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The Rescue Part #4

Posted on 10 Apr 2022 @ 5:38pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Warrant Officer K'Muss & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan
Edited on on 25 Apr 2022 @ 6:00pm

2,458 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


- Corridor/Engineering -

Thyra walked through the corridor as she scanned around. o0 This looks like an older model. There should be no problem hacking them.o0 She looked over to K'Muss and their Rifleman. "We're getting near engineering. I am detecting two life signs near the entrance. Engineering is not heavily guarded." She whispered. "They probably have most of their guards near the brig and the bridge. You two go on ahead and take the two guards outside out."

She signalled K'Muss and the Rifleman to go up front. She could handle this, but as she was the intelligence officer, she knew she had to fall back behind tactically.

K'Muss motioned to the other Rifleman to cover his six. He nodded his understanding. Quietly he crept up to a position of slight concealment and the caitian drew his knife. They then threw it "commando style. The knife connected with the first guard, and he dropped to the ground. The second guard was alerted and furiously pounced on K'Muss. He was quickly dropped by the caitians fellow marine.

Thyra looked at her tricorder. She probably had more chance of hacking the system in Engineering. In the Cargo bay was a console, she could at least disable the alarms. She put the tricorder back in her belt and tightened the grip on her phaser.

"All clear" K'Muss said, motioning for Thyra to move up. He retrieved his TR-116. "Masters, watch the door." He ordered.

"Ten-Four Chief" Masters replied

Thyra nodded and moved up to the entrance and scanned the door. She put two fingers to signal she got two life signs. They were most likely engineers as she couldn't detect any power weapons or weapons of any kind. But that didn't mean these engineers couldn't defend themselves. She put her tricorder away and grabbed her phaser pistol. She set it to stun as was standard procedure. She held up her pistol she reached up towards the door panel and hit a button. The doors slid open with a puff and she ducked for cover immediately while she pointed her weapon around. At the first sign of movement, she quickly fired her phaser dropping the two engineers to the floor.

She looked around as she put her weapon back in its place flipping her tricorder out. "Alarms are disabled. Mr K'Muss, you do your things," She said as she walked to a panel. She pushed a few buttons on the controls. A grin appeared on her lips. o0Easy!o0 She thought to herself. The systems were a little older so she had no problem hacking into them. She then set up the link between the console and her tricorder and started the download. How she wished to look through the data, but it'll have to wait till they got back to the ship.

The caitian nodded and immediately got to work.

Rifleman Johnson followed K'Muss with the equipment and activated the explosives and handed them to K'Muss so he could place them.

Meanwhile, Thyra was still downloading the database on her tricorder. Then her tricorder beeped notifying her of two life forms closing in on them. Quickly she hit the tricorder under the console and let it continue its work. The only thing she could do was call out, "K'Muss, Johnson!" As she gripped her phaser and rolled away for cover.

The door swished open and three Nausicans stormed in firing on the intruders. "Kill them if you must." One growled to the others.

The speaking Nausican came close to Thyra and she came out and shot him down. The Nausicaan dropped to the floor and Thyra ducked down for cover again.

K'Muss levelled his rifle and managed to get a shot off, hitting an attacking Nausicaan square in the chest. The enemy went down. Not before getting a shot of his own off, however. "Rawwerr!" K'Muss exclaimed as a disruptor bolt connected with the caitians leg.

"Okay. It's on now!" The caitian yelled as he continued to fire.

Johnson took cover in the nick of time as well. A firefight ensued. "I thought you said you disabled the alarms," Johnson shouted.

Thyra continued firing. "You should know better, Johnson. The alarms were on, which meant they were alerted of intruders. Me turning off the alarms didn't change that fact. But you know what, if we survive this I will treat you to an Andorian ale, what do you say?"

Johnson grinned and said, "Hah! I will hold you to that, ma'am."

Thyra jumped up from behind her cover and shot the last Nausican down. She walked to the console and picked up her tricorder. "Finish those charges, I think I have been here long enough."

