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Making Connections

Posted on 24 Aug 2022 @ 11:17pm by Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 01 Sep 2022 @ 2:01pm

3,096 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Tosrol's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Back and forth Mazal paced, running her hands through her hair causing it to go askew in a few places. It now looked a bit wild and unkempt. She was tapping her fingers together as she fought to quell the storm within her mind. Finally, Mazal just threw her hands in the air and said to her quarters. "Okay, I need to talk to him... What will Tosrol do? What will he say? I can't let this bubble inside my mind for too much longer. It will drive me insane!" she closed her hands into a fist and shook them in the air. "Arrrgh!"

"Okay I need to just message him... that is all I need to do." Mazal caught sight of herself in a mirror and grimaced, her hair was a total mess, wild and unruly like a lion's mane.

First off, a message to Tosrol then to tame her mane.

=/\=Tosrol, I'd like to see you again, can we meet somewhere? Is your choice okay? Uh, this is Mazal=/\= Mazal winced after she sent that message, silently groaning.

Ze had been running over time in the security and tactical office when his comm badge chirped, Ze looked a little worse for ware but after all the last couple of days had taken it out if him =/\= Mazal I'm in my office feel free to swing by I'll make some room =/\= he chirped as he set about trying to get his work space clean for Mazal.

After a few minutes, having to decide between civvies or uniform and how to do her hair, Mazal just went the simpler route, uniform and her hair swept back into a ponytail. She growled at the mirror as her hair was still giving Mazal trouble.

She finally arrived and pressed the chime, and when she was told to go inside Mazal stepped in. That storm in her head still hadn't been quelled and was leaking out all over the place.

"Hello, Tos...I mean sir. I mean." she gave out a puff of air a little bit... awkwardly.

Ze got to his feet and managed to knock most of if not all of his papers to the floor "Please just call Tos Sir makes me feel way older than I should" he said with a light laugh, he walked over and placed his arms around her in an embrace, a soft heartwarming embrace but also one of tiredness, last they had spoken he had professed his love for her he didn't want to presume anything so kept it jovial and light as to not push his emotions onto her that was the last thing ze wanted.

Mazal placed her arms around Tos as well, returning the embrace. Her heart seemed to want to leap out of her chest though with how conflicted she was feeling. "Tos..." she lightly gnawed on her lower lip before she continued, "how are you doing?" she had memories of when Tos told her he loved her, this made her heart beat even faster. "Okay..maybe we can sit down?" she was feeling so awkward right now. Though his arms around her felt so lovely. "Yes, let's sit down, please?"

He felt her arms and a part of him wanted to crash into her, but he knew better than to do that right he was exhausted and he would just wind up hurting her "Yes let's sit down I feel if I don't ill crash into you" He said pulling out the chair he was sitting at and pulled up the armchair in the corner of his office for her "Please Sit Mazal" he looked to the computer "One Hot coffee please computer?" he asked as he looked towards her "Is everything ok Mazal?" he was concerned it was late so late that tos hadn't realised just how late.

"I'd like some coffee as well please," she asked quietly. Mazal noticed how tired he was. "Oh my gosh, maybe this um conversation needs to be talked about later on. You look exhausted. Or shall we converse or I do confessions..." she looked down and twisted her fingers together. Mazal just didn't quite know how to start, but she just jumped in any way into the deep end.

"So... Leland and I were on an away mission together with Lamia. We ended up meeting some of the denizens there. They have this ritual that makes them more fertile for them to have babies. And no... he and I didn't... Do what the citizens wanted us to possibly do. We got out of there. It's just that memories were brought to the forefront and... I realized I had strong feelings for Leland and... well he and I talked about that. We kissed but that is all."

Ze got up and grabbed his coffee "Mazal I may be tired but seeing you again is a welcome reprieve from my constant overworking, I've been in this office every chance I can get when I'm not on shift to try and sift through the hilarity of the previous department head" He looked to her a small smile dancing across his face, a weak one but still a smile "Computer another hot milky coffee please" and in two seconds it wooshed to life and formed a cup of coffee picking it up with his own he placed it down next to her.

As he sat back down and she started talking, it took Ze's brain a few to dial in his heart sank, but part of him knew this wasn't a done thing, she hadn't gone out of her way to do this, and that softened the blow for him he wasn't even angry, how could he be? Hawk was his best friend, Mazal was the girl he loved on betazoid stuff like this happened all the time, the difference between this and the previous situation he had been in was Mazal, she was kind and pure and everything ze saw in her, he wished she would see in herself.

