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Exploring Uncharted System 569701

Posted on 25 May 2022 @ 4:42am by Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign Teela Tjaansz

1,857 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: System 569701/Type 9 Shuttle Leonidas
Timeline: 239604.10


Chief Science Officers log Stardate 239504.19

The away team has been aboard the Type 9 shuttle SS Leonidas travelling at warp 5 for over two weeks heading for the unexplored region in the southernmost region of what the locals call the Prydon Cascade. Our orders are to explore System 569710. Long ranch sensors indicate that it is a system of 7 planets, number 4 seems to be class M. Spectrographic analysis of the two outermost planets indicates that they are large gas giants. The system seems surrounded by the remnants of a nebula. Space around the system has greater than normal Krylon gas and dilithium hydroxyls in what should be space. It is causing some minor errors with sensor telemetry but we can correct the anomalous readings. These 7 planets are in the orbit of a G3-type yellow/orange star approximately 7 billion years old. The star has a solar mass of 1.1. and it is currently in a stable status, with no flares or other CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) events within the last month. Interestingly both the third and fourth planets fall within the habitable zone of this system. The Fourth planet which we are calling 569701-D is reading as a class M world on the outskirts of the habitable zone approximately 1.15 AU's from the star in a slightly elliptical orbit. Incredible I'm reading 11 moons of variable size and type. The third planet per duties 569710-C is behind the star on our current trajectory. We will have to get in there to get a clean reading. We are nearly through the Ort cloud and are ready to drop out of warp, to begin our system survey. We have detected no ships or artificial satellites or signals of any kind. Lieutenant Matt Thompson Chief Science Officer USS Tomcat reporting.

- Shuttle -

The shuttle Leonidas and her fighter escort dropped out of warp on the outskirts of System 569701. They were closer to the 6th planet than the 7th both gas giants. Being a methodical scientist Matt set a course for the 6th planet first and then would swing around to the seventh.

"Serina we are heading to planet designated 569701-F first as it is closer. It's a gas giant perhaps we can get a sample of its atmosphere when we skim it. What say you?" Matt said.

"Matt ok with me but be careful man," Serina said. She brought the shuttle down to where Matt had suggested.

"Alright set a course for the 569701-F we will start our initial survey, I am not detecting any artificial satellites in orbit, and this particular planet is a gas giant". Matt said

Matt took his place at the science terminal and activated the sensors. Diameter 62,415 miles. 14 moons, the composition of the planetary atmosphere is 17 per cent Methane, 24 per cent liquid nitrogen, 39 per cent cyclohexane, 19 per cent liquid hydrogen, traces of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and diatomic ozone. The core is made of carbon possibly diamond. Gravity is 3.7 g's, No life forms were detected.

"Okay swing around and let's scan these moons..." Matt added.

"Swinging around Matt," Serina said bringing the shuttle around.

"Sensors on spec," Teela nodded to Matt. She had her dual display with a duplicate of his information and a rawer input. "Are you getting some dilithium in your scan? I'm reading roughly 10-20cm sized crystals floating in the ring of the gas giant in the raw data."

"Copy that, we are reading that too, that's incredible. That ring could be a moon that shattered under torsional stresses when the crystal lattice formed and resonated. I'm surprised no one has come here to mine it that is low hanging fruit." Matt replied.

The first four moons that came up were each class D essentially great rocks in space, the next three were more interesting, they had water, frozen yes but there was water never the less. the last 4 were rich in various minerals, Pergium, gold, platinum, and other precious metals. Matt was surprised there weren't miners here picking the place dry.

He made sure to catalogue each as he passed. They detected no life forms or energy readings of any kind.

"Okay Teela I think our initial survey of planet 6 is done, let's head back out to planet 7"

"You got it," Teela said with a smile as her tail swished on its own. The shuttle swept around the planet, giving an impressive view of the planet spinning in the front viewports, using the gravity assist to help the shuttle get to the next planet. Not necessary with impulse engines, but it was still helpful and extended fuel efficiency, and still taught in Starfleet Academy shuttle piloting lessons.

The new planet was approaching, largely blue but with a few shades of purple gas bands swirling in there in certain parts.

Teela's eyes were wide with wonder seeing the planet and its thinner set of rings. "These planets are so much prettier in person..." she said with wonder in her voice.

"You know what's odd is I'm still not reading background radiation or lifeform either natural or artificial, I mean we should be reading something". Matt said.

Matt looked over his sensor readings, it almost looked like they were being jammed.

"Prepare to launch a class three probe, we can at least get a reading on the gas giants' composition," Matt said.

"It will be at least two hours before we get there, would you like some lunch, Teela?"