"Hope I'm included," K'Muss said, limping over. He opened up a first aid kit and began to treat his leg. "After sickbay of course. Charges ready to blow, by the way, Ensign."

"Of course," Thyra smiled. "Now let's pack up and get back." They walked over to the engineering door to head back to the ship. She was done with this place.

- Nausicaan ship's Cargo Bay -

After finishing up on the bridge and getting what they came for Alex, Donovan, Sinclair with the Apostate bound left their location, Major Donovan was gently carrying the Fleet Captain, who was barely moving in her arms, thanks to their efficient house-cleaning on the way in. Now with a clear run, they made it back to the cargo bay they entered from, the Colonel went first and dragged the Apostate in and sat him down, Sinclair helped the Major gently get the Fleet Captain now wrapped in a blanket and sat her opposite the Apostate, the doctor was making sure the Captain was still okay.

"S'arila take the helm if you will please," Somers said as she looked at her cousin was curled forward head down and she was shaking and still dirty, Donovan nodded and moved to the pilot seat, the Colonel sat next to the Apostate, she looked up as the other Rifleman with Thyra's team entered the shuttle and took his seat, then came Thyra and K'Muss with the last rifleman getting in and closing the hatch.

"Did you get any information and plant those explosives, Ensign?" Colonel Somers asked the Chief Intelligence Officer.

"Explosives? You're going to blow my ship up?" The Apostate asked.

Thyra looked a second at the new passenger they seem to have taken on and then back at the colonel. "I got enough intel to keep me busy for a while, and..." She looked over to K'Muss. "Just give the order and we can light some fireworks, colonel."

Jane, meanwhile, continued to examine her patient, holding her still in her seat and trying to heal the worst of the injuries in this confined space. It was the best she could do until they returned to the Tomcat and its proper sickbay.

The Colonel looked at the Apostate "yes, yes we are that is the price for taking an innocent Starfleet Officer hostage" the Colonel said pointing at Jasmine who was eyeing the Apostate from her one open eye with pure hate, she had seen that look before and she did not like what usually followed it.

Looking at the front of the ship "Major get us out of here and clear of the blast radius" Alex said, Donovan did not answer, she just did what she was told and a faint clunk could be heard as the ship undocked from their spot on the hull of the Apostates ship, the sudden escaping atmosphere pushed the ship closer to the planet which still bore the scores of the BDZ order "everyone enjoyed their little jaunt?" the Colonel asked her team, the riflemen simply smiled.

"You take me to all the nicest places boss," S'arila Donovan said the humour in her tone was clear.

"I'm just glad we were able to succeed without losses," Jane said, taking a moment to examine K'Muss's leg, which he had begun to treat but needed a bit more attention.

"I am just glad to be out of there." Thyra still looked around. She took a seat. The tricorder with the Intel was burning a hole in her pocket. But she had to hold her enthusiasm back.

"It's" K'muss said, wincing as he echoes James Kirk's last words. "Need to be quicker next time I guess." He cracked a smile. "Thanks, Doc"

When they were well outside the blast radius the ship exploded spectacularly in a huge fireball, Alex looked at the Apostate "now then Apostate let me put you straight on some things" Alex began looking at their captive deadly serious.

"I was the one who gave the BDZ order after Starfleet gave the order begrudgingly as a rule Starfleet is not in the business of ruining a perfectly good M Class world they were colonizing. That planet you were orbiting was infected with a horde of Mutated Bluegills, they had infected the entire planet and ecology, there was only one option and that was the Base Delta Zero order which rendered the planet destroyed for a few hundred thousand years possibly millennia. We put up warning buoys making sure no one goes planetside, the other Class M world is perfectly healthy no infestations on that planet.

The Fleet Captain who is a TFCO was on other duty to another ship at the time the planet died, you kidnapped and tortured the wrong officer, knowing this how does that make you feel Apostate that you sullied the wrong officer?" Alex asked.

