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[BACK POST] Hawk & Ze - Brah!

Posted on 13 Sep 2022 @ 9:52pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze

2,872 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 01
Timeline: Shoreleave


Riding off the waves with his board, Leland was a novice when it come to boarding. He looked competent enough out there in the waves along the Cancun shores. He fell more times than he could count into the thick blue white-crested waves.

Coming in off the beach, Hawksley took the familiar sandy beachside lounger in the sun. The palms swayed from the gentle breeze coming in off the Gulf of Mexico.

Setting his board alongside the tree to dry off, Hawksley placed on his aviators. He went to the bar to get something to cool down.

Cancun was a popular human resort destination. The Mayan Riviera was a fantastic set of never-ending beaches, shores, and cenotes. It was great for hang-gliding the long beaches as well. So much to do, so much to see in such a short holodeck time. Lilliana was coming to visit Leland on the holodeck for dinner.

Ze had gotten the notification to meet hawk at the holodeck, black shorts and vest top and what can only be described as an 80s hair cut ze made for the holo deck, to meet his best friend had been doing research on earth music and had fallen in love with kate bushes voice, so ze being ze also had a walkman that was straight out of the 80s listening to kate bush as he ran towards the holodeck.

Walking in he looked around finding his flat circular sun glasses with a black frame and lenses, He spotted leland and walked up behind him placing his arm around hawksley "Sorry im late brother new posting has me trying to mop up the mess that hs been left in security and tactical" he said pulling hawksley closer "I think this calls for a round of teqilla" he said flagging the bar tender down "4 shots of tequila boss man" he spoke as he waited for hawk to order his main drink.

Leland grinned, planting his hand around Tos and yanking him to his side. “Dude. I mean, you‘re my wingman on this. Look at this place. It has to be better than the last resort, eh?” He asked for input.

Wearing his yellow hard hat with two holsters for tallboy cans, the oversized drinker’s hard hat was a sight—the wired beer cans.

“I’ll take a Bacardi….” Leland then passed over the top of the bar counter his Neon Yellow Super Soaker
And a classic neon orange tank. “Fill up my tank, please!” He handed the tender.

“That’s what this is for!!! Not just for fun!” Hawksley then took the gun and squirted the Bacardi up into the air. “TEST! We’re loaded!!!”

“Hey, I brought you a gun too. We can take them with us. There are the nudist beaches we can start spraying the ladies in the Yoga Classes!! Think of all those loose bikinis running, screaming!!!”

Ze Had the tequilas in his hand and the bartender handed over the barcadi "One barcardi and ill take a full glass of thatchers cider please" the bartender ran off to get the pint, he took the super soaker "Oh yes i love a good water fight this is going to be fun" He said as the bartender handed over the cider "Thanks boss" he aid as he motioned to hawksley "Lets go and watch some of these bodies" He said winking at hawksley.

Hawksley charged his gun and aimed it at Tos’s mouth. In a bromance, only Tos, Dodd, or Leland could understand the crudeness… Leland jolted his gun of alcoholic beverage… “Dude, open your mouth; I deposit some Love!” He grunted.

Tos laughed a very Tos laugh and flung his head back "Oh Leland shoot me more" he mocked as he felt the alcohol hit his mouth and face "Well that was colder than I was expecting it" he said with an even bigger laugh.

On the way there, Leland had Tos sitting atop his shoulders, walking around like he was his Son, but two fully grown men; Leland held on strong as they walked, and Tos sprayed the Bikini and screaming erupted.

Leland barreled into Laughter as he dropped forward, unable to carry Tos’s lean six-pack weight any longer. Leland dropped to the sand on the beach under the palm trees as Tos dropped beside him. For a moment, Leland, already feeling it let his eyes linger on Tos, not in a way he should be.

Tos was atop Leland's shoulders as he pumped up his soaker full off vodka Coke "Hey ladies! Want some of the good stuff!"he said laughing as he sprayed the women and toppled off Leland's shoulders a roar of laughter erupting from his mouth as he hit the deck.

Leland was shooting at random females, knowing they would never do this in a real-world setting or they’d have so much red tape. Red tape.

“OHhhhh my Goshhhhhhhh!!!!!” Screaming the females, races, genders, and sizes of all who adorned the gorgeous beach. Nobody was holy from the classic neon yellow Super Soaker!

