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The Rescue Part #5

Posted on 30 Apr 2022 @ 1:26pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Warrant Officer K'Muss
Edited on on 01 May 2022 @ 2:11pm

2,236 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: During current mission


The ship was so silent only the humming of the systems could be heard...

"Listen up, I know you were all shocked and such at what recently happened, but know this the Fleet Captain needed the closure, I was ready to slice and dice the Apostate myself, the guy deserved what he got however misguided he was. The Fleet Captain will need all of us to be patient in the coming days and weeks speaking from experience such trauma is not something one gets over right away, are there any questions?" the Colonel asked.

"Yes, one," Jane asked, after ensuring Captain Somers was asleep. She stood and stared daggers at Colonel Somers. "Who the hell are any of us to have made that call? This was for a magistrate and a jury to decide, not one trauma victim."

Pinning Sinclair with a look "Lieutenant, you have never suffered such trauma in any form like the Captain has, nor I for that matter, I saw my best friend cut down before my eyes back when I was a very young Corporal, my first body I saw in person I still carry that memory of her loss with me to this day and all because Starfleet Intelligence screwed up on Intelligence. Think about what you saw when we entered that torture room, you have had time to assess the Captain's condition, she is going to have to see the Counsellor help with the trauma she needed closure, was she wrong to do what she has done, perhaps but note this Doctor when it was done she was not in her right mind, she had not long been pulled out of a situation which had her mentally abused among other things" Somers paused.

"I know you will want to put this event on record, I understand and would not expect anything less, the Captain would also understand too but when you do please remember there were reasons" Somers finished "Also, while he did not deserve to live we must do a short funeral ceremony for the Apostate when we get back to the ship" Alex finished

Thyra looked from the doctor to the colonel. Both had merit in their words. She sighed as she closed her eyes. "We have rules, regulations and laws. But circumstances sometimes change the rules of the game. They don't teach you that at the academy. It's what I learned in the Intel course. But I do understand the doctor's perspective, we should not forget she made an oath to preserve all life, friend or foe. But on the other hand, our guest was not a patient." She opened her eyes and looked at everyone present. "I have no questions." She got back up. "Let's get home fast, we all could use a drink."

"Too right, Ensign," Jane said to Thyra. She took her seat next to her patient and opened her tricorder to resume monitoring. "Just because it's understandable doesn't make it right, Colonel," she said before once again focussing all of her attention on making sure Fleet Captain Somers was comfortable for the journey back to the Tomcat.

"I agree with you Doctor, but it is, what it is and the deed was done, there is no way we can change what has happened, no matter how much we want to, now we must make sure the Fleet Captain survives," Alex said and returned to the front of the ship.

"How is the team taking it?" S'arila asked Alex without looking at the Colonel.

"How do you think! They saw their Commander snap a prisoner's neck and kill him outright, you can take the Officer out of the Marines, but you cannot take the Marine out of the Officer and yes Jasmine was once a Marine Major many years ago before moving to Fleet so her training kicked in for that moment" Alex said and then silence fell upon the ship except for the quiet humming of the ships, systems, but the silence did not remain.

The silence had been broken by the voice of Dr Sinclair singing, singing quietly and softly, to comfort the Fleet Captain who despite the sedatives was shaking in her sleep.

"Well, it would be great to be so strong
Never needed anybody else to get along
But we're so scared of the silence and the tricks that we use
Oh, we're careful and we're cunning but we're easily bruised
But I don't wanna lie about it, I'm not bulletproof

Thyra swayed a little to the melody of the song but remained quiet. She softly smiled and nodded. "That's a beautiful song doctor and so fitting."

In the cockpit the song could be heard Alex looked at S'arila "it is a nice song, don't you think Major?" She asked.

Nodding "yes, I did not know the doctor could sing, learn something new every time" S'arila responded as she dropped from warp and in the distance, she saw the Tomcat hanging there in space, S'arila spoke loudly so those in the back can hear "okay people we have arrived back at the Tomcats location, secure everything as I am not the Colonel with fast smooth landings, it is going to be a bit bumpy, so buckle in" Donovan announced and noticed Alex quickly buckling in and smiled.

"Understood," Jane said. She looked over the Fleet Captain and took a moment to tighten some harnesses across her sleeping form. "Sorry, Captain, this might hurt a bit," she whispered, hoping that the sedative would keep her asleep during the pain of having straps tighten around her bruised body. Satisfied that her patient wouldn't be shaken loose during a rough landing, she took her seat and strapped herself in.

"Colonel, please ask the ship to have a trauma team meet us in the shuttlebay," she called toward the cockpit.

"It will be done," Alex said as she looked at Donovan, who simply nodded and changed her heading and picked up speed a little.

Alex opened the channel =/\= Rescue team to Tomcat, have a trauma team meet us in the main shuttle bay when we land =/\= Somers said.

Jane smiled and put a reassuring hand on the Captain's shoulder. They were almost home, and help would be waiting for them.

Thyra got strapped in. "Ready here." She called. "At least play some music so we might think this is a rollercoaster or something." She grinned looking to the others.

K'Muss looked around the ship "Yes. All of that" the caitian grinned as he got into his seat. He strapped himself in.

