He continued "they see them as Family and will do anything and everything in their power," he finished "and as will I even if it means jumping back into the cockpit and disobeying the fleet Captain's Orders that Grounded me."

"Don't you dare!" Serina glared at him. "I wish you were flying again but at least I know you are safe on the ship and the girls have a father to raise them if something happens," she said. "How do you know the Klingons here will help keep the girls safe? Have you stuck your neck out again and spoken to them?" she added, looking at him worried again but more angry than worried.

" I didn't have to, you see a friend of mine, James Stewart," replied Paul as he looked back at her," His Brother Eric sits on the Klingon High council and I got inducted into the house and as such, they are honour bound to help us."

"Are you.....wait, you mean to tell me that you are in a Klingon family house and they are pledged to help us?" Serina said, looking at Paul incredulously. Not knowing how to fathom this piece of news, she sat down hard on the chair. A sharp pain coursed through her back making her wince.

"Yes," Paul said looking at her, he continued "One word from Shakram and we will have a battle fleet here ready to help us if needed as she is T'leigh's cousin."

Serina knew she either pulled something or broke something because the pain in her back was really bothering her but made no emotion. She would discretely go see the doctor later. "Now about the Klingons, you're telling me that they will be here to help if something were to happen to the girls?" Serina asked.

"Yes, when I Marry you, you will gain a place in the house as will the girls," replied Paul "as they will be seen as a family member" he continued looking back at Serena He finished "and If I know shakram like I do she will not stop till the girls are home,"

Just then the door opened and in walked a tall brown wavy haired Klingon, and she saw Paul standing there," Paul Winchester, what are you doing here?" as it had been a long time" as he walked over and hugged him, Paul returned the hug and as he parted the hug, he said to her.

" I was telling her about the house," he stated looking at Shakram as he knew that she was going to ask why and then look at them both.

She replied," Why are you telling her about the house?" as she stood looking directly at Paul.

He responded," Well, she is soon to be my wife and I am to gain 2 lovely young girls as my Daughters," looking over at Serena "and she is worried that someone might go after the girls,"

Shakram responded "Congratulation Paul, I will inform T'Leigh at once and we have family loyal Klingons on the station," as She knew that the protection would start now "and they are now Protected, Ma'am"

Serina almost fell flat on the floor when she heard the words, " and they are now protected, ma'am. The words she wanted to say were lost in the wind as her voice froze. Looking at Paul she hoped he had the words to say that escaped her voice.

"Shakram, Thank you for that it is appreciated " as he looked back at her, "Serina does welcome the news and put her mind at rest," he continued as he held out his hand for the Klingon to shake.

Shakram responded "They are family to me Paul" she continued " and I swear this oath in the name of Kahless that anything happens to those girls I will hunt those who harmed them down and I will personally see them pay"

Combined with the emotional stresses, anger, and just now meeting the Klingon that swore an oath, Serina's knees buckled as she sank to the floor. "This has taken its toll on me," she said barely conscious.

"Thanks, Shakram, for everything" replied Paul as he moved to help Serina up, " your dismissed," as Shakram gave a nod of her head and exited the room, he turned to Serena and said," Let's get you home?" as he knew a good sleep would help her.


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security Officer


Lt. Serina "Reaper" Donovan


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