He reached over held her hand and squeezed it tight "And that doesn't make me think of you any less" It was true he still loved her "We aren't together Mazal at this stage for me to claim its cheating is a worse punishment than anything were still in that get to know you phase and unless you want to make us official in the next however long I won't hold it over your head I promise... It's not how I work"

Mazal nodded, "I felt like I was cheating on you, and I feel like a horrible person. I know .. where is the um confident Marine the one who has the devil may care sort of attitude? Just that even though there was a desire there, I wasn't going to do anything. He has Lilli and then there is you. Gosh both you and Hawk are just like pieces of the sun, so bright so potent. You draw me in like a moth to a flame. So powerful... In that meeting I had with Leland, he found out something about me, I felt unworthy of love. Unworthy of being loved, unworthy of being loved by you. That is just how I have felt. I lost someone I cared about, a friend as well as a companion a brother in arms. He died saving me and the rest of the team. He died in my arms. It does something to a person..."

She sighed slightly, "Which brings me to another subject, something that happened before you told me how you felt. And hopefully, it doesn't cause me any trouble. I ended up sleeping with someone by the name of James O'Donnaghue. He is the only one I've slept with since I joined the Tomcat." her cheeks going red.

Ze clutched her hand "The fact that you felt like that shows you care for me the same way I do for you" he smiled at her, coffee somehow reacting to his mood he looked her deep in her eyes "Mazal Falk you are not unworthy of mine or anyone else's love for that matter" He squeezed her hand little tighter "It doesn't matter what happened at that moment what matters is here and now" he said with a small smile "As for your compatriot I will never understand what it did to you, but what I can do is help you every day not by replacing him but by honouring his sacrifice by showing you what love is what love does to a person"

Tosrol Laughed a little it wasn't a malicious laugh or anything an innocent heartwarming laugh "Jimmy O'donnaghue The flyboy of rebel squadron? We eat together sometimes we never talk girls he's actually kinda this big bundle of energy when you get to know him, very secretive he's not told a soul on board that you slept with him I can tell by his emotional trails he's a very honest man and I actually admire him in a weird way"

"There's nothing you can say to me from the past that makes me think or feel for you any differently if anything you being this raw and honest with me only makes me want to be in your presence even more," He said squeezing her hand tightly "Drink that coffee or It goes cold Mi Amor" she spoke with a wink to her a reassuring wink of the deepest ze kind to let her know the boat could stop rocking and that he wasn't going anywhere.

Mazal picked up the coffee and took a sip and smiled. "I am glad I am not driving you crazy with my uncertainties. This is all new to me, I mean basically deciding to actually get involved with someone, on a serious basis. I am nervous, I truly am."

He squeezed her hand "Mi Amor if I didn't give you the space to get this out I wouldn't be a good friend let alone a potential love partner" he said with a meek smile "I want you to feel like you can talk to me whether its good or bad" he said taking a sip of his own coffee that sat in his hand.

Another drink of her coffee and Mazal smiled again, a slightly watery one. "I don't quite know what to say." she turned a slight reddish tint on her cheeks once more. "I am glad you appreciate my honesty. I would rather be upfront. So, I have another question for you: when shall we seek vengeance on your former um... girlfriend?"

He looked at her, his hand in hers "well I suppose there's no time like the present" He said winking as he stood holding out his hand "May I have this dance miss falk?" he smirked a happy smirk "Computer play I just died in your arms" he started to sway his body to the music.

Mazal set the coffee to one side, then took his hand, she froze for a moment when she heard the title of the song, a brief flash of a memory of what happened to her compatriot, but the music and Tos just swept her hesitation away. In fact, it seemed that she just melted up against him, giving into the music, and the moment. The beat, her heartbeat. She looked into his eyes, feeling herself being drawn deeply into them. This man, this wonderful man smashing through her barriers, blasting away the insecurities she had felt.

Ze took his arm around her middle bringing her closer, as he cradled her close to him, his eyes meeting hers as the song sprung to life "That wasn't so hard was it?" he said with a brief cheeky smile and his tell-tale eyebrow quirk "Leave it all to me Miss falk" his feet finding the beat easy "Oh I just died in your arms tonight.. it must have been something you said" He sang his voice not even breaking from its angelic tone as he dipped her catching her with his arm, his eyes still on hers as he brought her up and swivelled her so her back was against his chest as his arm across her chest as he moved his hips in time with the beat.

