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Re-arranging Department Heads Part 2

Posted on 04 Jun 2022 @ 1:29pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze

1,737 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: CRR, Various
Timeline: After Current Mission


After Lieutenant Donovan and Winchester had left, it had been an interesting interaction between the pair, it was clear who would be wearing the pants in that relationship, and with that done both women looked at each other "so who is next on the list of changes?" Jasmine asked in a voice that was a little stronger for interacting outside of the Medical area.

Alex pulled up the details "Lieutenants Ze and Hawksley, our Pigeon and Grease Monkey" Alex said looking at Jasmine with a teasing smile.

"Aww C'mon Alex you know damn well there is no grease involved in engines these days, but I understand the reference, okay let's call them in," Jasmine said feeling a bit more invigorated.

=/\= Lieutenants Tosrol Ze and Hawksley please report to the CRR immediately, Somers out =/\= Alex said and signed off "before you say anything Jas, it is how I do things when I am trying to control my temper, I wanted to whup Winchester's head" Alex said and Jasmine smiled. "Oh Doctor Sinclair put in down on record of your actions on the ship on the return home," Alex said.

Looking at her cousin "what actions?" She asked and the Colonel raised her left eyebrow and a resigned smile

"Oh! the Apostate... Yeah was not in my right mind when I did that I..." She was stopped from saying any more as the door buzzed "Enter" Jasmine said as loud as her bruised throat would allow and in walked both Ze and Hawksley.

Ze has been slaving over his end of month report ready to give the captain when his com badge chirped =/\=On my way, captain=/\= he said grabbing his pad and coffee "I wonder what this could be about" he said walking to the nearest turbolift "Computer CRR please" Ze spoke as he stepped in.

The hum of the lift whizzing unsettled him a little it always did. Stepping out into the CRR he looked to the desk marine "Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze to See the captain" he spoke as he awaited a response.

"Enter," Colonel Somers said and in walked Lieutenant Ze "ah Lieutenant you must be wondering why you were called here, we can continue on without Lieutenant Hawksley as he is a different topic. "Just before we called you in we ass chewed Lieutenant Winchester and then much to Lieutenant Donovan's surprise and shock told her that he is being reassigned to DCAG under her, she was less than happy about that," the Colonel said and paused as frail-looking Fleet Captain spoke.

"Lieutenant Ze, I am reassigning you to be my new Security Chief and Chief Tactical Officer, this duty will be official when we dock at SB51, so get with Lieutenant Winchester and begin the handover, I hope you are ready for it? Also, there will be a new Deputy for you in Security when we get to the Starbase, he will be told to speak to you, now you have a chance to say something" the Fleet Captain said.

Ze walked in and nodded to both ladies sat behind the desk "Captains" he spoke as he took his seat, what he heard next bewildered him "You want me to be chief security and tactical?" he spoke as he tried to gather his thoughts, that was never on his agenda but now he was happy "Captains it would be my honour to take the new post of security and tactical"

"Excellent Colonel Somers said and looked up as Hawksley entered the Captain's Ready Room.

Hawksley watched his silver wrist chronometer relentlessly while he waited. There was a malfunctioning cardiac monitor that a patient needed re-booted into the Main Sickbay computers. Leland had just finished double-checking the medical device, and its software was complete. He was around 8 mins late.

Hawksley had entered the Tomcat Briefing Room. He offered a one-off sharp salute to Capt. Jasmine Somers looked a bit worse for wear. He was late. Hawksley ensured his uniform was crisp and cut as he walked past her and nodded in passing. “Captain Somers.” On a personal level, he knew she had gone through some issues and an alternative mission she was tasked with.

“I am glad you are back Captain. You were missed!” Leland then continued to take a seat at the end since these were the leftover seats. He also didn’t want to interrupt what was being presented to Tos, something so incredible! He was happy to be there, like a Father to his Son. His Brother another brother was doing so good!

Looking up at the DCEO "thank you Lieutenant" came a wobbling voice "I am too" Jasmine added as she took another intake of oxygen.

Colonel Somers looked at Hawksley "Lieutenant Hawksley I do not know if you are aware, but when we dock at Starbase 51 Lieutenant Taggert will be departing us, so the Fleet Captain has authorised it and you will be assigned as the Tomcat new Chief Engineer, with ensign Teela Tjaansz as your Deputy, do you think you are up to this task Lieutenant?" Colonel Somers asked.

