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A Wonderous Place? Part 2

Posted on 06 Jun 2022 @ 2:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Captain Mazal Falk

4,073 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Main)
Location: Planet 569701-D or Arth as known to the inhabitants


Meanwhile, in the house Ginger was advising Lamia of blessing reception that was to follow tomorrow for the arrival of Gaston. Ginger then opened a cupboard to show a sort of communications device that resembled a desktop computer often found in the officers' offices on the ship. Ginger touched a few of the buttons and more or less transmitted the news of Gaston's emergence.

"I am so blessed you happened upon us as you did. However, you gave me a fright at first as I have not seen you around here before. Where are you from?" Ginger asked of Lamia.

Lamia watched as Ginger used the computer, definitely not something from the era of time the world appeared to be at, she had to think quickly to answer Ginger’s question. “We come from far away, we have spent a long time travelling to get here. Hence why we were so grateful that you have accepted us, and allowed us to rest.

"I want to log your residence in my system so we can call upon you once again when Gaston achieves 1 cycle and then again at 14 cycles. The emergence party members must be there, you know as I am certain you follow the customs at your home. Do you not?" Ginger stated and asked of Lamia.

“Actually ... our customs are somewhat different.” Lamia had to think quickly. “I’m not sure if I’ll still be here then, we ... move around a lot.”

"You must be from very far as all I know still follow the customs." Ginger replied with an odd look at Arderne. "I thought all had accepted the customs, new as they are it is frowned upon to not observe them."

“Well we... are on a pilgrimage of sorts, to learn the ways of others.” She hoped Leland and Mazal would soon be there to help her.

"You can't go in there, that is for Males only. The superior of the sex is not to contact the charging liquid. This is for males only. Please do not contaminate the ritual in progress." Granger stated as he took his son and watched in awe as Falk opened the door to the bio charging pool of manhood.

Mazal looked over her shoulder towards Granger, "Ritual?" her eyes narrowed, her skin was prickling up as she felt even more of a worry. And ill at ease. "Sorry Granger, I'm going in." Mazal stepping further inside, the door closing behind her. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness then she saw the glow and she approached it. "Leland!" Mazal called out, "Leland!" her friend... the one she had connected with when they first met. "What the blue blazes is this!" seeing Leland being covered by... eels and the bio luminescent pool of water and of the eels.

Leland shocked out of his electric love the eels seemingly were processing from him. The act of symbiosis, the eels deriving the energy from within, more ways than one.

Jostled, he turned towards Mazal in the tank. As he was glowing in full show in depth of the tank. "Hi! Mazal.... Got a bit of a situation... Apparently I am in... or part of a.... Ritual." His face turned red embarrassed.

"Mazal. Capt. Imma butt naked... Tanked out. Granger. One hell of a good time that dude is." He mocked the situation to Mazal with a chagrin.

"I had been kind of a part of one as well." Mazal responded, "I am wondering if this is something like a cleansing of a person getting ready for a mating process. Therefore Leland, I hope you are able to get out. If you can't, I will come in there and pull you out of that glowy bath you are taking there." Mazal giving a slight chuckle. Her voice sobered up, "Also, Mia is by herself in that cottage." Mazal stepping closer to where that pool of glowing water is.

Leland felt a surge of concern flow through him for his teammate. “Arderne.” He spoke, nodding. She could be in danger at that very moment. Hawksley held out his hands, gently rising to the top and then gently separating it from the effervescent water. Breathing, his eyes closed. “Oh god.” Then lifting himself out of the tank. All those overhead bar showings offs worked as he then set his feet on the top of the tank and rolled off to the opposite side. He jolted back into his uniform and rushed out with Mazal back to the main house. "What did he do to you?" Mazal was asked by Hawk as they ran...

"He didn't do anything to me, but Ginger wanted myself and Mia to go with her into the pond, naked, with the baby as part of a ritual. Then she took Mia into the cottage and left me and the baby in the pond. I just didn't want to stand there, not knowing what is going to happen. I got dressed, well what I am wearing and came to get you." Mazal jogging next to Leland. "I did feel something like a fish go around my ankle. I decided to just get you for us to join back up with Mia."

She looked back towards Granger, then turned her gaze back to Leland. "We need to not get separated again. Not if we can help it."

'Stop, you two, you can't enter the dwelling as the ritual is not yet finished." Granger stated firmly as he held his son tightly moving to get in front of Mazal and Leland. "The best for my son is to let the last part of the ritual continue. Please do not go in the dwelling. Your friend is unharmed and will remain so. The bond is almost formed and then your friend will be the next to be available."

