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A Whole New World Part 2

Posted on 04 Jun 2022 @ 1:24pm by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Alexandra Lee

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Main)
Location: Planet 569701-D or Arth
Timeline: present


Lee decided to try to get some rations or currency to get rations. So she decided to try something.

"I am certain this is worthy of trade. I will see if I can get us some simple rations." Lee stated as she held up a golden locket she has had since she was a child and carried with her when she would travel off the ship. "I am thinking we could all use a bite to eat and we can't be seen pulling out Federation rations in public.

Lee then walked over to a vendor who was at a food cart. The cart was full of fruits and even had a sweet aroma from some sort of soup or stew.

"Good Tidings," Lee stated to the vendor.

The vendor was an older woman dressed similar to the attire worn in the Tudor era of old Earth. "Tidings returned. What joys can I provide?" The elder vendor replied.

"I would like to barter this heirloom for some rations for my companions and myself. Your brew smells tasty. May I do business with you?" Lee replied and held up the locket.

"You are not wanting to part with such value." The vendor lady responded. "The hair bonder you have will purchase more than enough for your companions and you. Hold on to your value for it must hold lots of meaning. You give me your hair bonder and I will give you staples to go and fill you up with joy." The vendor woman then pointed to the golden barrette in Lee's hair holding her bangs out of her eyes.

"This is a worthless trinket, but if you find value in it then I will gladly trade with you," Lee stated as she took the barrette from her hair and handed it to the woman. The woman then looked it over and said that it must be very valuable and started to bag up all the fruit and then dish up some of the stew. "Here you go, your companions can have as much as they want, this valued item is worth more than you think to me. You can afford to take the whole cart!" The vendor woman replied. "You must be from Central Plexis. Having three males as companions means you have power. Yet you wish to do business with me when you could have anything you want with the values you have with you."

"Ma'am, I am sorry but I am from the southern continent and have never been here before. We are on a trek to Central Plexis as we wish to find a new purpose in our lives." Lee replied.

"Young lady, your purpose can't be changed, you are royal in the values you hold now. You can follow the direction you were born unto and know this, as for what you did by giving me your hair bonder, I will never forget you. To you, it may have not been worth but it has value to me and that is more than you can know." The vendor woman then left and walked as fast as she could away from the cart and the members of the away team.

"Well fellas, we have food. Help yourself." Lee stated to the guys.

Walking forward and taking something to eat Chris looked at Lee "very smooth El-tee, it seems to be a boon if you are female on this planet, but what made the woman think you were royalty?" Kildare asked.

Ze stepped up next to Chris, still keeping his eyes trained on the crowd "Thank you Lieutenant" He said taking some of the food for himself, looking around and making sure everyone is in a tight-knit circle.

"Thanks for the food Lee," Paul replied tucking into the meal as he knew that she had given something of hers to get the meal and knew that he would make it something of a priority to get her some new hair ties to replace the ones she had traded.

"You are very welcome. I felt it had been a few hours since we started and you were all likely as hungry as I am. I felt rations should be saved for emergencies so I took a gamble" Lee replied and then took a sip of the soup that she acquired.

"I would say that maybe Paul and Tosrol should go and secure us a couple of rooms for the night as I don't think we will be able to travel much more today as we can explore and learn a lot from observing this area."

Ze looked to the lieutenant "I'll go and do it lieutenant lee" he said with a brief smile "I'll Get two rooms one for me and Kildare and one for you and Winchester easier to blend that way".

" Now hold on a Minute Ze, I'll room with Kildare you room with Lee as I'm about to get married," replied Paul looking back at Ze as he did not want Serena to think he had slept with another woman.

After checking into the inn and claiming the last available rooms, Lee took a moment to send a micro-massage to the Tomcat. This message simply stated that she needed to request the away team to leave the planet as this was not a good time to be here looking for Starfleet or Federation survivors. However, she also included in the message a request to remain on the planet undercover to gather data and intelligence for a future mission back to this planet to do the actual objectives that were originally sought.

After a few moments, she got word back from Commander Dodd that he would put her request forward to Starfleet and will get back to her, but for now, he was in agreement to pull out the away team.

Lee then approached the door of the guys' room and knocked.

Kildare looked up as there was a knock on the door, he stood up and opened it "Lieutenant, what has happened?" He asked Lee.

"We have been requested to return to the Tomcat. However, I am being permitted to remain on the planet to do more research and gather more intelligence for your possible return in the future to pursue our objectives in full." Lee replied once the door was closed behind her.

Looking surprised "do we know why we all have to return to the ship El-tee?" Kildare asked Lieutenant Lee

"Commander Dodd just ordered us to get back quickly as we are needed elsewhere sooner than anticipated and that we will return in the future for the follow-up to this mission," Lee replied. "So get some rest as it is sunset and we will hike back to the observation post at first light."

"Ah, I see and glad I do not have to make the choice, I am sure they have a good reason," Kildare said in resignation.

At first light, the quartet then hiked back to the duck blind/outpost. As they hiked, Lee was pondering what would transpire from the further undercover operation she would head on this planet.

They were the last team to arrive at the outpost/duck blind. Lee then instructed the away team to download their data into the computer systems previously restored by Lieutenant Taggert and that she was remaining behind on the planet for observation. She also stated she would be joined by two others from the ship who would be able to help her. They would remain until a later date when the mission would resume but her smaller team would likely be able to continue research and maybe find any survivors or the whereabouts of the remains of the original observation team.

After that update, the rest of the away team was then transported back to the ship as two new members were beamed down to join Lt. Lee.


Lt. A Lee [P: Dodd]
Lead Archeologist/Anthropologist

Sgt Maj Kildare [P: Somers]
95 Rifles Demolitions

Lt JG T Ze
Chief Operations Officer

Lt JG P Winchester
Chief Security Officer


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