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Running up That Hill

Posted on 09 Jun 2022 @ 11:05am by Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Edited on on 09 Jun 2022 @ 5:02pm

660 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Ze's Quaters/Security & Tactical
Timeline: 0400 hours (am)


Lieutenant Tosrol ze lay awake in his quarters, in fact, he’d been this way for nearly 3 days. The fact that the young betazoid wasn't sleeping told him something was off or wrong, He swung his legs over the bed and rubbed his eyes as he tried to focus on the room itself, Blinking as he focused on the computer. Standing up he walked over to his desk, looking at the time it was 4 am and most of the crew would be asleep, whilst tosrol would love to go back to sleep, he had an entire department to overhaul and get into some workable order.

Ze was slated for Gamma shift today, which meant he’d properly be awake most of the night anyway. He threw on his tomcat crew t-shirt, jogging bottoms, and his ID card placing it on his t-shirt. He hadn't got the department to his liking yet, but at the end of this morning, the security and tactical department would have new rotas and a fresh layout. He walked up to his computer “Computer one fresh coffee; cappuccino milky with 2 sugars” he spoke as the replicator formed the drink and it steamed with how hot it was.

Picking it up he grabbed his padd that lay on the side of his desk, which out lay precisely what he wanted to do to overhaul the department. The current rotas were a mess so Ze would start there and work his way forward. Getting the team into a decent working order would be instrumental because it was all chaos and hand grenades at the moment.

He walked into his office and sat at his desk, in the security and tactical office, opening the padd on the rota he had been working on the previous night when he couldn't sleep. He was halfway through working on a rolling rota for the department, it was how he ran operations a rolling two-week rota meant everyone had sufficient time off and hours for the department weren't wasted.

He sipped from his coffee as he looked around the office “Still a mess but I will get there eventually rotas first, armoury second, and office last one thing at a time Ze” he spoke as he looked at the rota he had managed to get every shift covered mainly and now would have to send it off for approval of the command team. It was still a work in progress but for now, he sent it off to colonel Somers and fleet captain Somers respectfully.

He still had some paperwork to do, transfers and requisitions; Ze looked through the transfers grabbing the file of one Faith Benson, who would be his second in command “Impressive an El-Aurian with the life experience of 3 humans” He said scanning the file sipping from his coffee as he scanned the service record “Quite a lot of extensive experience I know who I’ll have run the drills and rearm parades when it comes to it” he spoke putting the file down and walking over to the armoury door “What a goddamn mess…” He said as he saw the phaser rifles are strewn all over the floor, hand phasers hanging in wrong places, and target sensors in odds and ends of the armoury.

Ze took a swig of his coffee and Looked around, Placing the coffee on the nearest table “Computer Play Running Up That Hill (A Deal WIth God) By Kate Bush” He spoke as the tumble of the opening of the song appeared Ze filtered off into his happy place, as he moved around picking up phaser rifles and other equipment. From the office, anyone on the outside would think lieutenant ze was just having fun but in reality, this was his fun organization, rota work, and getting things to suit how he wanted them.




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