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(Mature Audiences) Much Needed Company

Posted on 30 Apr 2022 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

1,997 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: After “Personal Log: Decompression”

Includes non-explicit depictions of a sexual encounter


The peace of Jane’s bath was interrupted by the sound of the holodeck doors opening.

Try as she might, she couldn’t muster up the energy to face away from the glorious vista before her — the computer had chosen to manifest her outdoor bath on a private deck of a mansion in Japan, overlooking a slow sunset behind a field of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Wet locks of blue hair cascaded down the back of the outdoor tub, making it clear to the newcomer it was the Deputy CMO languishing in on their holodeck time.

“I’m so sorry!” Jane called behind her. “Give me a moment, I’ll get out. Ugh, if I can…” She put her hands on the edge of the tub and was briefly tempted to beam herself back to her room, soaked as she was.

Lilli entered the holodeck wearing a bikini underneath a warm robe, she couldn’t help but smile as she approached where Jane was struggling to tear herself away from the water. “It’s okay Jane, I wouldn’t mind some company if you want to stay.”

“Oh, Lilli!” Jane called, able to crane her neck to see. “The computer wouldn’t tell me who had the time slot after this one.” She turned back forward. “After getting back from the SAR mission and getting Fleet Captain Somers stable, I just felt…gross. A sonic shower wouldn’t cut it. And now here I am, unable to get out of this bath. It would be a bit tight but you’re welcome to join me in here. Or we can have the holodeck make a new one next to mine, or whatever you came here to do.”

Lilli smiled. “Well we could have the holodeck enlarge the pool you’re already in slightly so that we can share. Though saying that I don’t have a baby bump to worry about yet, when I do sharing may require a bigger pool.”

“Computer,” Jane said, “very carefully so as not to jostle me too much, increase the width of this tub by fifty centimetres, and re-shape the foot side so it mirrors the head side. Keep water level and temperature the same.”

The holodeck chimed, and the bath tub widened as directed. The spot near Jane’s feet also transformed, giving the same gentle slope and waterproof pillow as where Jane’s head was. Jane put her right arm, which had been on an edge that was now further away, right in the water at her side.

“Come on it, the water’s fine.”

Putting down her towel and taking off her robe Lilli slid into the bath next to Jane. There was just enough room though they were still touching. “There is something so nice about soaking in the bath, I much prefer it to the sonic shower!”

"I know," Jane said, sighing as she closed her eyes and resumed her complete and total relaxation. "Do you and Leland have a full bath in your Starbase quarters? I gave up a window room so I could have one."

“We haven’t gotten around to changing to joint quarters on the station yet, but I’d like quarters with a bath. I like a nice romantic bath with Leland.” She grinned a wry grin.

"Oh well it's a necessity then," Jane said, grinning. "Hot water, candles, soap, someone who knows exactly how best to get you clean." It had been a long time since Jane had had a lover in a bath, though her romp with Joe was in a shower so that wasn't too far off the mark. "I'm sure Leland appreciates a good cleaning too, heh?"

“Ohh he likes so much more than that!” Lilli grinned playfully. “I still can’t believe I’m a married woman! It’s like a crazy dream come true.”

"I'm glad you and he found each other," Jane said. "It's not everyone that gets the marry the love of their lives," she added wistfully.

“I’m sure you’ll find the right woman for you eventually.” Lilli smiled warmly. “In the meantime you have the freedom to enjoy yourself with whomever you please.”

“That’s true,” Jane said. “But it’s not the same, is it? No-strings-attached sex can be fantastic, but…maybe I want to also cuddle while reading a book. Or tell someone about my hard day. It’s been too long since I had that, and I miss it.” She sighed. “Did I ever tell you about Alé? The one that I let get away?”

Lilli shook her head. “No I don’t think you did. Tell me about her.” She relaxed back in the bath enjoying the relaxing soak and the view.

“Alejandra. She was beautiful,” Jane explained. “She was a stellar cartographer on my last assignment. We met through my mentor, who was her aunt. She was very kind. Smart as a whip. The things she loved the most were star maps, fine dining, and me.”

She smiled at a warm memory. “I remember one time, it was right after two days of nonstop work, natural disaster relief, lots of injured needing surgery. When I was done, exhausted, and sad from the ones we couldn’t save, she held me until I fell asleep on her thighs, and didn’t move for hours. Then when I woke she gave me a nice cup of tea, and then a relaxing massage.” She giggled. “And then she fucked me until I was a puddle of goo on the floor,” she added, blushing.

Lilli grinned. “Ohh now that is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life. She sounds like she was very special, if you don’t mind me asking why didn’t the two of you stay together?”

