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The perfect program

Posted on 22 Jul 2022 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Captain Mazal Falk & Warrant Officer K'Muss

2,958 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess hall , Holodeck
Timeline: Before Tomcat has docked.


-Mess hall-

Ever since Silver's friend David had told him about this great holodeck program. Featuring a perfect beach barbecue with all the trimmings. Ted begged him about sending him a copy,

For five very long months he had been nagging his friend. But as always with David it was ‘ soon ‘ finally Silver had to revert to the one person. He knew his friend was too scared to disobey. David’s elder brother.

Soon Ted was holding the data chip containing the program. He sat in the mess hall turning it over in the light.

“ My precious…..” He said eyeing his prize.

Mazal came walking in, scanning the mess hall then her eyes lit up seeing Ted there.

"Hello my amigo!" Mazal called out, and made her way to where he was sitting. "Long time no see and I ask your forgiveness for not meeting up with you as of late." she took a seat right across from him. " How have you been? And what do you have there that has your keen interest?"

Ted once as a child tried to take a toy away from a small dog. He could not remember it’s name or who owned it. But he remembered the high pitched snarl and being bitten. It probably would earn him a one way visit to the Captains ready room. If he snarled and bit his friends. So he kept it human and friendly.

“ Pure gold Mazal pure gold.” He said softly.

"I am quite intrigued." she noted how Ted was holding it, "And I do hope you will share. Looking fondly at Ted.

“Well, well, well.” Leland walked into the room. “What shenanigans are you two up to? And if you are. I want in!” He joked.

Hawksley seeing as Mazal just took a seat at Ted's table. Ted was holding a holo key program in his hands as if it… “Your godifying that iso chip Ted.” Hawksley watched the key.

K'Muss walked in shortly after and noticed his Lieutenant seared nearby. Ever the friendly sort he decided to walk over. "Lieutenants" he said, putting on a big smile. He couldn't help but notice a nice shiny chip.

"Watcha got there,sir?" He said

“ This is the ultimate beach barbecue program. Sun , sea , good food and fun by the sea my friends. My friend on the USS Highlander came up with it. I was going to run it a little later… if you guys are free your more then welcome to join me.” Ted said

"It does sound fun" the caitian said

Mazal's eyes lit up. "I am all for seeing and participating in this." then turned her attention towards Leland. "Almost all of the Amigos are present, just missing Tos but... we've got K'Muss." she chuckled. "He is counted as an amigo as well. So Ted, what time will we get to see this exquisite and treasured program. I am rather excited to see what is on it"

Ted smiled.

“ Ok let’s meet up in the holodeck in a half hour and play this. Bring your sun tan lotion.” He said with a smile.


Half an hour later Ted stood outside the holodeck. He placed the data card into the control panel. There was no response. He gave a frown and tried again.

“ Please enter when ready.” The computer said

The doors opened to reveal almost white sand , a blue cloudless sky and a deep blue sea. Plus the delicious smell of a beach barbecue.

“ See I told you…..perfect” Silver said

K'Muss' eyes grew wide. "Gotta say, that water does look inviting. And I'm a cat," the caitian chuckled

Mazal arrived carrying a small bag over one shoulder, and wearing a light blue robe which hit below her knees. On her head she wore a floppy broad rimmed hat. Beneath the robe she was wearing a one piece red swim suit. with a pair of flip flops on her feet. Her eyes went wide seeing the scenery. "Oh Ted this is magnificent!" turning to him. She immediately kicked off her flip flops picking them up to hold them, Mazal stepped onto the sand, marveling at the warmth. "This feels magnificent!"

Ted nodded in wonder.

“ Yes. It’s a mix of all the perfect beaches on Earth. Plus the barbecue features Corden blu five star rosette award winning food by three of Earths top ranking chefs.” Ted replied

Hawksley had asked for Amelia to come; however, the heat and the sea were not the best places for a pregnant woman to be, at least when she had sickness. Terrible sickness that Leland stood by her bedside rubbing Lilli’s back for hours. She was his love, and her passion kept Leland going higher and higher in life. She was his true Amigo. She knew that. Not to mention the whole Imzadi connection, which could not be broken.

Hawksley knew it would be warm from the sounds of Ted’s description. Entering the holodeck, there was no less for the imagination. The beach was also complete with torches and sand games. The music in the background alluded to Sunchyme from Dario G.

“This is brilliant.” Hawksley lifted his aviators. His eyes scanned Ted, K’Muss, and Mazal. Everyone was dressed and looking hot as the sun!

Leland ran outward towards the waves with a Panama shirt and pair of board shorts. As a Canadian, he never experienced warm climates, rarely. Rushing into the warm, bath water temperature waves, they had crashed back towards the serene golden-brown sugar-like sand.

Wiping his eyes and walking back, thrashing the water, he smiled. “Ted. This is awesome! A+” He heartily bear-hugged Ted and embraced his good Amigo in a tight back-slapping hug.