Pausing after a while of intense running around, Leland was walking along the boardwalk with Tos, and they then stopped. Leland grabbed Tos by his forearm as a giddy child would a parent. “LOOK! HENNA TATTOOS!!!! OMG We have to get someeee…”

The tattoo artists along the beach, along with the various venues to sit and drink and mingle, Hawksley propped himself up next in line. “I’m getting a tattoo of the Amigos! All our names, and then a separate one of Lilli in a heart. I want it along my neck…. Just below the good old Starfleet collar line.”

“You have to get one Tos, cummon. What are your thoughts, buddy?!” Hawksley sat looking around. From their vantage point, he could see the rolling hills of the Californian, San Diego coastline. The sun was brilliant and a hot day.

When Hawk tugged his arm, he followed like an equally giddy child "Henna Tattoos? What are these things?" he spoke with quirk of his eye, whatever they were he would join Hawksley in getting one.

He pulled hawksley in close "You are the best friend I think I've ever had"Tos had really struggled In his life with friendships not with leland it was like they were two sides of the same coin "So i think I'm going to get a hawk riding a Zebra" he said with this stupid grin on his face "Because your a Hawk and I'm Ze, the only earth animal that has my name in it" He said laughing even harder at himself.

Downing half his pint as they waited in line, looking out across the view "I wish i had visited this part of earth when i had the chance" he said with a happy smile on his face "Reckon if we ever got some rack time back at earth we could visit this beautiful city in person?" he sked as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

Leland smiled, he almost could have cried. If his tear ducts unfrozen, which never happened. Ever! Never Ever! Ever!... He snorted.... "I think.... That is the sweetest thing...... A Bro has ever said..... To Me..." Leland then wiped his own bicep accross his face as he then grabbed the half pint from Ze and then chugged it before shaking his head.

"Uh. I thought you would never ASKKK... I have a few buddies who can hook us up, were talking.... California Hills Mid-Century Modern, Holograms of Roman Woman, Wines from before time... You have no idea of my Earthly Friends. They would literally dust you in ceremonial gold flakes!!! Your in!"

Ze had taken a few moments to look at the view "Then I eagarly await that time leland where we can see the sights and sounds of earth together" he wrapped his arm around leland and pulled in tight.

Just then Leland hopped on, and in no time his henna tattoo, a temporary kind of non staining friendship. Which might just turn perminanent after what Tos Said now... "Dude... This look..." He showed his henna's to Ze... You're up Bro!!!"

Ze was up next when leland jumped off the artist looked to him "A Hawk Riding a Zebra Please" the young betazoid said as he laughed a little out loud as the artist prepared the stencil and got to work. In no time at all Ze was finished and he looked down at the tattoo "Perfect" he said handing over the holo money for the tattoo.

Just then after Ze hopped on. They heard music, loud thumping, rhythmic, booming, hyper-sounding, in the distance down the beach... There was a DJ set up with over 400 people jumping up and down on the beach. It was a RAVE!!!!!!!!

Ze heard the loud thumping music, his heart sang with joy "Now this is my kinda party" He said grabbing leland "Lets get some more drinks and head on over, I feel the need for speed brother" he said wiggling his eyebrows at the other and laughing possibly a little to hard.

After grabbing more drinks, Leland picked up Ze like an Emu, and then trotted as fast as he could towards the sound of the music. The louder it was, the closer they were.

The beach vibrating in the sand to the awesome techno beats... Leland drinking from his hard hat beers direct to his mouth.

"Look!!! Look at the chicks!!! They're undressing their bras!" Hawksley's eyes bulged out!

When Hawk picked him up he laughed like a little girl "God I love you bro" he said laughing out loud again, he could feel the music in the sand "Oh my god look at them" His eyes practically fell out of his face.

"OH My God..." "Red ALERT!!!! There is a redhead TOS!" He snickered, as Leland carried Tos on his shoulders like two Bros they were. He ran for the party and then when they hit the outer crowds of the stage he tripped forward each dumping into the sand!!!

"Ahha ahahahahahaha..." Leland grabbed his beer-hard hat again and toggled it back on. "Part-tayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Leland shouted.

As tos fell to the floor he laughed out loud and pulled leland close "Somedays all I need is my best friend and good a drink oh and good music" He said as his eyes snapped round to look at the red head "Now that is a sight to behold sir" He pushing his glasses down.

“Shes only photons. I don’t think Mazal would mind if you leer at the photonic red hair a little.” He felt bad for a moment. Mazal was getting along quite well with Tos and he didn’t want Tos to get stuck on photons.

“Your amazing. You know that. If you weren’t my brother, I’d take you to get married right this instant.” Leland bellowed in glee and jest.

Hawksley already bouncing to the beat as he jumped up, sand plastered across his chest and their new henna Ze-Brah tatoos.