- USS Tomcat -

=/\= Commander Dodd here =/\= came to the First Officer's response of the ship's communications channel.

Taking over the communications from S'arila as the Major was concentrating on flying the ship, a tall person in a ship that was not meant for someone who was seven feet tall, not a comfy assignment =/\= Number One have a trauma team meet us on the main landing bay and get us land clearance, we have the Fleet Captain onboard and she is in a bad state, further answers will have to come from Doctor Sinclair=/\= Somers said.

=/\= Yes Ma'am. Will have medical personnel meet your team in the landing bay and clearance to land is ready. Dodd out. =/\= Dodd replied.

Then he opened a hail to Medical =/\= Dodd to Sickbay, send two emergency teams to landing bay one immediately. One team is needed for Captain Somers and the other team to check out the rescue team. =/\= then he contacted the shuttle bay.

=/\= Dodd to Landing Bay One, Clear the bay and prepare for incoming vessel. The rescue team is on course to arrive any moment now. =/\=

"Hold onto your britches," S'arila said and brought the ship in fast and only just managed to reverse thrusters to slow and stop the ship a few inches from taking in the inner shuttlebay wall. She looked over at Somers as she put the ship to standby the Colonel was blue and she gulped.

Looking at Donovan "goddammit Major next time I fly, do not ever, ever fly a ship or shuttle again!" Somers said trying to valiantly not vomit, still feeling nausea she looked out the window and saw two medical teams, on shaky legs she opened the ships hatch as she went into the back "okay, we have finally landed and just for the record I would have made a better landing" Somers said still looking blue from the rough landing. "Doctor your trauma team is here, get the Captain to Medical pronto and get you to work" she added.

The team with the stretcher boarded the Venture and Jane guided them. "Patient this way. Significant physical injury, though no spinal damage."

Four medical staff went to move and secure the Captain onto a stretcher. Jane pulled one of them away and pointed to a corpse in the aft. "I'll take your spot. I want you to secure that body in the morgue. I'll be scheduling an autopsy. Crime scene procedures, please." Jane then moved into position to help get Fleet Captain Somers to sickbay while the body of The Apostate was also being prepared.

Then Somers looked at the rest, "okay there is a second medical team out there for the rest of us, they will give us a once over, then you can return to your quarters and freshen up *looks at Thyra* "Ensign after you have gotten cleaned up see what information you can get from the data you pulled from the ship" she said.

"Whooh!" Thyra burst out. "That was fun. We should do that aga..." Thyra noticed everyone looking and coughed. "I meant the landing of course. Also, colonel, even though I am eager to get on that information, I kinda promised my team a drink if we came out alive."

Looking at her Chief Intelligence Officer "leave that till, after the Awards ceremony Ensign, there will be time enough for a drink" Somers said thinking a drink right now would be good, but duty first.

Thyra sighed but said, "Very well, Colonel." All the while making a mental note to herself that her work could be done anywhere on the ship. Except maybe the lounge, but no one said she couldn't go to her quarters.

Finally looking at all remaining "after your tasks and such are done, get some rack time Lieutenant Arderne is currently on an away mission so if you need Counselling, wait till she returns, otherwise, for the moment the time is yours after getting the all-clear from the medical team, okay dismissed" Somers said and watched the rest leave, Sinclair had long gone with her patient, now Alex stepped from the ship Donovan behind who said nothing just left with the others, Alex sighed and tapped her Commbadge.

=/\= Somers to Dodd, sitrep on the core mission in brief please? =/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Ma'am the away team took a long time in the abandoned observation post getting intel and scouting for a missing black box. They then subdivided into three smaller teams and set out for the largest city. From what intel we have from the away team and our sources. the city is called Central Plexis and we believe a survivor of the observation team is there. From our scans, we detect only human or humanoid life signs but can't at the moment find specific survivors. From what the records show, two members of the observation team may still be alive and have blended in with the locals for over a decade. The one we think is in Central Plexis may be the one who revealed the observation team and had them turned over to the locals. But at the moment all teams are attempting to get to Central Plexis and find any survivors or tech they can remove or make inert to keep the contamination low. I do apologize for this mission coming to a slow crawl but they are doing their best to blend in and not make any scenes. =/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Excellent Commander, keep it up I will be dealing with the aftermath of our current mission to rescue the Captain =/\= Somers said as she began to leave the shuttle bay and entered the nearest turbolift deck one CRR" she said when the lift doors closed, it would take her to the small back corridor that let to the CRR.

=/\= Understood, Ma'am. Will continue with current orders. =/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Acknowledged Commander, only notify me of changes if they are major ones, otherwise you deal with them, Somers out =/\= she said closing the Commbadge link.

- Deck One -

After a fast ride she entered the small corridor that had been put in place when the ship was modified, as she approached Lucy's desk, the post was empty, but that was understandable, the girl had other stuff to do, but she left a message on the small desk to let Armitage know that she would be in the room. When she entered the CRR she sat at the desk and opened a secure communication to the USS Poseidon and her husband Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Executive Officer

Major S'arila Donovan [P: Somers]
Bravo Unit 95th Rifles

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intterligence Officer

WO K'Muss
95th Rifles SNCO


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