"Available for what, Granger? And what is the bond you are speaking of?" Mazal just didn't know what to make of this. "It worries me as we are from another place where there is different religious rituals. Is this a mating ceremony?"

Hawksley guffawed deep inside. A mating ritual! This was all falling into line. Hawksley turned to Mazal. “I don’t like that. I don’t like that at all.” Leland spoke with an undertone.

Hawksley turned to the habitant. “Granger. I respect you and your customs. However.” Leland was anxious, worried over the liberties Granger and Ginger had placed the team in. Leland had his limits in playing local customary kindness as he went forth into the dwelling despite Granger now.

Hawksley looked the man in eye to eye.

“Our teammate is not of your culture. We cannot participate in your son’s ritual.” Leland empathized. He remained calm but clearly ready to stop it as he broadened his chest and shoulders, as a peacock would attract a female. Leland used his muscles this time to intimidate.

How would Granger respond to their actions? He looked to Falk, he would be left with no choice. Leland cracked his knuckles in his hands and furrowed his brows.


"You are no match to me." Granger still naked appeared to turn a purplish red in color from rage as he charged at Hawksley with his right arm aligned directly for his head as he held his son in his left arm and angled himself to keep Gaston safe. Granger was a solid young man with a very well built frame and very firm muscles that were tensing up for a conflict.

The rush of Granger moving to Hawksley along with the fist moving directly at Hawksley's nose was even making it's own wind so to speak.

Hawksley was only bluffing. He wanted to understand the mind of Granger, but beyond “the ceremony,” nothing was being answered.

The hit to his nose hit hard. Leland recoiled as he lent his right forearm, firmly slamming up against the strong contender. He talked calmly, letting the blood from his nose drip then and there.

“Granger…” Hawksley caught his breath, his head swimming. His automatic forearm held Granger back, and he firmly planted his feet into the soil, matching the current energies of each level of strength. “Buddy!! It’s ok. It’s ok. We will solve this, and everyone will go through with the ceremony!!” He didn’t know what he was saying, but it would re-correct his earlier miscalculation hopeful.

Would Granger respond in kind?

"The charging fluid is contaminated with female code. This pool will not be able to allow me the ability to parent another emmergant with my mate." Granger was still a shade of purple from the blood in his veins, but he was calming down. He stood looking at Hawksley's form and realized he was charged and he could parent the next emmergant."You my friend have the charge and could take the parenting code you have been gifted and give it to my mate." Granger stated in a calm and firm voice.

"No he may not do so." Mazal said in a rather commanding tone. "He can not give her his seed, as it will cause trouble for his lady. The pairing can not commence." Turning to walk inside the cottage.

Inside with Ginger, Lamia was wondering how much longer the ritual ways would keep her apart from the others. She wasn’t sensing any danger but without knowing the customs danger could lurk anywhere.

Mazal walked inside the cottage while Leland was dealing with Granger. "Mia, are you alright?" She was still clad in her swimsuit sort of undergarments, with her backpack on. She leaned in a whispered to Mia, "I do believe we were in sort of a mating ritual and it has been halted. I think Leland and I were to be chosen to be the next participants?"

Ginger came around the corner and gasped. "What have you done and where is Gaston?" She stated very firmly as she also started to get a purplish color to her from rage forming within.

Mazal raised an eyebrow but also got herself ready in case of a fight. "Gaston is with Granger and I will not be mated with Leland, he is not mine. You need to take a breath and not fight, and instead, talk." her voice was firm and also had a commanding tone to it.

“Our customs are different to yours Ginger” Lamia offered a smile hoping to calm things down a little. “We know little of this ritual”

Leland nodded as Granger listened to Mazal's reasoning. He knew Gaston was vulnerable, and Granger would defend his son for this... fertility ceremony.

Mazal frowned slightly as things were seeming to get ready to escalate. She said quietly to Mia. "If you have found something that doesn't belong here, then its time to take care of it, while Leland and I keep them occupied."

Mazal then facing Ginger. "Look, as what was said, we are unfamiliar with your rituals, and we are not wanting to cause trouble. We were trying to be respectful of your customs, just can't completely do so." Mazal's voice staying calm and cool. Hoping that Ginger will take things a bit more calmly.

Granger, with Gaston in his arms, followed by Hawksley entered the house. Granger handed Gaston to Ginger.

"We need to be of an understanding. These travelers are not like us and thus we need to be of an understanding. We expected them to know of our ways but maybe the part they come from do things different. I was told of a time when not all of us did same rituals. Maybe they are still from that time of thought where they come from." Granger stated firmly to Ginger as she was calming down from her rage.

