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Re-arranging Department Heads Part 1

Posted on 02 Jun 2022 @ 6:26pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,906 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: CRR, Various
Timeline: On route back to SB51


After all, had settled down and before the upcoming awards ceremony, Colonel Somers was sitting behind the CO's desk while Fleet Captain Somers was in a hoverchair looking drawn and lacking energy, but a strength shone in her eyes, her ordeal had changed her, in what way she, Alex did not yet know. As Alex told her of Lieutenant Winchesters disobeying her direct orders among other things, that strength changed to anger.

In a croaky voice "okay Alex call Lieutenant Winchester to this office, let's get this over with" she said.

Alex nodded and pressed the communications =/\= Colonel Somers to Lieutenant Junior Grade Winchester, report to the Captain's Ready Room post haste, Somers out =/\= she said.

"You did not give him chance to respond!" Jasmine responded a little surprised giving her cousin a look.

"He called my honour, integrity and position into question at the mission briefing before last, he is not in my good books" Alex responded and Jasmine nodded amid coughs.

- Bridge -

After being notified that he was now given the temporary Rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, Paul started to wonder why and what he had done to warrant this; then he remembered that he had disobeyed a direct order from Captain Somers about the codes to be given to Iria, but as the Security chief he had done an evaluation of her and had doubts about whether she could handle the job. he also remembered calling the Colonel's Honour into question at a briefing.

Just then his combadge chirped as he heard the Colonel's voice come over the channel ordering him to report to the CRR, he thought to himself oO what have I done wrong now? Oo as he left the station and walked over to the CRR and pressed the door chime.

They did not have to wait long when there was a chime at the CRR door, Winchester was indeed fast, it was impressive "ENTER" Colonel Somers said and in walked Lieutenant Winchester who seemed to glance over at the Captain before returning his gaze to Colonel Somers.

As Paul entered the room, he noticed the Captain in a Hover chair but alive, He said " Captain, I am pleased to see you in one piece and alive," as he turned his gaze to the Colonel, He said "you wanted to see me Colonel as I have a stack of reports to file,"

She looked at him with a blank expression but in a croaky voice "thank you Lieutenant" Jasmine said.

Here is where Alex took over "Lieutenant Winchester what I say now, I say on behalf of Fleet Captain Somers, due to still recovering she cannot show her anger or disappointment properly, but know now what I say will be scripture, do you understand Lieutenant Winchester?" Colonel Somers asked.

" I understand Colonel," replied Paul knowing that his demotion was now permanent and that he understood that what he had done wrong and this was the punishment for it.

"Good, I have brought the Captain up to date on your past actions and your show of disrespect and other such incidents" Alex paused as she inhaled "When I demoted you to Lieutenant Jg it was temporary, but your rank until further notice will remain, Lieutenant Jg, you may have had your own reasons for not passing over full control to Lieutenant Walon when she was on the ship, but you disobeyed a direct order from your commander and that cannot be overlooked" Alex paused then looked over surprised as Jasmine found some strength as she spoke in a clear voice.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Paul Winchester your demotion one grade has been confirmed and you have been going on at me about returning to flying duties, congratulations you got your wish, when you return to duty after our R&R on SB51 you will report to Lieutenant Donovan as her DCAG" she inhaled "there are also repercussions for you, one of the past briefings you disparaged, insulted and called into questions Lieutenant Colonel Somers honour and questioned her methods and showed a general disrespect for her rank and position, such things do not go unpunished" Jasmine paused and took an inhalation of the oxygen that was attached to her hoverchair.

"Challenging a senior officer in such a way may be okay in the Klingon Defence Force, but in Starfleet, this is not a done thing, so for this, I am putting an official reprimand on your permanent Service record, this mark will impede your promotion chances. Challenging a Senior officer is one thing in the same branch of the service, but to do such a thing to a senior officer from another branch of that service is not the done thing, the reprimand will come under conduct unbecoming a Starfleet officer, do you have anything to say before we continue on Lieutenant Winchester?" She asked "be careful in your response as you are currently on thin ice" Jasmine said then deflated as the medical chair administered some anti-biotic, she leaned back taking another lungful of oxygen.

"Captain, I know in the past I wanted to fly again, but my wife to be won't like it one bit," replied Paul looking at Captain Somers "and I was going to ask if you Officiate our wedding?" as he turned to face Colonel Somers, He continued "Colonel Somers, I hereby apologise for calling your Honour into question."

Both women looked at each other and Alex lost as she looked at Winchester "She is not your wife yet Lieutenant, but I am inclined to agree to her being surprised and upset with you, now let's call in Lieutenant Donovan, shall we!" Colonel Somers said and pressed the communications button.

