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Posted on 11 Jun 2022 @ 4:29pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM

2,222 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Medical, Various
Timeline: After Conversations Tomcat - Poseidon


- Colonel's Quarters -

After speaking with her husband Alex got in the sonic shower and freshened up, for this she took her time, it was at moments like this that she missed running water. Eventually, she decided that she was fresh and clean and got out of the sonic shower and got dressed into a standard uniform and made sure that it was straight, she styled her hair down but reminiscent of 1940s style see Site Bio Image and makeup style too, deciding that she was ready as she could be she headed out and to the nearest turbo-lift.

As she entered the lift and the doors closed "Medical" she said and the lift swiftly took her to her required destination, in perfect timing the doors opened onto the medical deck and she stepped out, walking down the corridor she nodded to passing crew and then rounded the corner and walked into Medical, she saw Sinclair.

"Doctor Sinclair!" She said to alert the DCMO to her arrival in Medical.

Jane had been standing near a biobed, going over case files with Nurse O'Dowd, when the sickbay door opened and the Colonel called her name. She excused herself, left her case file PADD with the nurse, and walked to the door to meet the marine.

"Yes, Colonel?" she asked.

*Smiling* "I got your report, it is on record, now how is the Captain, give me the results if you will please?" Somers asked the Deputy Chief Medical Officer as she followed the doctor to the Captain's bed.

The doctor nodded. “Of course. Right, this way.”

One sickbay biobed had a privacy field around it a forcefield which was opaque to light and sound but could be passed through easily, giving the patient a quiet, hidden place but still permitting the doctors and nurses to come and go. Jane led the Colonel into it, revealing an unconscious Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers.

“The Captain will be alright,” she said softly. “We’ve repaired the internal bleeding and broken bones, reconstructed the face, and done what we can for the bruises. She’ll be in pain for a while but we’ll manage it with a strict regimen of medication.” She took a moment to look at the Captain’s sleeping face. “The psychological scarring will be much worse, I suspect. Counselor Arderne has her work cut out for her.”

Looking in the same direction "of that doubt, I have none, I had lots of counselling sessions myself after my first and last Black Ops mission, and I still have mild PTSD about it to this day" Alex said and looked at the Doctor "do not ask me for the details on the mission as it was classified secret above top secret, it was one of those where the Government would deny all knowledge. I can say I was a young 17-year-old on her first Black Ops mission with my closest friend and I lost her in that mission" a pause.

"Think about it doc two teenagers were assigned a mission that would be denied if we had been caught and one of those deaths was the first real death I had ever seen, even combat training with the Klingons did not prepare me for seeing someone close to be cut down in her prime. So yes it will be a tough road for the Captain, I fear it will be even harder for her as the torture was personal, I simply lost someone, she was abused. *pause* First chance you get Doctor to speak to Lieutenant Arderne bring her up to speed on what has happened etcetera and let her take it from there" Alex said with a sad smile as she recalled her past.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jane replied. “If I may speak freely, that’s probably not bad advice for any of us to take, whether that’s to Lieutenant Arderne or Sergeant Vail, or Hawksley rather.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve been in situations like this too, Colonel. An armed-away mission, the need to end some lives to save more. I’ve not had to take a life myself but I’ve been close enough. Colonel, *pause* this was the worst I’ve seen so far. How can someone cause such harm, on purpose, for so long? What kind of person tortures another?”

"A sad sick individual who became misguided when they lost their planet," Somers said "may I see the Captain Doctor? I know she is probably asleep but family and all" Alex asked Sinclair.

Jane nodded. "Keep it short though. She needs her rest." The doctor programmed a hypospray with an antagonist to the sedative and injected it into her patient's neck, which prompted Fleet Captain Somers to begin to stir. "She’s still sleepy but will be conscious enough to hear you. I'll give you a couple of minutes of privacy." She stepped out of the privacy field, leaving the Somers cousins to speak alone.

As the Doctor left Alex leaned forward and spoke softly in her cousin's ear "get it together Jas, you are tougher than this, you are a Somers, I know you can do it!" she said "nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten" she added and sat back and held her hand until she heard a rustling behind her, she looked back as Sinclair entered.

Jane slowly stepped back into the privacy field and got the Colonel's attention. "Pardon me, ma'am, but I think that's enough for now. You can come back tomorrow."

Standing up as she turned around "thank you, doctor" she said and walked a bit and paused as she turned around "Doctor, can you arrange a medical hoverchair with an oxygen tank and other medicines in it, she will need to be there when we deal with Lieutenant Winchester, I will be doing most of the talking, but as she is there, then it holds more weight. As for waking up, she is a Somers, she will wake up soon, you might want to prepare for a bad mood, just know it will not be your fault" Alex said with a smile.

Jane nodded. “It will be ready, but it will monitor her vitals and my department reserves the right to end the session if it’s getting to be too much.”

With that Colonel Somers left medical with a lot on her mind, she was chafing that Jasmine beat her to killing that Apostate, but her ordeal allowed some leeway, if she had done it, then the leeway would not be there.