Oh, Mazal was falling under his spell, even more, the last time she heard him sing was when they first met. Her movements meshed with his, it was as if they had been dancing together for a very long time. It was a heady sensation, and she was just living in the moment. Mazal smiled, just beaming, her dark brown eyes shining with happiness.

Ze took her close as the song erupted once more, his chest flush with her back as he pulled her closer to his chest "The last time I sang in front of you was three sheets to the wind having the best night of my life and that was only because I met you silver and Hawksley but I found you and that's what matters to me" he was looking down at her with his own eyes happy and elated, the music was a rhythm of his own heart and for a moment he just hugged her close and swayed with her in his arms a moment of true happiness.

"That was some night," she whispered, then a song started playing, Broken Wings, by Mr Mister, and her eyes widened. Then she leaned in to kiss Tos, her lips pliable warm, yearning.

He laughed "It sure was," He said as he felt her lips at his, crushing into his like the waves at the shore, the passion the heat he met her lips with the same heat, taking her closer as his hand ran down her face his finger finding her chin and tilting her to meet his lips.

Oh wow, his kisses, are so potent. Mazal gave into Tosrol's kisses then she pulled back for a moment. "Are you sure you want to be with me? To be in a relationship? I-I am willing. Or shall we wait?" her eyes searching his once more.

He kissed her deeper as he pulled her out to get a look at her as he pulled away "Mazal I've known that since I first saw you there isn't a shred of my being that doesn't want to be with you, to be next to you, to be with you in every explanation for the word" he squeezed her hand as he tilted her chin up to meet his eyes "Some times we just need to find that piece of us that we were missing" he said quirking his eyebrow and smirking a little as he pulled her back to him "Broken or not id rather be here with you than anyone else" vulnerable and open tosrol was taken with the marine and his heart knew it.

She basked in the warmth of Tosrol, and Mazal gave a sigh of contentment. "Do you, would you, like to go somewhere else?" she asked, shyly running her finger along his chest. Mazal was feeling the passions run through her, her heart was wanting him, to be with him, "What do you think, shall we?"

Ze smiled a cheeky smile, as he pulled her in close. Wrapping his hand around her back his other finding her hair, weaving his fingers through the soft brown locks "My Quarters" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her with him, like a deranged child he had a grin on his face.

Mazal giggled, as Ze drew her down the corridor towards his quarters. She was feeling giddy as well. Layers of what was weighing her down now shedding and being cast to the wayside. She was allowing herself to be loved and to love in return.

Luckily Zes's quarters weren't too far from his office, Ze lightly pushed Mazal up against the wall as he pushed the entry button to his quarters as kissed her passionately.

Mazal responded to his kiss and once the door was opened to his quarters, she manoeuvred them both inside. In the back of her mind, Mazal was experiencing something she never thought she would experience. She was becoming even more invested in something. Her heart was starting to sing. And the passion, this level of passionate fire she thought she'd be melting. Somehow they made it to the bedroom, Mazal was breathing heavily from their kissing. She's been with others but it didn't have the passion like what she was feeling. Passion intermixed with love. She pulled back to gaze into Tosrols's eyes, "Are you still certain about this? About getting mixed up with me?" a teasing smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

As tos was walked into his quarters, the young betazoid began unbuttoning his tunic, as he returned Mazals kiss. All Fire, All Passion and Firing on all cylinders. The way he felt for Mazal could be translated into his heat and passion for her, he didn't care about anyone else at this moment, ok that was a bare-faced lie he cared for Hawksley because he was his best friend and couldn't wait to share this news with him "I've never been more sure in my life Mazal" he said kissing her back with everything firing all at once.

There were stars in Mazal's eyes, the warmth of Tosrol's love she could feel. She pulled back to remove her clothing, her hands shaking slightly. They weren't shaking due to nervousness, it was more of the passion she was feeling, the emotions. Right now her world was revolving around Tosrol, with no other thoughts except for being with him, at this moment. Any other thoughts of planning would have to wait, all were scattered to winds. At this moment, arms wrapped around her, her arms around him, Mazal felt like she had found a home, a place where she belonged.

Ze was tunicless and half naked, but that didn't stop him from returning the fire shared between them as he felt her skin against his, he fumbled for the controls to his bedroom and kissed her deeply, deeper than he had anyone else, when the door opened he grabbed her round the middle and placed her on his hips as the door silently closed behind them.




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