=/\= Somers to Lieutenant Donovan, report to the CRR immediately if you will, Somers out =/\= Alex said closing the link and looking at Winchester "relax a little Lieutenant, your ass-chewing is over, now it is all official duty

Hearing her name and being summoned to the CRR did not go over big with her at the current moment. She was in the middle of a maintenance check on her fighter. =/\= Understood. On my way Donovan out. oO Now what the hell happened? Oo Arriving 5 minutes later, she hit the door chime and waited.

In the CRR Alex looked at Winchester "I hope you are ready for some fireworks Lieutenant as I fear Serina is not going to be happy about the change!" she said with a small smile "ENTER Lieutenant" she said and in walked the Commander Air Group, Lieutenant Serina Donovan.

"Ah Lieutenant Donovan, you must be curious as to why you are here and why Lieutenant Winchester is here?" Colonel Somers asked as the Fleet Captain had gone quiet, "Lieutenant Winchester has found out that he is properly demoted to Lieutenant Jg and now for news I want you to know that this comes from the Fleet Captain" the Colonel said and waited for a response.

Looking at her intended, "Ok what did he do now that he hasn't dared to tell me?" turning her head to face the Fleet Captain and Colonel. oO I'm gonna kill him! Oo she thought to herself.

The Fleet Captain finally spoke "Lieutenant Winchester has been removed from Chief of Security/Tactical and I have reassigned him to you as your DCAG, he will take the Raider Two slot, and he will need to re-qualify for his flight status" Fleet Captain Somers said and she suddenly felt sorry for Winchester, his Paramour looked like she was about to erupt, both cousins shared an 'Oh boy!' moment.

"You did WHAT?!?!" Serina nearly choked on her own words. "I know how badly you wanted to fly but........Oh my god!" Serina looked for a place to sit fast as her knees buckled just making the couch. Her face went white then red and finally normal. Expression was.....shall we say between shock and sheer delight at the news.

Both the Colonel and Fleet Captain shared a look, this reaction was not what they were expecting, finding strength "Lieutenant Donovan, get a grip" Fleet Captain Somers said then looked at Lieutenant Winchester "Lieutenant Winchester as the Away Missions are complete you will get with Lieutenant Ze later on today and begin the handover, understood?" the Fleet Captain asked.

Paul stood completely still taking in what had happened to him, which was that he had been demoted to Lieutenant junior grade and moved back to DCAG which meant that he was back in the cockpit of a fighter. To him, he was going home back to his best destiny although Serina was not a happy bunny about it.

She then looks to Lieutenant Donovan who somewhat recovered "Lieutenant Donovan, when Lieutenant Winchester has completed his departmental handover, he will then be DCAG, it will be up to you to get him back up to current flight status and sorted out in his new position, have you anything to say before I let you both go?" She asked.

Serina had a blank expression on her face as she answered. "Sorry sir about my outburst but it is a shock and a surprise that Paul is coming home to fighters. He will do fine or else!" she said as an evil grin crossed her lips.

Smiling at Serina in acknowledgement "good" Colonel Somers commented giving Winchester a stern look "Remember Lieutenant, your fate now rests in Lieutenant Dopnovan's hand, tick her off at your own peril and your apology is accepted" she said and looked at Serina "Lieutenant, you will get him re-qualified for flight status when we get to SB 51 and he has handed over Security to Lieutenant Ze, understood?" Colonel Somers asked.

As he watched the interaction between the Captain and Serina and how she took the news of the change of position and that she had not taken it very well, he said " Serina, I never asked for the move back to fighters "

Smiling with her evil grin this time *pause* "Oh yes sirs, he will do fine." Serina looked mischievously at Paul.

Then Fleet Captain Somers spoke up and addressed Serina "Lieutenant Donovan, prior to you entering this room Lieutenant Winchester asked me to officiate at your upcoming wedding, this I will be happy to do, but you will have to wait till I can stand on my own two feet for more than five minutes, understood?" the Fleet Captain asked addressing the question to both.

"Captain, I am sure you will not be long in that hover chair. If I have learned anything from you, *pause* it is that you are a person who does not stay down on anything. You must be on your feet doing what you do best,*pause* leading your crew into action," Serina said.

A painful smile "You know me so well Lieutenant, now both of you get out of here I am sure you have some duties to attend to?" the Fleet Captain said quietly and watched both Winchester and Serina leave her Ready Room, she then looked at Alex "okay who is next?" She asked.

Alex looked at her Cousin "Lieutenants Ze and Hawksley" she said and with a nod from Jasmine proceeded to call them to the CRR.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security/Tactical


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