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In the loop

Posted on 20 Aug 2022 @ 3:23pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
Edited on on 20 Aug 2022 @ 4:51pm

1,785 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Marine XO’s office
Timeline: After meeting the troops


With her pregnancy bordering its second month, Lilliana had decided it was time to let Falk know of her condition. Being a combat medic she would be expected to be in the field, but being pregnant would put her at unnecessary risk.

Making her way to Falk’s office, Lilliana paused outside the door and straightened her uniform before she pressed the chime and waited for admittance.

Mazal called out, "Enter." and turned her attention towards the door.

Walking in Lilli offered the usual salute as she stood in front of Mazal’s desk. “Lieutenant, As per regulations I’m here to inform you that I’m pregnant. Just about 8 weeks.”

"Congratulations are in order I would say." giving a bit of a smile to Lilli. " Mazal gives a nod.

Lilli smiled warmly as she looked at Mazal. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Leland and I are pretty excited about it.”

"Please have a seat, and also congratulations on your marriage. You certainly look rather happy." Mazal replied with a smile, motioning towards a chair. "Can I get you something to drink? Like a ginger ale?" it would be evident of Mazal's delight at the news of the pregnancy, a feeling as it were, but there would also be a slight undercurrent of something else, maybe a slight touch of guilt.

Even though she'd spoken to Tos about kissing Leland, now she was here in her office with Lilli, and she'd not spoken to Lilli about it. There hadn't been a chance yet, or rather Mazal didn't know how to approach her yet.

Lilli took the offered seat, sensing a certain awkwardness from Mazal. “A ginger tea would be lovely, thank you.” She smiled warmly. “The ginger definitely helps with morning sickness.”

"Two ginger teas coming up," Mazal replied then retrieved the ginger teas setting one down on her desk, she felt that she needed some tea as well.

“If you don’t mind me asking you seem a little...uncomfortable around me.” Lilli gave Mazal a curious look. “Would it happen to be because you shared a kiss with Leland?”

Mazal's hand froze for a moment just as she was setting the tea down on the small table next to Lilli. She managed not to drop it and then silently took a seat. She breathed in slightly, then answered.

"Oh good, he did tell you." raising her eyes to meet Lilli's. "Yes, I do feel slightly uncomfortable, feeling rather guilty. I don't normally kiss someone who has a significant other not like how he and I kissed." her cheeks colouring up to dark pink. "It went no further than that though."

Lilli nodded. “I understand, Leland was honest with me about it. I trust him and he knows that.” She picked up the tea Mazal had brought over for her, blowing it before taking a sip.

This made Mazal brighten up considerably. "I told Tosrol about what happened, as he and I are on the path of well..." another blush, but a smile accompanying it. "Oh gosh, we're building a relationship, a good one. I can't believe he feels that I am worthy to love. I'm over the moon at that." she took a sip of tea, still smiling.

“That’s wonderful” Lilli smiled warmly. “I hope everything goes well for the two of you.”

"Thank you and so do I. Okay so back to your good news unless you've got some questions to ask of me?" Mazal queried. She took a nice drink of her ginger tea, wondering if Lilli did have some questions for her.

Lilli sipped her tea before pausing to think. “To be honest, I’m not sure. I know that due to my pregnancy I won’t be permitted off the ship, which leaves you without a field medic. I feel like I’m letting you down.”

Mazal reached out and touched Lilli's hand. "Oh Lilli, don't do that, you are not letting me down. Things like this happen, it's natural, to be quite honest. You may not be down there but, you will be waiting for us when we get back. And just that thought of someone waiting for us, to, in some aspect put us back together in one form or other. Sure another field medic will come with us but- you will be plenty busy when the time comes and we return." her voice became filled with emotions, "Besides, Lilli, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. You are a wonderful woman, someone who has that certain spark which captured Leland's heart. I can see it in you. And it takes a special someone to be with Leland, and you are that woman. I see you and Leland together I need to wear sunglasses before I become blind." a grin appeared. "You two generate enough fire that would put a sun to shame, due to your love."

