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Awards Ceremony Part 1

Posted on 09 Jun 2022 @ 4:38pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Captain Mazal Falk & 2nd Lieutenant Thoran Shon & Warrant Officer K'Muss
Edited on on 09 Jun 2022 @ 4:42pm

1,648 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: USS Tomcat Flight Deck
Timeline: After Departmental Changes Parts 1&2


After the mission had been completed and the Tomcat and her crew returned to the Starbase, Colonel Somers had to deal with some departmental moves as the current Chief Engineer was leaving them, so she had to assign a new Chief Engineer and Deputy, and move two other around, but that happened before this Ceremony, now here she was in duty uniform, she did not want to put on pomp and circumstance, especially after the mission they had just been on. Alex was sitting on the raised podium next to her Cousin who was in a hoverchair, she looked drawn and exhausted, but she was alive and insisted on being here, Armitage was setting up the medals and awards on the table that had been set up and there were also some rank pips in the mix, Lucy had finished her task and nodded respectfully and left to sort out other stuff as the first in was the First Officer Lieutenant Commander Dodd.

"Hello Remy, how did you find your first mission command?" Fleet Captain Somers asked in a croaky voice from her medical hoverchair on the raised platform her cousin seemed to have found something to do all of a sudden as they were joined on the platform.

"Hello, Captain," Remy replied. "I feel that I have disappointed you in this mission. However, I know that the data collected will aid Starfleet's efforts to review the planet and its system for future missions to the region. One day, we may return to continue the hunt for our mission observation team."

Looking up at her First Officer, "you have not disappointed me, Commander, it was your first one after and mistakes are always made on the first time when you run a mission, you are no different in that regard Remy, so are you curious one who is getting what awards?" the Fleet Captain asked as she put an oxygen mask to her mouth and inhaled.

"Ma'am, I am always curious, but I have a strong feeling I know of the award winners, just because of the nature of my job," Dodd replied. "I do enjoy seeing others getting what they deserve from a job well done."

"I think you might be surprised by these, oh thank you for sending your award nominations over, so you want to go and unlock the shuttle bay doors to the corridors ready for the crew to enter?" the Fleet Captain asked as Lucy returned from her task, at the back of the room there was food and soft drinks ready for after the Ceremony.

"I can certainly make the shuttle bay accessible so these fine folk can receive their recognition." Dodd replied and headed to the doors to deactivate the lock command."

"Excellent, thank you commander " Captain Somers said and looked at Armitage who nodded and tapped her Commbadge.

=/\= All Hands, could all Senior Officers report to the ship's flight deck immediately, dress uniform is not required, your presence, however, is for the Awards Ceremony =/\= Lucy said and signed off, it was after all a notification, not a communication to the crew.

Lamia was in the holodeck facing off against her fears when the notification came through. She’d been regularly visiting the holodeck ever since her captivity ordeal, and the loss of her daughter. “Computer, end program.” Taking a deep breath she headed out of the holodeck, and towards the flight deck.

Due to his complete and utter clumsiness Silver managed to spill his coffee over himself. Just as the call came through to meet on the flight deck. So after a very quick run back to his quarters to change. Then another run to the flight deck. He arrived quite out of breath.

“ Am…….I……..late?” He asked

K'muss was in Marine country when he got the page. "No dress uniform required..awesome! Wasn't going to get it anyway." He got up and made his way towards the flight deck. He arrived shortly after Lieutenant Silver.

"I hope not" the marine replied

Mazal arrived, clad in her normal uniform. She brushed back one of her errant strands of hair tucking it behind her ear. "Hello Silver and K'Muss. I am finding this interesting, I've not been to an awards ceremony in a while." she then meandered over to pick up a pastry and a cup of coffee.

Walking in Lamia saw Mazal and made her way across to where she was. “Hmm those look good” She smiled warmly as she picked up a pastry as well.

Cahill walked in and went to get a drink. She then went to Commander Dodd. "Hello, I must say I enjoyed the mission and did get a lot of information. Some of it will need to be discussed in private but overall I think it was a good recon of the planet.

"Doc, I am glad you were able to make the best of the mission. I can arrange to have a one on one after we are done with the ceremony or in a day or two. Just let me know." Dodd replied as he took a swig of his yellow citrus beverage, he had never had a soft drink before.

Cahill replied, "I did discover some things about the missing Star Fleet personnel. But we can discuss it in private. I was amazed at what I found out." As she took a drink of her beverage.

"Doc, you have me wanting to know the data you found and so we will surely meet as soon as we can after this ceremony. I promise. We can meet in my office and have breakfast as we talk if that works." Dodd responded.

I will see you then Commander Dod. Replied Cahill.

Lieutenant Matt Thompson looked great in his duty uniform, it was snug in all the right places and he had taken pains to start working out after he got back from his planetary survey mission. While he wasn't late he wasn't early either having arrived with a small crowd. He walked over and got a drink and started mingling.

Nicci came in with a few minutes to spare, not one to be late, with her dress uniform in impeccable order. She was the very image of an officer, as she made her way to her seat.

Jane Sinclair had been off duty when the call came and had been reading in the chair in her room, still in a robe after a sonic shower. She decided that, given it was an awards ceremony, and that she wasn’t dressed yet, she would wear the dress uniform despite the comment that it was unnecessary. They always thought she looked good in the skirt variant of the dress uniform, so that’s what she went with. A short while later, she was on the flight deck. She picked up a drink and manoeuvred her way into the crowd.

Dodd had chatted with Doctor Cahill and then mingled around the room, and while he was always looking for love in all the wrong places, he longed for the warm and gentle embrace of his lost Imzadi. He decided to just head back to the stage to be able to assist the Captain if needed.

Serina kept nagging Paul to hurry the hell up or they would be late. "Come on Paul!"

Ze was just trying to get his office in order when he heard the announcement. He was just getting his bag ready for departure for R&R at starbase 51. Walking into the hall he smiled and waved, finding his space next to his new department members "Ensigns nice to see you " he said with a brief smile as he turned his attention to the front of the house as he smiled, the current mission he had spent time with the team on the planet and now he would see his friends receive awards and clap be happy for them for that was who ze was.

Thoran entered the room nodding to everyone before taking a seat in the back.

Paul stood in their quarters finishing getting ready for the awards presentation when the call had come through *Pause* as he turned to enter the living area, he noticed Serena standing there in a Stunning Red dress as he said "Oh Wow *Pause* You are my Lady in Red"

"I knew you would approve of this dress *pause* especially the red one," Serina said, as she spun around making the dress flair out as she did so. But she changed to her duty uniform. It was requested by the Colonel and the Captain.

"Well then, we better get going " replied Paul as he held out his arm for the short walk towards the flight deck" And boy do you look stunning" as he knew now what song to serenade her with *Pause* that's if the Captain would let him do so.

That was in her quarters, but now both Serina and Paul were on the Flight deck in their duty uniforms, Pual still looked at Serina with puppy dog eyes, especially as he had seen her in that red dress she wore before coming here.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineer

Lt Jg Leland Hawksley
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Torsol Ze
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer

2nd Lt Thoran Shon
Rifle Officer

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO


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