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Posted on 04 May 2022 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

1,510 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Before SAR Mission and Away Mission



A phrase from his childhood ran through Silver's mind as he walked slowly to sickbay. Haste is waste.

With the upcoming mission beckoning. Ted had been rushing around the science lab. As he did not know how long he would be away. An ongoing experiment needed finishing. It regarded some water that had been collected from a recent probe survey. For some reason the water seemed immune to freezing. They were seeing just how low the temperature could go before anything happened to it.

He had been in such a rush. That he forgot how cold the outer casing of the container, could get. Holding the sample could get. He ended up freeze burning his hand on the casing.

Ted looked around for someone to help him.

“ Excuse me I need a little help please.” He said

Dr. Jane Sinclair had been doing paperwork when she heard the door open and the sound of someone in pain come in. She got up from her chair and rushed to the sickbay entrance, where she saw a human male, quite a bit taller than her, in Science blue.

He was holding his hand out in such a way that the burn was immediately visible. "Ouch," she said, wincing in sympathy. "Take a seat on the biobed and I'll get you sorted." She tapped on an open biobed and then went to find some equipment.
I'm Jane, by the way. Dr. Jane Sinclair, Deputy Chief Medical Officer."

Silver gave her his best brave boy smile.

“Hello. Professor…..sorry Deputy Chief Science Officer Ted Silver. Ouch this really hurts. Freeze burn. Hope you can save my hand. Mother gave it to me and I am quite attached to it…” he replied

Jane helped him to the biobed and began by affixing something to the wrist of the affected hand. "It's a neural inhibitor, which will block the pain completely," she explained before activating it. "How is it now?"

Although he could not move his hand. The pain was beginning to go.

“ Pains gone. Still can’t move it though.” Ted replied

She gave him a smile. "Good. Now let's see how bad it is." She picked up her medical tricorder off the tool cart and gave his hand a thorough scan. "Well the good news is I won't have to amputate." She gave him a wink. "The damage isn't very deep, Deputy Chief Science Officer Ted Silver. Looks like your reflexes kicked in and you very quickly released whatever burned you. Recovery won't exactly be fun or quick but you'll absolutely be fine. What happened, by the way?" she asked as she snapped shut the tricorder.

“The classic example of being in a hurry and not paying attention. “Doing a freezing experiment and forget how cold the outer container could get.” He replied. “ Will I still be able to play the piano?”

Jane nodded. "Absolutely. I'd never deprive a person and their music." She picked up the dermal regenerator and began passing it along the skin. "Most of this is superficial. No nerve damage. The skin will be a bit sensitive and might flake a bit for a few days." She gently moved the hand around, careful not to bend the joints too far, as she passed the dermal regenerator over it. "So you play piano? I do too! As well as sing! What's your music of choice?"

Ted smiled he had the same interests as Jane.

“ I like to sing and play to. That’s great I can still play. Earth music of the 1960’s is my favourite. Before computers took over and musician’s got lazy. Have you ever heard of a classical group called the Beatles?” He asked

She scrunched her nose at the comment about computers making musicians lazy. “I have, but they weren’t my thing. I enjoy converting songs from different genres into piano ballads, but also love the electronic scene. I was keyboardist for a band in the Academy called The Crescendolls. One of our chief inspirations was a late twentieth and early twenty-first band called Daft Punk. One of those groups that got lazy using computers, as you say.”

Ted blushed. He was not used to speaking with females. Even if they were fellow officers. He always got his wording wrong.

“ When I meant lazy. I did not mean everyone. I have heard of Daft Punk. I believe they came from a place on Earth called the never regions…….sorry Netherlands Netherlands. What I meant was many musicians in the 1980’s on Earth let the computer do their work for them. But yes there were plenty of groups that successfully found a way to use computers as an aide. Like Kwaftwork or Soft Cell. There was even a group called the Thompson twins. You were in the Crescendolls! Wow I liked them.” Ted replied

"Thank you!" Jane said. "Yeah we played the Academy scene quite a bit. The bars and clubs that catered to cadets as much as to local young adults. I was on keyboard and did a little more than half the main vocals." She smiled up at him as she finished with the dermal regenerator. "But Daft Punk was from France, not the Netherlands." She gave him a wink and stepped away.

"I'm going to turn off the neural inhibitor," she explained before he could reply. "It won't be pain free but it will be better. Give your hand a few flexes, but don't touch anything with it yet." The glowing lights on the inhibitor around his wrist turned off. "How do you feel?"

France.Yes they did come from there. Why would Ted think the Netherlands? Then the pain returned although not as bad as last time.

“ Pain still there but not as bad as last time. This is what happens when your in such a hurry . Your common sense goes bye bye with your brain.” Ted moaned.

If he was not such a baby when it came to ouches. He would of asked her. If he could keep it as a reminder. To watch what he is doing in future.

"It happens to the best of us, Lieutenant," Jane said. "Just remember to use proper PPE next time. Here." She held up a hypo that she had prepped. "This is an analgesic for the pain and a mixture of three antibiotics to prevent any infections." She pressed it to his neck, the telltale hiss indicating that the drugs were administered. "I'll have a couple of other things for you. I'll just need to get them from the pharma replicator. In the meantime I need to ask, does this ship doing anything fun music wise? Karaoke, open mic night, concerts, that sort of thing?" She had walked to the replicator but that was close by; she could still see and hear him.

Ted smiled as he remembered.

“ You know I am not sure. While on leave we did end up in the dance/karaoke club. But that was off ship. Although what with all that is going on. It would be nice but I don’t think there is time.” Ted replied

"It's important to make time for relaxation," Jane said. "Counselor Arderne would agree, I think. A rested mind gets more done. And remembers PPE before touching dangerously cold things," she teased. "But can you invite me next time something happens, even off-ship? It would be nice to socialize with you lot. I hadn't met too many people before we pushed off from '51."

Ted nodded.

“ Quite true in most circumstances but not here. Due to human looking crew only on the away team. We are going to be really short handed on this away mission. So there is an awful lot of pre mission setting up to do. Plus we got wear this late 20th century clothing. Have you seen the foot wear. All those shoe laces that have to be tied by hand? A good old sing song over a beer or two would be just wright.” Ted said

"Then we'll need to arrange one at some point," Jane said with a smile. She came back to her patient with three items. "Okay, first, this is an analgesic and moisturizing cream. Apply twice per day, about a gram, and rub it in until your hand doesn't feel like a residue or anything. Next is a special wash with an exfoliant, it will help get rid of any skin that flakes off. Wash your hands with this before applying the pain relief gel. Last, wear these gloves while working for the next two shifts. They'll just keep your hands clean. You only need the one, but who wants one glove, right?" She set everything down in front of him. "The pain should be gone completely once you run out of the analgesic cream, about four days. Any questions for me?"

Ted shook his head.

“ Thanks Doctor!” Silver said.



Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant (jg) Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat


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