< Dreamscape >

Jasmine was in a living nightmare, she was dreaming that she was continually being beaten and tortured, few questions asked, then as the pain was getting unbearable, she felt a familiar warmth as a disembodied voice say "get it together Jas, you are tougher than this, you are a Somers I know you can do it!" a voice said.

Then there was a brief pause then the voice again said "Nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten" hearing this gave her strength, she did not know why or how, but she jumped up and even as naked as she was and she lashed out using all the unarmed combat moves she knew, she managed to get a hold on sharp weapons and before too long she was standing there in the middle of the room dead bodies all around her enemy blood dripping off her body as she let fly with the weapon she got and now she was standing victorious with carnage around her, she was a Somers.

< End Dreamscape >

Jasmine stirred, she slowly opened her eyes, everything was blurry, so she allowed time to refocus "water" she croaked out as she tried to wet her dry lips and it hurt to talk.

The monitors notified the Deputy CMO that her patient was stirring, and so Jane went to Jasmine’s side with a small cup of water. She helped the Fleet Captain sit up and held the water cup to her lips. “Easy, Captain,” she said softly. “You’re in sickbay on the Tomcat.”

In a croaky and raspy voice but tinged with humour "I thought the place looked familiar, what has been happening Doctor? Last I remembered I broke a guy's neck, after that nothing" *cough*

Jane grimaced, unwilling to speak on that specific incident. But after a moment she opened up. "It's been almost three days since that happened, Captain. We brought you here, and you spent the next ten hours in surgery. Since then you've been under sedation to help recovery."

Suddenly becoming more alert "three days!" Jasmine said in a surprisingly stronger voice before coughing "water please" she asked looking at the doctor and in a raspy tone "what has been happening for the past three days and what did you have to do to heal my physical injuries?" the Fleet Captain enquired as a Medtec brought her some waters she nodded her thanks and looked at Sinclair waiting for a response.

"We used micro sutures to stop your internal bleeding," Jane began to explain. "We were able to save your right kidney with protoplaser treatment, but there was too much damage to your left one. We had to remove it and replace it with a biosynthetic one. It's taken well though, so you shouldn't have any issues with it. *Pause* Some of your bones weren't healing straight, so we broke them, set them properly, and treated them with the osteoregenerator, all across your hands, arms, legs, ribs, and face. We used neuromuscular stimulation therapy to treat the damage to your muscles. Because of how much trauma there was to your bones and musculature, we kept you unconscious to let everything rest as long as we could."

"Wow" was all Jasmine could say in response as she finished her water and looked at Sinclair "can you get me a Medical hoverchair please doctor *cough* while I cannot return to full active duty, I do have some off the bridge duties I must complete before they ship me to Starbase 51 before our next mission," the Fleet Captain said, "said the chair will have Oxygen and monitoring devices on it, yes?" She added.

“We’ll have the chair ready in a couple of hours,” Jane said. “It will have everything we need to keep you going, but I’ll insist on the lightest of duties. In Dr Cahill’s absence, I can still override you when it comes to your health. You’ve been through a lot, don’t think I won’t do it.”

"The duties will be light I can assure you, have to deal with the Winchester problem and do some departmental re-arrangements and sit in on the Awards Ceremony and watch while Colonel Somers does the ceremony, could you liaise with the Starbase doctors to arrange my medical transfer for after the Mission Briefing please, attending that briefing will be my last for a while," the Captain said.

The doctor nodded. "I'll be in touch with them once you and I are done talking. I'll work with your Yeoman on the exact timing so it's after the mission brief. She'll have all the details."

*Smiles* "excellent, thank you, Doctor," Captain Somers said now propped up "Jane, I do not recommend getting captured by a grieving crazy person, it is not good for the mind, body or soul," she said taking another lungful of oxygen

"I'd say that's good advice," Jane said with a smile. "I've briefed Counselor Arderne on the situation and made arrangements for her to speak with you soon." She took a deep breath. "You should also know that I put in a formal objection to the circumstances of the death of The Apostate. I don't know what, if anything, will come of that, but it's on record." She held her breath unconsciously, on the one hand, nervous about the Captain's reaction but on the other hand proud of herself for telling it to her face.

*Looks at her with understanding* "I understand Lieutenant, I admire that you had the courage to speak up, but you were only doing your job, but I do not think too much will come of the report beyond it staying on my file, but as deserving as the Apostate was of dying I should not have done it, but it was the first conscious thing I did since I had been captured and tortured, but you did nothing wrong" Captain Somers said.

Jane nodded. “Well, I’ll let you rest, Captain. I’ll be making the arrangements you requested.” She found a PADD and placed it on the bed next to Jasmine, within her reach. “You can do a bit of reading and paperwork if you need to keep your mind busy, but put it down if you’re tired. Counselor Arderne will be in to see you shortly.”

*nods* "Thank you, Lieutenant," Captain Somers said as she picked up a Padd and slowly read through what she had missed out on while she was away, it was a lot here she found out about Lieutenant Taggert leaving and Lieutenant Shon going on LOA when they disembark at Starbase 51.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers
Acting CO

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer


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