As Tos stood he laughed a little more "Ahh that's how it starts Hawk one minutes shes photons the next shes a fully formed computer program asking me to marry her" he said with a wink as he took a drink from his pint.

Tos laughed again as he pulled Leland into a massive hug "And you know what i'd accept that offer but we are brothers and that is infinitely better" he said winking at his best friend as he bounced along to the music.

After the dance party, Leland was feeling a bit bushed. From all that hooting, hollering, screaming and extended hours of jumping up and down to and thro to the deep-hard bass beats! Nobody did it like Deejay Zephyr K’Lockt.

“Mannnnnn…” Leland smiled, sun burned, bushed, sandy hair and henna tatoos all over his biceps and chest now. His beer cap still on his head. Beer long since finished.

“Tos… I wanna tell you something.” Leland stammered, as he held up his similar friend in alcoholled state. “I wanna.. Tell youuuuu Something!”

They sat down next to an empty fire pit of lounge chairs on the beach, the evening stars now shining above. The fire in the pit in front of them letting off a gentle glow. The beach, the summer vibes. Everything was fantastic.

“I want you to be my blood brother. I am, I am serious!!! I want you to be my Brother!!!” He stated as he slumped back into his own chair next to Ze in his chair now. “I don’t think…. Scratch that. I’ve never had a brother, well… One that was as connected, as just being you!” There was something that placed a part of Leland whole when he was around the Ze spirit!

Ze fell about laughing but as soon as the night drew in so did tos, following Hawk to the lounge chairs he passed his pint to leland "Drink it I'm absolutely beat up" he said burping, when he heard the words come out of lelands mouth, the young betazoids eyes filled with tears "Ive never had someone I feel as deeply connected to as I do you" He reached out his hand and squeezed lelands shoulder "I want to be your brother in spirit and in blood maybe there's an old earth ritual we can use to bind our selves as one?" he said racking his brain he pulled the man close "Leland Hawksley if the gods be good we will find a way to make this connection a permanent fixture" his eyes locked onto leland and smiled "In this life and the next I will find you where ever you go"

“You’re the Ze Spirit. To our Ze Brah!” Leland stated. “I want you and Mazal to be the god mother, father of our child, when heeeee is born.”

He pulled leland close "Boy or girl They will know they are loved"

“Ittttt could very well be a her too. Good point!” He burped aloud. “Oh man! Sorry…. I… I just got scared thinking what if I didn’t have a Son. Its not that I don’t want a daughter, I just. She’d more than likely not want to be in sports, or… or …. Or hockey!” His brows lent upward like he was surprised anyone could not like hockey, the sport.

“What do you think? What do you say? I have to speak to Lilli about this offffff course.” He nodded solemnly at Ze, his eyes searching for any kind of reaction.

The rollercoaster of emotions just didn't stop, with his arm around leland and his eyes fixed on his best friend soon to be blood brother "Leland itd be my honor to be god child to the beautiful life you and lilliana bring into this world be it a boy or a girl" he placed a kiss on lelands forehead and placed his forehead against his "She or He will know a love as deep as I feel for you that much I can promise" the night had winded down and now tos was an emotional wreck but for all the right reasons.

Leland patted his Ze-Brah on the back. He could tell it had been a draining and emotional day for the two men. They had their close connections re-invigorated and re-energized in the way they could only have.

Walking out with Ze-Brah the brothers held each other up as they walked out of the holodeck, and Leland led Ze to his quarters. Before pressing the chime for Ze, Leland paused.
I Uh... Perhaps I should let you enter. There might be a surprise in there waiting that only you should be seeing, Am I right? Or am I right?"

As Leland led him out of the holodeck, he burped and laughed at the same time, he was hobbling mainly due to the tiredness but then again tos was now the cheof security officer aboard and this would have to be something he would have to get used to. He looked at his "Hawk" and smiled "Thank you again for a wonderful evening leland" he smiled "I can assure you Liutennant Falk will be sleeping right now so by all means feel free to stay over" he said with another laugh.

Hawksley laughed and nudged Ze. He was referring to Ze's ever-budding romance with Mazal. Wow, and Ze and Mazal were a powerhouse together in those respects a light that seemed to be flaring into a blow torch of.... Of newfound lust, love, whichever was forming. Leland was proud and happy to be with his best friend to see this happen.

As Ze was nudged in his feet hit the floor and kicked off his flip flops finding his cotton night shorts and his t-shirt he slithered into bed drawing the covers over his head, he would deal with the mamoth hang over in the morning when he was able to function.


Liutennant JG Tosrol Ze
USS Tomcat



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