“Who else is coming, Ted?” Curious, Leland walked towards Mazal and K’Muss.

Ted bent down and picked up some sand in his hand.

“ Sadly it’s only us. The others were busy. Look at this sand it’s perfectly balanced.” He replied

Just then the smell of cooking wafted towards them.

“ Smell that?” Ted asked

Mazal knelt down on the sand and scooped up a handful watching it trickle back down to where it came from, then looked up at Ted. "Ted this is perfect." then rose back up her nose catching the delightful aroma of, "ooh do I catch the scent of food, steak? Maybe some chicken." Her stomach growled, and she laughed. She took Ted's hand, "Lets go see!" gently pulling him in that direction, turning back to face Ted with a grin, much like a school girl. "I definitely want to see the rest!" giving a squeal.

Leland smiled. He was happy just to be there, and thought the world that Ted would ask him. After all he was an Amigo Native! Special status would ensue.

The smells of a gorgeous beach pitt bbq or what was set up did indeed waft in the near foreground.

Following Leland accepted a Lei from one of the holo creation figures. He looked at the flowers around and then gestured for the Lei's to be brought to Mazal and Ted.

"You have a genius of a friend, Ted What is in store... I cant imagine after this food display!" His sun glasses hid as his eyes scanned the food ahead.

Ted nodded as he advanced towards the barbecue. A rather large man in a apron and not much else was turning the handle on a spit. Attached to it was a large chunk of sizzling meat.

“ Be ready in a mo my boy.” The man said.

Ted recognised him. It was his friend David’s father. Well he wrote the program of course he would put in some family members. Silver just hoped David’s mother was not in this to. She had a habit of walking around topless whenever they were on a beach.

Out to sea a seagull flew high in the sky. Suddenly it doubled then the new version attacked and killed its copy. Ted saw the seagull fall.

“ Did anyone just see that?” He asked.

Leland lowered his glasses as if it was surreal in a holodeck program. "That... That was an aggressive seagull." He turned to Ted and Mazal. "Let's hope it doesn't want what's on this gorgeous spit out here."

Mazal looked up just in time to see the gull fall, "Um... what happened?" she hadn't seen the other seagull develop and attack the other. Only the result.

"I am definitely hungry can't way to have some of that meat there." Mazal also commented, though she looked upwards once more, just in case of something else creeping up to mess this little slice of paradise.

Settling in to the scene, Hawksley watched Ted. "Ted you need to rest. Have a seat." He didn't want Ted to be too busy with the program. They were there to spend it together.

Taking a seat in the beach chairs, Leland was helped to a seltzer and berry non-alcoholic drink.

Ted took a seat and also tried some of the drink Leland was having. The smell of the roasting meat made him feel extra thirsty.

Not far from the group. A bunch of young men were playing beach volleyball. Suddenly they wobbled for a second. The game continued but turned violent. As one of the players winked at another players girlfriend. Who promptly threw a ball at him , hitting him in the face. The group wobbled again and the volleyball players returned to being peaceful again.

“ Sorry dude you ok.” The guy who threw the ball asked.

“ No worries dude dude dude” He replied

Ted had been so engrossed in the drink. He missed what had happened.

Hawksley had got up from his chair, when he noticed that the ball had hit a second time from the players at the beach court. He didn't like it. Twice?!

"Ted. I think the program has a few surprises in it so far."

Just as Ted was having his drink, Leland offered the same Seltzer with Berries and a hint of mint. The drink was a great summer slinger. He smiled. "To Friends, Amigos forever!" Leland lifted his glass after waiting for Mazal to inspect her drink.

There was a very old Earth word that people used to say , when toasting each other.

“ Cheers.” He said

Silver was about to answer Hawksley. When a volley ball hit him on the arm. Luckily he managed to hold onto his drink. A women in a very skimpy Bikini came over and picked it up.

“ My eyes are up here you perv!” She said moving off before Ted could say anything. He noticed that she went up to one of the male beach volleyball players. Pointing back towards where he was sitting.

The guy turned to the other male players and began shouting something. Then they marched towards them. Looking like he could rip the lid of a tight jam jar in one go.

“ Oh dear.” Ted said.

Leland looked at Mazal and he sighed. "Can't we just delete these... Incantations." He shook his head. He would be prepared to step in and help Ted, no way he wouldn't. But... Was this for real?!

"Just remember Ted... It's just their bravado playing out." He offered the Science Officer.

“ Who you calling a bravado?” The angry boyfriend said.

“ Computer delete angry beach volleyball characters.” Ted said.

“ Delete angry beach volleyball players this you perv!” The boyfriend said punching Ted on the nose. Silver fell on his back in the sand. The angry crowd showed no sign of being deleted.

“ Ob deab” Ted mumbled.

Leland turned his head to Ted, "HEY step back!" Hawksley jumped in between the two jocular sports enthusiasts taking their beach time a bit too far.

"Computer. End Program....." He looked.

