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Speaking with Sis - Tomcat

Posted on 30 Apr 2022 @ 1:26pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Karyn Somers

1,103 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: After The Rescue Part #5 Tomcat - Poseidon


After Karyn had come from medical she headed back to her office feeling a little better, upon entering her office she walked over to the replicator and replicated first some hypos with a medicine that will ease the urge to throw up. Then she replicated a mug of tea with milk and two sugars and blew on it before taking a tentative sip before moving around to her desk and sitting down.

Pulling up the communications screen on her desk "computer open line to USS Tomcat Lieutenant Colonel Somers, use top encryp[tion algorithms and adjust for distance" she said.

"Working," the computer said.

The next moment a surprised visage of her sister popped up on the screen, Karyn noted how grimy she was, so her sister had obviously just returned from an operation.

- USS Tomcat -

After a successful mission, she had been horrified to see the state of her cousin, the girl was half dead but the fire in her one unswollen eye showed that she had not broken, but she had massive injuries and she was dirty, most of it was probably dried blood, but the extent of her injuries was extensive, she jumped when her communications sounded as a computer screen rose up from the desk, she had a surprise look upon her face as she saw her sister appeared on the other end looking pale and ashen.

"Hey sis, what is wrong?" Alex asked she was concerned.

- USS Leto -

"Oh, want some sisterly advice on how you cope with PTSD" Karyn responded.

=/\= Oh! what have you been through to be diagnosed with PTSD Karyn? =/\= Alex asked.

"We are currently in the middle of a mission but I was on my way to visit my MCO when I heard a mental cry followed by silence, some telepathic species got to him, anyway I got to his quarters and when I went in the smell hit me first then I saw the Marine Captain laying face down with the back of his head missing and brain matter splattered in the immediate area he was trying to get to his communications when the death occurred, but upon seeing it I literally wanted to throw up, feeling queasy I stayed long enough for security to arrive and gave a witness report then I headed straight to Medical, where I answered the doctor's question which had me throw up in a container in Medical," she said and put her hand over her mouth to hold back any throw up.

Alex looked at her Sister and run a few things through her head before she answered.

=/\=So, you saw splattered brains and caught a whiff and the salmon came back upstream huh! Why would that give you PTSD Karyn, you have seen worse than that!=/\=Alex said.

Karyn shrugged "doctor Hendon said, not being a doctor myself I am not qualified to judge" Karyn responded "So, how bad was our cousin when you found her? "Karyn asked changing the topic.

=/\= Well after I personally killed the Nausicaans in the most gruesome way I could come up with at the time, we found Jasmine curled up on the floor in a foetal position, barely moving, when we managed to straighten her out a little she cried in agony, the doctor with us announced a few broken ribs, her face was dirty, most of it was dried blood, her one eye swollen shut, she had major bruises all over he body, she was found naked and her body showed signs of torture, her leg was also broken, her lip split and swollen, the eye that would open was full of pain and she had internal bleeding and she was shaking badly, dread to think of the emotional anguish she was going through. Anyway, we put on a long shirt on her and S'arila gently picked her up and we carried her back to the ship" Alex explained =/\=

As the state of her cousin was described Karyn's mouth opened as she put her hand to her mouth as tears streamed down her face, her discomfort now seemed nothing, she was horrified at the description. "So, what happened to her abusers?" she asked already knowing what the answer would be.

=/\= The Nausicaans that were there were shown no mercy, I left one alive and I beat the crap out of him before I put him down like the disgusting dog he was, I am sure it horrified the Doctor with us, but the state of Jasmine was terrible. We found the leader of the Nausicaans sitting on the bridge, cool as a cucumber, let's just say that he was the only one who survived that ship, when we got back to the ship this Apostate guy was bound and as we departed the ship and got out of blast range the ship went boom, the guy is now in the brig, I have not yet questioned him in-depth, scathed him and some basic questions, but no more as I had to fly the ship =/\= Alex finished.

Karyn was speechless, she could only guess how her Sister did to the Nausicaans, Alex's emotions run deep and where the family was concerned they were very deep she mused.

Looking at the screen again "so Sis, how are you? I know you had payback, but even that has a price on a person" she asked.

Alex looked at her Sister =/\= still reeling from all the adrenalin I went through, at one point as we approached the brig I located an ODN junction and found which one activated the corridor lights and deactivated it, S'arila went on the hunt =/\= Alex said.

In a mock concerned tone as she had seen recordings of how efficient S'arila could be "those poor, poor Nausicaan's" she said with a smile, then Karen looked over at an alert, then back to the screen "Okay Alex I have to go duty calls, you take care of yourself, okay?" Karyn asked.

=/\= I will sis, you too, love you =/\= Alex said with a smile.

"You too Sis, ciao" Karyn responded smiling back and cutting the link.

When the screen went blank Alex stretched "Okay, when did Karyn get sick at the sight of brain goo!" she exclaimed to herself, she shook her head in resignation and returned to the bridge, tugging down her tunic as she stood up, she had not yet told the XO what state the Captain was found in, only that it was bad.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO
USS Tomcat

1st Lt Karyn Somers
Marine XO
USS Leto


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