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The Rescue, Epilogue - Surgery

Posted on 30 Apr 2022 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM

553 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: USS Tomcat Sickbay
Timeline: Current


"Get her into surgery now!"

As the trauma team moved their unconscious commanding officer into the surgical area, Dr Jane Sinclair made her own way to the sterilization field. There was no time to properly clean her completely; the Captain's life was at stake and they had already lost too much time in transit. She removed her gloves as well as the jacket and shirt of her combat uniform, leaving her in a blue tank top. A nurse activated the field, sterilizing her arms, torso, and head. Another brought her a surgical mask, hair covering, and scrubs, all sterile.

By the time she was ready, so too was the patient, lying on her back on the surgical bed, its scanners secure above her waist. Three other personnel, a junior doctor and two nurses were also fully prepared. Or, as prepared as they could be for having to operate on their Captain.

"Computer, begin log," Jane said. "Patient is Fleet Captain Jasmine Lynne Somers, date of birth 23 August 2353, Stardate 235308.23. The patient has suffered blunt force traumas to over eighty per cent of her body over the course of at least sixty days. The initial on-site diagnosis was bleeding in the abdominal cavity, kidney damage, and fractures to the left femur, left ribs four, five, six, and seven, and the zygomatic and maxillae. The spinal column seemed intact."

She paused to collect her thoughts.

"Patient was given an initial osteoregeneration treatment to secure femur and ribs for transportation. The doctor administered twenty cc's metorapan and ten cc's cephalothin."

"Doctor Ibrahim, report."

The junior doctor, Naser ibn Ibrahim, had been using the biobed's scanners to conduct a much more detailed diagnostic report.

"Multiple sources of internal haemorrhage detected," he reported. "Damage to right kidney relatively minor, but the left kidney is going into full renal failure. Reading additional fractures in the hands and wrists, likely defensive wounds. Trauma to most of her skeletal and muscular systems beyond the fractures. No evidence of sexual trauma."

"Good," Jane said. "We found her in her cell without clothes, I was concerned about that. Recommendations?"

"Surgery," he answered. "Microsutures to close the haemorrhages. Protoplaser treatment on the right kidney. I'm not sure that will be enough on the left though."

"Too much damage," Jane agreed. "Computer, open a channel to the Medical Support Lab." The computer chimed to note that a connection had been made. "This is Doctor Jane Sinclair. We need a biosynthetic left kidney for a human woman. Genetic and physiological traits being transmitted now." She nodded to Nurse Jessica O'Dowd, who was working on the wall monitor.

She received an acknowledgement. "Proceed, Doctor Ibrahim."

"Osteoregeneration and neuromuscular stimulation to all affected bones and muscle groups?"

"Agreed," she replied. "Though I suspect she'll need surgical intervention on the face, ribs, and leg. All I did was stabilize her so Major Donovan could move her. Those bones almost certainly haven't healed straight." She looked to Nurse O'Dowd at the wall monitor. "Status of anaesthesia?"

"Intravenous drip of 3cc axonal is in place," the nurse reported. "Neural inhibitor is online. She's asleep and numb, Doctor. Steri-field is online."

"Understood. Scalpel," Jane ordered. The second nurse, a Benzite named Dirgar, handed over the laser scalpel. "Making initial incision now..."


Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair, MD, DVM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer


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