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Trouble and strife (Backpost)

Posted on 31 Aug 2022 @ 3:58pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 01 Sep 2022 @ 1:37pm

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: outside the CRR


Having been dismissed by the Colonel, Paul and Serina exited the CRR and headed to the confines. the turbo lift as Paul. Serina was now pissed at him as he remembered how the last time she was mad she threw a boot at him*pause* he looked over at her and asked " Are you okay with me being DCAG?'

"I'm ok with it, try not to be a hero and get yourself killed ok? We have children you know. I will say this however, you better impress the hell out of me 'cause if you can't follow orders, be prepared to suffer the consequences," she added, looking at him with her piercing glare of 'Beware the wrath of Reaper'!

" I know love, but now I'm back in flight we are going to have to make the team the best in the fleet," as he knew that the team knew the standards of what was expected now they feared him back would be worse for them.

Serina knew Racine and K'Rin would not be all that bothered by Paul's return to the flight group but..... "Paul there are two pilots you don't know about and both are outstanding pilots. Racine and K'Rin won't fear you because they know who you are my love. A smart and determined man who wants the best fighter group in the fleet. So please don't intimidate them, ok? Oh, and by the way, Racine is Betazoid!" Serina added smiling wickedly. She knew Racine would never read anyone's thoughts unless she were ordered to. "You might get the other pilots terrified of you but those two? Not a chance," she said kissing him gently.

"Racine, I checked up on her Jacket last night and you know her quite well it seems, more like a Sister?" Paul remarked smiling at her, "so if you treat her like family then so she is," as he wanted her the same treatment that his friend Eric Stewart had given him all those years ago." as for K'Rin, she is a house member,"

"But the rest of the flight Must know that I will not tolerate slackers," Paul said, as he remembered " When I was CAG, I made sure they were drilled at least twice a month on response time to the fighters and the maintenance crews checked every fortnight," as he remembered the structure he had in place and that needs to return," as he knew that the flight did not show how quick they were in an emergency. as he looked back at his wife.

"Well my love, since I became CAG, drills are every week. Maintenance is always on duty 24/7; basically, every pilot does simulator time at least once a week. I allow for downtime as all work and no play is detrimental to their stability flying fighters. Twice a month I take each squadron out for practice flying and reinforcing what I have taught them. I fly in different formats that I have studied, learned, and proved in battle. They may be from different eras in Earth's avionics wars but in a pinch, they do work quite well. For every time we have to emergency fly, ready 5 fighters are already on the flight line waiting to go. No, if it can be improved upon then we can discuss it. But for now, I am not changing the routine for the pilots," Serina said, looking at her husband.

"Ok, that's fine but we have to surprise them from time to time," replied Paul looking at his wife, he continued," we can not let them get too complacent," as he knew that surprise drills worked wonders.

"I give surprise drills when they least suspect them. It works quite well especially when I tell them to rest up," Serina said with an evil smile.

"We are going to be quite devious with those," replied Paul giving his wife a grin, he continued," more like let them get into bed and start the drill," as he knew that they were going to make this team the best in the fleet, he finished" I want to compete with Paula's Squadron,"

"Ha! Competition is this squadron's name.

You get them to compete and they will blow you away. I am proud of my people and you know that. Besides we are about due for a competition," Serina said, grinning evilly.

"You Know that Paula is a lot like you," replied Paul looking at his wife-to-be, he continued "She will want to make sure her squadrons are better and hates losing," as he remembered back to the Academy.

"I also hate losing and you know that. By the way, how are Paula these days? Have you spoken to her lately?" Serina asked Paul.

"Not yet not since coming back from the away mission," replied Paul as he continued to walk beside his wife-to-be, he continued, "But I will do," as he wanted to let her know that he was now back in the cockpit.

"I wonder how she will take that news? After your crash,.....accident, will she approve of you flying again?" Serina asked Paul.

" No she won't," replied Paul looking at his wife to be "After the crash I went into a depression after the operation and drank a lot" he stated ashamed to admit it, "And she had to put me back together," he finished saying.

"Well this time it will be me putting you together this time, and not Paula," said Serina with an evil grin. Wrapping her arms around Paul, she kissed him, she kissed him passionately. "I do love you, Paul."

"And I love you too hun" replied Paul as he held her, and continued" Now, about the setting for our wedding?" smiling at her" where do you want it?"

"Well, I was thinking of somewhere calm and serene," she said looking back at him as she held him with her arms draped around his neck, How about the Station's arboretum where Rocky is,"

"My thoughts exactly," replied Paul looking back at her "and big enough to hold all the guests," continued as this was going to be a grand affair with family and friends.

As she removed her arms from around his neck as she replied," you go handover Security and I will speak with the Captain," as she watched him leave, she turned and pressed the door chime once more.


LT Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security

Lt Serena "Reaper" Donavan


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