"Perhaps you are here to negotiate with Central Plexis to be merged into the new ways of life brought to us by the magic of the new counsellor who came to us from Mid-Forest which is a forbidden place and in the direction you must have travelled from to get to our place." Ginger replied. "I will listen to what you say." as she pointed to Mazal. "You will be the speaker for your group as you have a voice of reason."

Lamia looked towards Falk offering a nod of agreement if she was happy to accept what Ginger had said.

Standing aside, Hawksley took in the information from Ginger and Granger. As gestured, the Central Plexis would be a further infiltration into the forbidden zone. The name Central Plexis didn’t sound local.

The very notion of a rogue Starfleet officer influencing another culture was most profound. Leland turned his gaze to Arderne and Falk.

"I agree." Mazal stated, though on her mind was also on whether there was some technology here, that shouldn't be allowed. "We will be going to Central Plexis, it will be a bit of a journey as well." she paused, "But before we do get back on our journey..." she put down her pack and put the rest of her clothing on, for she was still not completely attired.

"Central Plexis is a newer city. Founded about forty centers ago. The story is that a maiden come upon a temple to our chief goddess and used her abilities to have the monks convert their land into a center for knowledge. Over time the maiden attracted the elders and established them into a body to control the land and its people." Granger stated as he now appeared more calm and he handed the child to Ginger. "We were chosen for this allotment to raise our family in the ways of the new thinking."

"We were from two different tribes and when the constables came into our tribes they took our fluids and then coupled us based on what they said was best for Arth and the future. Most mates are of the similar appearances. The orange haired people typically are with other orange haired. The brown with brown and so forth. We were coupled but we were already sort of pulled together before this anyway. We were given the ability to contact the people in the center or what is now the Central Plexis as they like updates about emergences and reports about activity." Ginger stated as she cradled Gaston in her arms. Here women are the source of life and law, the woman is who runs the Central Plexis and the body is made up of those elite men and women who assist the Plexis with her doings."

Mazal nodded, at hearing of this. She looked outside to see what time of day it was, and it looked like the shadows were beginning to lengthen even more. The hour was seeming to be getting late. From what Mazal was also gathering from the information Ginger was talking about, there was some technology, if they had ways to communicate with the Central Plexis. "Seems you are doing well here." Mazal replied, "And that I am rather glad of it."

Mazal's eyes became slightly distant as she looked out towards the open window, and feeling the breeze as it moved the curtain gently. And her head tilted slightly as if she were listening to something. She turned to where Ginger and Gaston were standing, "I am getting a calling, a guidance to where we are to go, the spirits are whispering to me. They had led us here, and have found favor of you but now we must continue on our journey."

Lamia looked towards Mazal following in her footsteps. “If the spirits are guiding us to move on, then we must do as they ask of us.”

Leland listened. The meeting was concluding. The fiasco of having to participate in the ritual was now solved. The craftiness of Arderne and Falk was top-notch.

Hawksley, as if to emphasize the importance of Mazal and Arderne as leaders to him, he stepped back aside from them. He bowed and glanced at Granger. Would Granger allow the team to leave?

"I am charged for next emmergant and now I need to be filled. But someone needs to be with Gaston while the service is done." Ginger stated hoping to keep the trio of strangers longer so Granger and her could fulfill the custom.

"My mate, I am not charged as I was interrupted from the charging. However, he has taken a charge as he was in the fluid long enough, but the fluid is now toxic due to female input and I can not charge to parent the next emmergant."

"You all need to go, I will not tell any of your time here. I need to figure out how to get the next emmergant in place as my time is here and we only have so long before I can no longer have emmergants." Ginger stated in a worried state. oO I know they did not mean any harm but I have to get rid of these strangers and get the fluid recharged for the ritual. These strangers are more than we bargained for but they are too odd to remain and they don't deserve what will happen to them if they stay here. Oo

“I’m sure you still have plenty of time for more emergents Ginger, you are both still young.” Lamia smiled warmly. “We should go and let you plan for the next ceremony, we’re sorry if we intruded at the incorrect time.”

Mazal paused for a moment giving Ginger and Granger a glance. "If you go right now, Granger, I didn't enter the liquid. Leland came out of it without my touching him or it. Be at peace for it is not toxic. And we shall leave in peace as well." for it was true, she didn't enter the liquid she only saw Leland in it. And he left on his own.

"The spirits would have been displeased if I walked into the waters of life." Mazal also stating this. "You will be okay"

"Granger." Hawksley cleared his throat. His eyes focused, undeterred in his sincerest attempt to impart, that the process, whatever was to occur happened. Something was charged alright! He knew. Granger knew full well.

