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Exchanging of Findings and Confidence

Posted on 21 Jul 2022 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: XO's office
Timeline: after Captive State Awards Ceremony

- ON -

- Dodd's XO Offiice -

Dodd was in his office even though he was off duty, but he was working on his reports for the mission to 501769-D and how he was overwhelmed with responsibilities bestowed upon him so soon after being promoted to the First Officer.

He was dressed in comfortable attire as he had feeling he would have company and thus should have on more than must a pair of shorts. So he was wearing a loose Hawaiian shirt with a pineapple motif and a very thin pair of Chico's. He did have on a simple Birkenstock style of sandal. He sat at his desk drinking a warm apple cider with a splash of pineapple juice as he read from his notes.

Suddenly there was a chime at his office door. He could sense it was Alexanderia who was coming to him to talk about what she discovered on 501769-D.

Cahill went to Commander Dodd's door and rang the chime.

"Come" Dodd stated when the door chimed a second time.

"Cahill walked in and smiled, She knew the intell she had was critical but at the same time, it was needed to know. "

"Welcome, I am glad you could meet." Dodd replied. "Would you like a beverage or snack?"

"What do you have to report about the brief mission to Arth?" Dodd asked of his colleague.

I get a drink and walk over to him. Passing off my report to him. And then set down.

Cahill replied, "As you can see, we found the observation post empty, and with the amount of dust it had been a while. When we intervened with the people on the planet they spoke of aliens. We treaded carefully to make sure our covers were safe.

As it went on I found out they were talking about the personnel from the observation post and continued. It appears a couple of our people may be helping or have gone over to help them with the development of technology. And one may be courting with the planet's government as well. But I did not have time to check this out."

"So you are telling me that Starfleet personnel have interfered with the planet's development." Dodd replied. "I was afraid they were like the Iotians and reversed engineered our technology. But I am surprised that any member of the original observation team would have done anything like this. We left three crew members behind and I now hope they are okay." Dodd stated concernly.

"It could be they were forced to do it. Much like happens when Orions capture key engineering personnel. They torture and force them to help them out.

But it does appear the leader of the group may be helping than out willing. But I cannot be sure. I did have Taggart put in some bugs that will tie to any Star Fleet items and eventually make them useless to anyone. we also removed the main computer and brought it back. But we put in a false one to keep it from being oblivious if they do return to the Observation Post. That way they don't realize we were there.

But till we can find out we need to make this top secret to prevent any security leaks from being discovered. Keep it between you, me, Colonel Sommers, and Fleet Captain Somers. Want to be sure to make all information available before we make any decisions regarding what is happening." Cahill stated.

"Doctor, I am glad you discovered this as I was thinking something had to be the cause for the rapid advancement on the planet that should be still around the early industrial revolution point of evolution." Dodd replied. "I would ask you get all your data collected and I can arrange a meeting to share your findings with the Captain and Colonel. I am sure they would like you to present it as soon as you are ready. But I know we got pulled from the mission due to other more pressing matters but I feel we will be going back so your data will be beneficial to say the very least.

"Here is a copy for you Commander Dodd. I figured you would want a copy and if necessary I can present it to Captain and LTC Somers as well. I feel this should be protected to the Senior level only for the time being. Don't want it to get out just yet. We still don't know all the story yet."

"Thank you, I appreciate this, and yes it should be contained to only the four of us for now. We will be going back to Arth in the future and this will help with the return mission." Dodd replied. "I am glad you were able to get so many details and observations in the short period you were on the surface. Apparently, you have keen abilities that I am sure many of us overlook. Glad you are on our side."

"I am a doctor and paying attention to the details will save lives in the long run. I use this to gather information without anyone realizing I am asking questions. It is amazing how just saying hello and talking you can find out so much about what is going on around you.

Then all you have to do is recall it and examine it when you are alone later. This allows you to be more effective in your findings and also be more effective at finding intell about anything that you need to know.

And I would be happy to help with Star fleet things anytime I am needed."

"I appreciate your abilities." Dodd responded. "I will take you up on that offer in the future. This is still a learning curve because being the first officer is not exactly like running engineering, in fact it is far more involved and not as fun. I enjoyed working in engineering and being the key to helping the ship function on a mechanical side of things. But as first officer, the mechanics of juggling policies and procedures and all the people wrangling is almost overwhelming. I really wish my personal counselor was still onboard as I miss her in more than a physical way."

"With no counselor on the ship as CMO I can do the mental health counseling till we get one reassigned to the Tomcat. I am bound to secrecy as a counselor just like I am as a doctor. I can help you out if you need it." Cahill responded.

"I would be okay with Vail-Hawksley, but there is a little history there and I don't want to discuss this with her." Dodd replied. "I also don't want to talk to Arderne about this either. I really do hope this is okay."

"I have no problem with it. I am in charge of everything in SickBay. And everything is under my duties as you know." Cahill replied.

"I truly appreciate it. I will need to figure out a time to sit down with you and get off my chest all that I have holding in." Dodd responded. "I guess for now we can disperse and get ready for our next duty shifts."

Cahill got up and left, "Thanks for talking to me Commander Dodd."

"Have a great day, Doc." Dodd stated as Cahill crossed the threshold of his office door.


Lt. Cmdr. Alexandria Cahill
Chief Medical Officer, USS Tomcat


Lt. Cmdr. Remington Dodd
Executive Officer, USS Tomcat


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