"I'd love some!" she said with a smile, revealing her slightly longer than human canine teeth. Her people were omnivores like humans, but had evolved from meat eaters and usually had meat at every meal, though Teela had a particular fondness for PB&J. Something about that combination hit all 7 taste sensations of Aktevans just right. "Do we have PB&J?"

The survey team had been at it for three days now gathering as much data as they could. Planet six turned out to be another gas giant, mostly ammonia and frozen methane but it did have a core of molten tin. At one time it had three moons but there was a cataclysmic event about 5000 years ago that pulverized the moons so now the planet had rings instead, made up of mostly sand (Silica) and ice. The planet itself was jovian in size and gravity and no life forms or technology could be detected.

Planet 5 was terrestrial in nature 5 is essentially a great rock with an 11-degree axis and 25-hour days, the atmosphere was 75 per cent methane 20 per cent carbon dioxide 5 per cent sulfur dioxide. She has vast ammonia oceans and violent storms. the gravity was 2.2 G's with 92 per cent landmass and 18 per cent ocean mass. also a vast network of volcanoes. nothing resembling life could be found but the planet geologically speaking was very active. two small moons orbited at elliptical angles. they were nearly class N almost all water but not enough gravity to actually have much of an atmosphere and far enough out from the sun that the surface of the ocean was frozen, however, there was thermal activity and a molten iron core that was good for keeping the oceans moving. life signs indicated algae under the ice.

Planet 4 was the true mystery, there was evidence of a vast civilization there at one time, however, most of the atmosphere was ripped away either by war or some sort of cosmic cataclysm. the planet was 19,306.5 miles in diameter with an axial tilt of 14 degrees. Matt tended to think they met their demise in war as the background radiation was 5 times what was normal. Close range scans indicated that there may have been a T'Kon listening post there but none of the technology was working and most of the planet was covered in ash. the atmosphere was 72 per cent carbon dioxide, 18 per cent nitrogen 10 per cent argon with trace levels of water and oxygen. the atmosphere was extremely thin at .4 bars. the planet did have a strong magnetic field and was geologically active, however, no life forms were detected. the planet did have two rings which seemed to be made up of ice and starship debris. the planet had four moons 2 of which were class M there were several orbiting probes/platforms however none were active. Matt recommended that the planet be explored more closely. with soil and atmospheric reclaimers, this planet could be terraformed and be made to support life again.

Planet 3 was class M rich in minerals 50, 304 miles in diameter 75 per cent oxygen 18 per cent nitrogen 3 per cent carbon dioxide 3 per cent water vapour 1 per cent tace elements, 12 per cent axial tilt for a 23-hour day with a molten Iron/Nickel core. There was vast vegetation on the land which was 30 per cent land and 70 per cent oceans. the atmosphere was oxygen-rich and twice the pressure of the earth's normal. The planet was loaded with rare metals and dilithium, pergium, gold, and platinum. The biosphere was teaming with life. there were signs of technology underwater, however, the only intelligent life seemed to be underwater. There was almost no pollution in the atmosphere. Lots of animal life on land some of the truly large proportions. Matt recommended that further investigation be done. The planet sported three moons 2 of which were also class M, and one class D. No artificial satellites were in orbit.

Planet two was a class H world 25,000 miles in diameter, with 96 per cent carbon dioxide and 4 per cent sulfur dioxide atmosphere the planet had no rotations to speak of and no moons the atmosphere was 100 times denser than Earth's normal. The planet itself was covered and dotted with vast networks of volcanoes and had no oceans to speak of. The planet had a gravity 4 times greater than earth. No life forms or technology were detected. It was the hottest planet in the system with temperatures reaching over 800 degrees Kelvin on the surface. the planet had a core of molten sodium that rotated causing the planet to have a strong magnetic field.

Planet one was the closest to the sun and rotated fast and had just a 4 hour day. Diameter of 13, 980 miles the atmosphere was 42 per cent oxygen 29 per cent Sodium 22 per cent Chlorine, 6 per cent Helium, .5 per cent Pottasium and .5 Percent trace elements. No life forms or technology were detected.

Last but not least matt and his team surveyed the star. It was a class G1 star burning slightly hotter and brighter than a G2. It was 1.3 times the size of Sol but slightly smaller than Deneva. The star itself was approximately 8 to 9 billion years old and was relatively stable.

The communications panel lit up and Matt answered it.

It was time to return to the Tomcat.

"Serina, time to head back to the barn, I just received a message from the Tomcat instructing us to head back with our info" Matt said quickly.

Looking back at Matt, "You got it Matt. Back to the barn. Hang on to your britches everyone cause here we go!!!" Serina said as she brought the shuttle full throttle to the ship.



A post by:

Lieutenant Matt Thompson
Chief Science Officer


Ens. Teela Tjaansz
Engineering Officer [NPC]

Lt. Serina "Hawkeye" Donovan



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