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Meeting the new head

Posted on 23 Aug 2022 @ 10:00am by Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Ensign Teton
Edited on on 01 Sep 2022 @ 1:36pm

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess
Timeline: Directly after post: The investigation begins.


- Mess Hall -

The more Teton looked into the investigation. Concerning the electronic microscope. The more his concerns grew.

After returning to Security, the Andorian failed to find the Chief of security. Teton began a search and tracked Winchester to the Mess Hall.

It had been a strange mission and having to leave Lee behind like had worried him as he took a bite of his Burger and knew that he would have to check in with his acting deputy chief or ex-deputy chief, suddenly the door opened. Paul noticed it was Ensign Teton and he looked worried as he watched the officer approach him.

Walking in he walked over to him.

“ Sorry to disturb your food and drink intake. Chief of Security Lieutenant Junior Grade Paul Winchester. But I have a concern over an electronic microscope in the main science laboratory that may have been tampered with. Plus there are indications that it was sent here erroneously.” Teton reported.

" Ensign, it is no bother, but I must inform you that I am no longer Chief of Security," Paul said looking back at him, he continued " Lieutenant Jg Ze is your new Security Chief" as he tapped his combadge "Lieutenant Ze, please report to the Mess Hall"

Teton blinked.

“ I was not informed of your department change. This is most disturbing indeed. I am curious as to the nature of your new position on the USS Tomcat?” Teton asked.

" Ah Yes, I am Being moved back to where I started on the Tomcat," he said taking a sip of the cold beverage in front of him *Pause* He continued " I was originally the CAG here till I lost my arm," taking another sip of his drink.

“ I was not aware of the situation you are now in of changing departments.” The Andorian replied

Ze had been in his Operations office clearing out what was in there when his comm badge chirped =/\= "Liutennant Winchester I'm on my way Ze Out"=/\= Ze carried the last of the boxes to his security and tactical office and made for the mess hall.

Walking in he waved at Winchester "Lieutenant You called?" he said as he took a seat "Sorry it took me a while was moving my office from operations how can i help?"

Teton snapped to attention.

“ Department head on deck!” The Andorian shouted

Paul stood and said " Lieutenant Ze, I stand relieved," starting the handover process to the Lieutenant as he had to do this as he was heading to see his wife take up DCAG.

Teton turned to face Ze.

“ Congratulations Lieutenant Junior Grade Tosrol Ze. On your change of department. I am Ensign Teton of security who now falls under your jurisdiction. I have discovered something of concern that needs your attention.” Teton said

"I need to leave you now as I have to go to Sickbay and get myself checked with my flight suit," Replied Paul getting up from his seat as he finished "Good luck Ze with Security" as he exited the mess hall.

Teton also stood. “ May grace and favour follow you to your new position on the Tomcat. Lieutenant Winchester.” He said with a bow.

Then he turned to his new department head.

“ Do wish to hear my report now or as the humans say. Shall we take a rain check?” Teton asked

Ze smiled "Come and Sit Down Teton let's see if we can get this sorted now," He said motioning for the Andorian to sit next to him "You May Speak Freely Ensign," He said with a brief smile.

Teton raised a white eyebrow.

“ Assistant Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Sam Silver. I reported to myself that an electronic microscope was showing signs of being tampered with. On inspection, it was discovered that the device was carrying components that were incompatible with its systems. Hence the malfunctioning of the device. It was on close scrutiny that it was discovered. That these components could be used for eavesdropping pursuits. However, it is further believed that said device was delivered to the USS Tomcat in error. It’s a destination for a vessel near Orion space. Sir.” Teton reported

Ze looked around "Ok Ensign let's get this thing to my office, run comprehensive tests and make sure it sounds and there's no equipment in it or on it that could be recording it and then the real investigation starts I'll meet you in my office in half an hour? is that ok?"

“ Would it be acceptable if we delayed that to one hour and thirty minutes? I understand that time is of high importance. But unfortunately, my routine evaluation physical is due in half an hour. As I am in good health, I have calculated the time this will take to an hour. Unless you wish me to cancel this appointment?” Teton asked

Ze looked at the tab in his hand "That should be fine ensign Teton I look forward to seeing you in an hour, ill make the arrangements to have an engineer and science personnel present for our investigation" he said with a wide smile as he picked up his padd from the table and stood, Holding out his hand for Ensign Teton to shake "In an hour ensign I hope your physical goes ok" He said turning on his heels to leave.






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