Lilli’s smile practically shone as she let Mazal’s words sink in. “I can’t explain what I feel for Leland, I just know he’s the man I want to grow old with. It makes me proud to be his wife.” Her smile faded just a little. “I’m just struggling with the thought of being separated from our baby, I know this isn’t a family ship but I don’t know how I’ll face that when it happens.”

"Well, you will have to make a decision there. Will you take maternity leave for a few months so you can be properly bonded to your little one? I don't know if you are planning on breastfeeding your baby either. And you will have to decide which is more important, your baby or your career. Do you have family that can come take care of the baby while you are out with us? I don't want to discourage you to give up on being a marine, but, a mother is extremely important to a baby, especially an infant. This is what my sister and mother had told me." Mazal stated.

"My mother and aunt are marines, though, when they became pregnant they took leave to take care of their children when they were babies. Once we reached a certain age they went back to marine life. When they had to leave their kids at home they had a family to help out. My father was the stay home parent." Mazal added.

Lilli nodded. “You were fortunate to have a stay-at-home parent, not many do. We have family who could look after our baby, but as you said it may yet come to me taking time away from my duties to care for him, or her. That’s a future conversation to have with Leland.”

Mazal gave a nod. "Now I do have a suggestion if you are not able to go out on manoeuvres, when you have your baby, don't forget you won't have to be just sitting at home. With your medical skills, you can actually gain more experience by working in the medical centre at the station. "

Lilli nodded. “I’ll bear that in mind, thank you for the suggestion.” She smiled. “I guess a career on the station wouldn’t be so bad, it’s something to consider.”

"And we'd not lose you either," Mazal replied. "Especially since you are a part of the family of the Tomcat. Would be a great loss, it most certainly will." a warm congenial smile. "Honestly I am rather excited about the upcoming birth of your baby. Children are such a treasure, well from what I have heard and observed. My nieces and nephews are so cute. Yes, they can get into mischief and can cause trouble but they are a wonder to watch. Just their innocent and sheer enjoyment of discovering the world around them."

Lilli smiled. “I love children, I always have. Being a mother is a dream come true, admittedly it's a fair few months away yet.”

"Well someday I may end up having children, may not happen for a little bit though. There are things I still need to do." Mazal replied. "It's something to think about down the road. However, until such time you will be taking your maternity leave you still will be involved with marine things. Heck may need to schedule some counselling done and talk about what happened on the mission." Mazal said with a thoughtful expression in her eyes.

Lilli nodded. “By all means, Counselling is a part of the job I enjoy. If you decide to let me know, and I’ll arrange a suitable time.”

Mazal gave a nod, "That sounds like a plan. It may be sooner than later, to be honest. And don't know if it would be appropriate here either." Mazal drew in a breath then let it out slowly. "Definitely would be better in your office instead."

“Not a problem” Lilli smiled warmly. “It’ll make a change to use a Counselling office instead of being in Sickbay, or the marine medbay.

"That sounds good, how soon do you think we should do that?" Mazal was curious about that. They were heading back to the station and would be getting ready to go on shore leave.

“How’s about in the morning?” Lilli offered a warm smile. “It’ll give you tonight to clear your head somewhat.”

"That sounds like a fantastic idea. And thank you for suggesting that, and also keeping me in the loop as well." Mazal returned the warm smile.

Lilli nodded. “I’d rather you have the full picture, at least Leland won’t have to worry about me being off the ship.”

"This is very true, very true indeed," Mazal replied. "Would rather him not be distracted while at work. On that note, we can meet tomorrow morning in your office, and you get to see what lies beneath the surface of my mind." giving a teasing wink.

Lilli smiled and stood ready to leave. “I’ll see you then. It’s been nice talking to you, Lieutenant.”

"I have enjoyed this as well."Mazal rose up from her chair and walked Lilli to the door. "See you in the morning."

Once Lilli stepped out of her office, Mazal breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad that she was able to express her worries well at least about her kissing Leland. Now tomorrow she'll get to get into the nitty-gritty and maybe there will be some revelations that Lilli may not like. Well, that will be for tomorrow and not tonight.


1st Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO
95th Rifles

Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley [P: Arderne]
Combat Medic/Counsellor
95th Rifles


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