“Captain. You can be assured. You will receive no issues from Engineering.” oO Wait. Lieutenant…. Lieut…. Oo He was surprised by the sudden turn. Taggart was an excellent leader and teacher, as well as the XO when Leland first transferred from CHO to Engineering.

“It would be an honour, Ma’am.” Hawksley’s blue eyes laser-like locked on to Somers. This was incredible just to be considered by Starfleet. Leland was humble.

"Good," Colonel Somers said, "Lieutenant Hawksley you can begin on bringing Ensign TJaansz up to date on the DCEO duties, so that she is ready for the task when the time comes, understood?" Alexandria Somers asked.

"Understood, Ma'am," Leland affirmed. He would train TJaansz the way he was trained as an apprentice with the XO.

"Excellent" she then looks back to Ze "Lieutnenat Tosrol Ze, are you really feeling comfy with moving from Chief Operations Officer to Chief of Security/Chief Tactical Officer? As your duties will mainly be on the security level and whipping Security into shape?" She asked.

Ze looked to Leland and smiled patting him on the back in congratulations "Well done" He mouthed with a wide smile "I am looking forward to the challenge captain not that operations wasn't challenging but this is a new challenge and I want to be able to do this with the best of my ability.

"Excellent, well you both know what you have to do when the time comes, so you are both dismissed unless you have any further questions or queries?!" the Colonel asked.

Ze stood and put his hand to his head in a salute "Thank you captains" he turned on his heel and left.

Hawksley stood tall in line with Ze's height. He looked to Ze.

Almost as a scene from a 'Three Stooges Movie', Hawksley corrected himself handing a one-off sharp salute in return beside his brother. He beamed mouthing 'you're a rock star!'

Both women nodded and watched them leave "Leland was happy, Tosrol more reserved, interesting differences" Alex said to Jasmine who simply nodded and pressed the communications intercommunication button =/\= Commander Dodd, report to the CRR Immediately, Somers out =/\= The Colonel said and waited for the First Officer to enter.

=/\= On my way, Captain. =/\= replied Dodd who was actually on the bridge but did not want the call to be ignored.

Dodd chimed the door to the CRR and did the Picard Maneuver to adjust his uniform and sash as he waited for the door to open.

Colonel Somers looked up at him with a friendly smile "Hi Remy, I can see you are curious as to why you are here!" the Colonel said.

As the door, opened, Dodd entered and stood at attention with a firm salute to both the Captain and the Lieutenant Colonel. "Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd reporting as requested."

A quiet voice, a tired voice from the hoverchair spoke up "at ease Commander lest you pull something" Captain Jasmine Somers said and waited till the XO was at ease "you have your Padd on you, Remy?" the Fleet Captain asked and looked at Alex to continue on as Jasmine took an intake of oxygen

"Yes Ma'am, I have my PADD," Remy stated as he took a deep breath and relaxed his posture a little.

Taking over from the exhausted Fleet Captain "Put it into the official records, this is another part of your job, some bookkeeping, note that of this day 2139505.25 that the following changes were made and will take effect after we arrive at the Starbase and before our next mission. Lieutenant Jg Winchester will thus be moved from Chief of Security and Tactical to Deputy Commander Air Group under Lieutenant Serina Donovan" *pause* "Lieutenant Jg Tosrol Ze will take over as Chief of Security Tactical and he will be getting a new Deputy when we arrive at the Starbase, do not know the name, yet. Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley will be elevated to Chief Engineering Officer when Lieutenant Jg Nicole Taggert departs the Tomcat, Lieutenant Hawksley will have a new Deputy in Ensign Teela Tjaansz, I think that is all at the moment, oh do not forget to be at the Awards Ceremony. Those reassignments you have them all down and ready to put into the system?" the Colonel asked the First Officer.

"Ma'am, I am ready to update the system with the changes that were just made to Winchester, Ze, Hawksley, Tjaansz and Taggert. It will be sad for Taggert to depart our ship but I know that is the way of Starfleet, change makes the universe function." Dodd replied.

Colonel Somers looked at Remy "thank you, Commander, that will be all, dismissed" she said and watched the First Officer come to attention about-face and exit the room, when he had gone and the doors closed behind him she looked at Jasmine "okay, I think it is time for you to return to Medical" Alex said.

"To my quarters, I have a meeting with Lieutenant Arderne, first of many I will wager" Jasmine responded and Alex nodded and both left via the other door that led away from the bridge.


FCapt J Somers
Commanding Officer

Lt Col A Somers
Acting Commanding Officer

Lt Cmdr R Dodd
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Chief Engineering Officer


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