"Your Computer? What are you a nerd?!" One fronted Leland. Leland did his best to turn his head to the side, not wanting to feel his own testosterone levels rise to the male affront.

"Computer arch!" He ordered.

"Dudes. Step back, our party is here. We're not interfering with your volleyball." Hawk narrowed his eyebrow at the main interloper who wanted to seem to bring this to the next level. A fight on the beach.

Getting unsteadily to his feet Ted moved towards the arc. But as it reached for the panel. The arch vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

“ Compuber arb” he said holding his nose.

The same thing happened. It appeared but as soon as Ted tried to touch it , the arch vanished.

“ Loobs like we hab a glitch in the holobeck.” Ted said.

[Tag, ,Hawk,Mazal, K'Muss]

"My friends right, man" the caitian marine said. "Plenty of beach for everyone. Cool? Well just stay over here." K'muss said, adding his two cents. "Let's hope curiousity didn't kill this cat" he said to himself.

“ Dude! You calling us dude? Do we look like a party of beach bums? Thinks your better then us does you?” The angry boyfriend said.

Mazal was doing her best in trying to play catch up with what was going on, when the guy punched Ted in the nose she barely kept herself in check just trying to get a feel for what was happening. "What the heck?" this time she got in the way of the angry boyfriend. "Back up you jerk!" shoving the guy backwards.

He took a few steps back then he swung at Mazal, who ducked low and punched him in the stomach.

"How dare you punch my boyfriend!" the guy's girlfriend leaped onto Mazal grabbing her hair and yanking it hard and sent Mazal to the sand.

"Bad move sister!" Mazal growled out after spitting out some sand, and she head butted the woman. Seeing that two other girls came dashing over and jumped into the fray.

"I got your six, ell tee" K'Muss said, peacemaking having gone out the window. He sighed one of the guys with his hand raised, heading towards Mazal. The punch connected with the caitians chin. "That all you got?" K'muss replied. He then proceeded to lock his attackers arm and throw him face first onto the sand.

"End this you sorry sack of ..." Hawksley grabbed the man by the neck and then headbutted him hard. Leland had a stubborn streak, but his forehead held more of that stubborn move.

A Hockey PLayer, Leland planted his both hard feet into the soft sand and bolted at an angle forward, like a bull. Three of the tall Jocks lined up in half drunk already were then knocked down past one by one in domino fashion. Leland bull rousing into them.

The lead one took Leland and smashed a beer bottle over his head, glass getting in to his forehead, blood streamed down his right face.

Hawksley recoiled "AWWWwwwwHHHHH!!" THe pain of the glass was intense as it felt deep. Just then he held his face, tripping the other as the jock tried to get back up off the Sand.

"Leland!" and that was all she said as Mazal threw the girls off of her, going into a rage. With a yell worthy of an amazon princess she leaped onto that jock who nailed Leland with a bottle, driving him into the sand. "There has to be an emergency code!" she yelled out, "Or are we going to have to face off with the big boss in this program!"

What had Teds friend David sent them. This wasn’t a beach party program ,it was a hand to hand combat simulation with six packs and bikinis. Silvers face hurt as he tried to think what his friend would use as a password. Just in case of trouble.

oO Trouble……trouble…..trouble…..that’s it!!Oo Ted thought

“ Compuber…….” Ted pressed his broken nose.

“ Computer.JANET LINDA SYMTHE!” Ted said in pain.

Suddenly everything vanished. To be replaced by an empty holodeck.

“ His ex wife. I knew he would use her name as password if there was a problem. My face hurts….” Ted said

Leland held his face, thankfully that Mazal had turned into a full-blown Amazonian warrior. He felt that his back was looked after when Mazal and the Amigos were around.

Grimacing as he used his white beach towel to stop the bleeding, he controlled himself. His anger was in full swing, seething. “JANET LINDA SYMTHE!” I’m going to kill this idiot!!!! He spoke without thinking.

“ Meeb first.” Ted said

Mazal took a deep breath, then let it out finding herself on the floor of the empty hologram. She walked over and picked up her bag and then went to check on Ted. "Are you going to be okay?" she knelt down and pulled out a knife and cut her towel in half. One was for Ted's broken nose and the other to help staunch the blood Leland was dealing with.

"Shall we get to medical and get you both." Mazal paused feeling something wet trickle down her cheek, she reached up and winced. She got injured as well. "I do not like long sharp fingernails." the adrenaline Mazal had pumping through her veins was now wearing off and she was feeling other areas that had taken hits.

She turned to look at K'Muss, "Are you doing okay?"

Hawksley slapped at his badge, as his head arched in pain. "UNHhhhhHHh Emergency transport, Holodeck onnne to Sick Bay!"

Just then, everyone was energized out...

As Ted materialised in sickbay. One thought bounced around his sore head.

oO Why?Oo



Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO
USS Tomcat


1st Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant (jg) Ted Sam Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Deputy Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat


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