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Formal Complaint

Posted on 30 Apr 2022 @ 1:37pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM

434 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Timeline: Current



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From: LT(JG) Sinclair, Jane Elisabeth
To: LTCMDR Dodd, Remington Steele
CC: LTCOL Somers, Alexandria Lynne; LT(JG) Wincherster, Paul
Subject: Formal Objection - Wrongful Death

Lieutenant Commander Dodd,

Please consider this an objection and a formal request for investigation into the wrongful death of the criminal known under the alias "The Apostate".

Approximately two (2) months ago (exact date not available to me), Fleet Captain Jasmine Lynne Somers was abducted by a squad of Nausicaans loyal to The Apostate. During the intervening months, FLTCAPT Somers was held against her will and subjected to an assortment of physical and psychological tortures. A full analysis of injuries and medical treatments will be attached to FLTCAPT Somers' medical file and the incident report of the Search-and-Rescue Operation.

On SD239502.05, when an away team from USS Tomcat NCC-62114, led by LTCOL Alexandria Lynne Somers, reached The Apostate's starship. A team of five (5) Starfleet Marines, accompanied by USS Tomcat's Chief Intelligence Officer and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, boarded the target vessel. FLTCAPT Somers was rescued and stabilized before being returned to the Starfleet scout vessel used as a boarding craft. The Nausicaan crew were killed in the boarding operation, and their leader, The Apostate, was taken into Starfleet custody. For further details on the Search-and-Rescue Operation, please consult LTCOL Somers, whom I presume will be providing her own incident report.

During transit back to USS Tomcat, FLTCAPT Somers, apparently overcome with rage toward her captor and tormentor, violently twisted The Apostate's head, causing fractures in the C3 and C4 vertebrae and a complete spinal detachment from the medulla. Death was instantaneous.

A full autopsy is scheduled, the report of which will be distributed appropriately once completed.

While many might consider the act justifiable, I can only note that The Apostate was in Starfleet custody, bound for trial and prison. It is not acceptable for a Starfleet Officer to murder a prisoner, no matter how much pain that prisoner has inflicted. We must be better than that. As such, I believe an impartial investigation into the death is absolutely necessary.

I've generated file number A-2395-000731-D for this objection procedure.

Witnesses to the incident, aside from FLTCAPT Somers and myself, including LTCOL Alexandria Somers, MAJ S'Arila Donovan, ENS Thyra Sh'shraaqir, WO K'Muss, SGT James Masters, and PRV Stephen Johnson.

Thank you for your consideration of this very serious matter.

Dr. Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, USS Tomcat


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Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair, MD, DVM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer


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