“I’d like to say it was out of our control,” Jane answered. “She got a promotion that came with a transfer. I was still in my internship and couldn’t follow.” She sighed. “As time goes on I wonder though. ‘What if’, right? What if I had married her? What if I resigned and stayed a civilian doctor? Of course, at the time all I could think was ‘what if she delayed her promotion until my internship is done?’. Selfish of me, innit?”

“Not at all” Lilli smiled. “You were in love, besides you didn’t ask her. It’s certainly a shame though, you had what sounds like an amazing relationship.”

"That we did," Jane agreed. "We keep in touch though. She's happy, and that makes me happy, if a bit lonely sometimes." She shook her head, loosening some of the sadder thoughts. "Let's talk about something happier though. How did you and Leland meet?"

“I found his dog! He somehow managed to get loose so I returned him.” Lilli smiled as she remembered. “I knew the minute I met him he was the man for me, in-fact that was the first time we made love.”

Jane grinned. "I've heard about that dog. I've not met him yet though. Despite being holographic I'll should set up a checkup for him soon, just for fun." She bit her lower lip. "So how much time was between meeting-the-dog and first-lovemaking?" she teased, before lightly splashing Lilli with water.

Lilli grinned and splashed Jane back. “Not very long at all, I needed the company and Leland was more than willing.”

Jane sighed. "Christ after a day like today, I need the company too," she mused. "I don't suppose you want to help a girl out?" she asked coyly.

She remembered something Lilli had said before, that she and Leland might close their open relationship. Still, if that were the case, all Lilli had to say was no and then Jane wouldn't push. But if she were game...

Lilli smiled a wry smile. “Oh now that’s a tempting offer, my hormones are running wild and Leland isn’t here to satisfy my needs. Not that he can help being assigned to an away team.”

"That's exactly it, isn't it?" Jane said, before shifting her right leg so that it crossed over Lilli's, resulting in much more intimate contact with the Marine and making it easier for Lilli to touch her. "Away team missions can last a loooooong time, can't they?"

Lilli smiled, she had to admit it felt good. She shifted closer to Jane. “They can last what seems like a lifetime.”

Jane took Lilli’s hand and gently began kissing and sucking on her fingertips. “Tell you what,” she said between kisses, “help me relieve the stress of the past few days right here, and then we’ll go back to my quarters and make each other squirm all night.” She then gave Lilli’s fingertips one final kiss before guiding her hand under the water to exactly where she wanted it. She sucked in air at the first touch.

Lilli smiled as she gave Jane exactly what she wanted, her fingers working their magic to help Jane relieve some stress. She leant closer “Do you like it?” She took Jane’s hand returning the favour placing it just where she needed it.

Jane closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as Lilli did what it turned out she was superb at. Her breath caught in her throat, preventing her from answering except as a quick and eager nod. When Lilli moved her hand, she was keen to return the favour for a bit of simultaneous fun.

Lilli closed her eyes as she got lost in not just giving enjoyment but receiving it as well. She needed a release and her body was crying out for it as a quiet moan escaped her lips.

The moan made Jane smile, prompting her to continue her ministrations. She tried to catch her breath to speak despite the pleasure threatening to overwhelm her. "Can I ask a p-personal question?" Her eyes were closed, so she didn't wait for an answer. "Are you going to tell Leland about tonight? Oh fu-"

Lilli was doing her best not to fall over the edge into her climax as she answered. “I... ohhh Heavens! Yes I will.” She moaned more loudly this time. “We have... no secrets.”

"Just the basic f-facts?" Jane asked, speeding up. "Or all the juicy details?" Her eyes were clenched shut now, and her other hand held tightly the edge of the tub so she wouldn't slide under the water.

“Ohhh gods!” Lilli held onto the tub, Jane was really pushing her now at any moment she was going to tip over the edge into the climax Jane was aiming for.

Jane tried to talk dirty, tried to say all the things that she wanted Lilli to say to her husband when they next saw each other, but then the wave crested, and her breath was stuck in her throat as she rode the high.

When the feeling passed, she smiled, shifted in the tub, and kissed Lilli passionately as she continued her own efforts.

The kiss was all Lilli needed to tip her over the edge. She moaned as her body trembled, her climax hitting strongly. She rode the wave before smiling as she came down the other side.

When Lilli stopped shaking, Jane broke the kiss and smiled. "So, want to continue in my quarters?"

Lilli smiled and nodded. “You bet I do! I can’t think of a better place to be right now.”

"Computer, two to beam to Jane Sinclair's quarters." The two dematerialized from the holodeck, which absent any occupants reverted to its hologrid (leaving only an abandoned robe in the corner on the floor). The women rematerialized on the floor of Jane's quarters and resumed what they knew would be a fantastic night.


Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair, MD, DVM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
Combat Medic/Counsellor


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