"Mistakes happen, if I ever get another chance then you and I will have a date with destiny, Colonel." The Apostate replied. "All I know really know was that it was the USS Tomcat that destroyed my planet. We have no treaties with your Federation. Is it your custom to go to planets that do not belong to you and simply destroy them? I find that unacceptable." The Apostate added.

"And we find torture like what I found disgusting, the planet at the time had no sentient life on it and was in unclaimed space, so do not give me that crap Apostate, you will never leave Federation custody, I could speak to the Klingon's and you would end up on Rura Penthe for life, a Federation prison is a holiday spare in comparison," the Colonel said.

From where she was sitting directly opposite the Apostate, Jasmine was glaring at her tormentor with pure hate and still being traumatized, her beat-up body still had some strength in it, Jasmine felt the rage built up, hearing what the Apostate was saying and threatening Alex with likely the same as she had gotten, then with a sudden adrenaline-fuelled movement, Jasmine moved quickly towards him arms stretched out and she grabbed his head in the appropriate places and quickly and violently broke the Apostates neck as she turned his head almost 360 a loud crack was heard, the man fell forward his head at an unnatural angle to what it should be, it was clear he was dead, Jasmine sat back down and again curled up and wept her ordeal was over and her tormentor was no more.

The back of the ship was silent, those in the rear cabin were silent with shock, S'arila's keen hearing heard a crack, she put the ship on auto-pilot and looked back "that was unexpected!" she commented and knew the Fleet Captain had killed the Apostate as the reaction from the others were of shock.

"Damn Jas, you have anger issues woman!" Alex said to her cousin.

The sobbing Fleet Captain had cried so hard in a short moment that she started to hiccup and in between them "he deserved it after what he put me through" she said in a cracked voice as she devolved into a mix of coughing and hiccups.

Alex thought about what Jasmine said and shrugged "probably correct and he said he would not spend time in a Starfleet Prison, I guess he was correct on that" she said and looked at her cousin and knew the woman would never be the same again she looked at Sinclair "keep an eye on her doc" the Colonel said and moved forward and sat in the co-pilot's seat without waiting for the doctor to respond, she wondered how each of them would adjust to what they just saw.

oO Jesus Christ Oo, Jane thought after seeing the Fleet Captain lunge at their prisoner and kill him so quickly and suddenly. She'd been out of position helping K'Muss, so she couldn't have stopped it. She wondered if she could have done anything even if she had been there; Somers was in a weakened state but adrenaline can do a lot to a person.

The doctor ignored the Colonel's order and first went to the Apostate to scan him with her tricorder. If he could be saved, she would try, but her scans were pretty conclusive. Fractures of the C3 and C4 vertebrae, as well as spinal detachment from the medulla.

She returned to the Fleet Captain and got her to lie down across a few of the seats in the back of the ship, blanket over her, before giving her a mild sedative. "It's all right, Captain. Time for a much-needed rest."

As a security officer, Thyra had seen a lot of violence. Still, this caught her by surprise. Watching the Fleet Captain lunge out and attack someone and even snap their neck. She was a moment in shock and then she turned to K'Muss. "Doing ok there, K'Muss?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

"As well as can be expected, Ensign" the caitian said. "How about you?"

Back at the cockpit, Alex was speaking to S'arila, she had looked back and had seen Sinclair initially ignore her instruction "doctors" she quietly said then faced front "well S'arila it seems the Apostate predicted his own future, he said that she would not spend time in a Federation Prison and he was correct, but I bet he never saw Jasmine breaking his neck and killing him outright!" Alex said.

"I have seen worse, still I did not think Jasmine had it in her!" Donovan said in mild surprise.

"The woman was beaten, tortured and mentally abused, she beat me to it I was ready to slit his throat, but I better go back and say something," Alex said with a sigh and got up from the co-pilot seat and went to the cabin area.


Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO


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