"I am of wholeness. I am un touched." Hawksley bowed his head, showing his trust of impart to the wanting couple.

Mazal looked at Leland then shook her head. "We must go now, Leland. It is the will of the spirits. As what I spoke to Ginger and Granger before, with my not having touched the charging liquid, Granger will be able to take care of his part. It will not take him long." Mazal didn't think it would be a good idea for Hawksley to sire a child here. She didn't have a good feeling about it. "Plus we must not leave evidence that we have been here for fear that Ginger and Granger will come to harm."

Granger then got behind Hawksley and wrapped his arms around him and squeezed tightly but more like a wrestling move than for harm. The squeeze made Granger a little excited as he poked Hawksley from below the waist.

"Had to withdraw the charge to let you go about. I will now be able to go into the next cycle and fulfill my parental duties with Ginger. Thank you." Granger then let Hawksley go and patted him on the shoulder. "You are welcome here any time, for you are now my brother."

"Granger is issuing you an honor reserved for only those we deeply care for." Ginger stated. "The two of you are now my sisters and are also welcome anytime." Ginger addressed to Falk and Arderne. "We value your time here and apologize for the direction your visit went. We should have realized not everyone is fully averse in the new rituals. But we can all still be an honor to one another. Gaston's honor name will be Leland and we we submit his information to the council for records, it will read Gaston Leland Tellar was born this day and that he will forever be loved by all who witnessed this emergence."

Lamia smiled warmly. “It was our honour to be here to assist with Gaston’s emergence, we wish you every happiness.” She looked towards Leland. “Leland has his own future emergence to look forward to as his wife is also with child.”

Mazal gave a nod at that news that Lamia provided. "Now that is done, we will go, Ginger, Granger and.." She smiled at the baby boy. "Gaston Leland Tellar. We thank you for the honor you have bestowed upon us." she looked at Lamia and Leland, "Let us go." with a smile and turned to leave the cottage. She paused at the door and turned to face Ginger and Granger, "May the spirits continue to bless you." giving a farewell smile.

Lamia breathed a sigh of relief as they got underway, she couldn’t wait to get the hell out of dodge.”

Leland felt humbled. He felt heart warmed by the words Granger had stated. He had meant them, and Leland could feel that. There was no loss of translation of the love that Granger and Ginger both had for him and now the sisters.

“I have been honored. Somehow, I want my son or daughter’s middle name to be Granger or Ginger.” Hawksley mused.

“Although,” as they began on their walk “I should definitely pass it through Lilli.” He chuckled.

“You are my sisters if Granger is my brother. This is a very large Family we have.” Leland winked at Lamia and Mazal.

“Orders Ma’am?” Leland wanted to know what was next.

Once they were out and away from Granger and Ginger's abode, Mazal looked at both Lamia and Leland, "We need to go back to where we started from. To the duck blind. That is the best that I can think of, this way we can make contact with the others and make a different plan of action. Its going to be slightly rough but its time to go back. " Mazal adjusting her backpack and then turned her direction that way. She remembered the way and it was time to go home.

Meanwhile at the Tellar homestead....

"Moved by our visitors, yet while strangers, they were good stock. The one called Mazel would be a good second for me. And that fellow, Leland would be a good second for you, he was charged and should have acted upon it." Granger stated as he cradled Gaston in his arms up to his bare chest.

"I have faith in the fact they were as truthful as permitted with us. They seemed like they were on a task and we distracted them from the course of action they needed to accomplish." Ginger stated firmly. "I know we will view them yet again. Gaston will see his second parents in due time and then we will have the final part of the ritual to complete."

The trio were walking towards the outpost/duck blind and yet they were still being watched by the small flock of silvery dragonflies that hoovered off just enough to appear native and arouse little suspicion but yet they were recording everything.

The trio arrived at the duck blind/outpost second. They would then wait for the other team to arrive, but in the mean time they would relax and enjoy the break and catch up with the others.

Once the last team arrived they all would be instructed by Lieutenant Lee to download their data into the computer systems previously restored by Taggert and that she was remaining behind on the planet for observation. She also stated she would be joined by two others from the ship who would be able to help her. They would remain until a later date, when the mission would resume but her smaller team would likely be able to continue research and maybe finding any survivors or the whereabouts of the remains of the original observation team.

After that update the rest of the away team was then transported back to the ship as two new members were beamed down to join Lt. Lee.


2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief Counsellor
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant JG Leland Hawksley
USS Tomcat

Granger Tellar (mission essential NPC: Dodd)

Ginger Tellar (mission essential NPC: Dodd)


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