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Bro-Time Bathhouse Fun Part 2: Mature Material

Posted on 14 Sep 2022 @ 2:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt

2,139 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 3 of the USS Tomcat

Attention: This post will contain some sexual references as well as descriptions of male anatomical references.


Meanwhile Dodd was preparing to leave the steam room and head to the pool to do a few laps. The program had started to create more characters to fill the local to make it more realistic. So as Dodd slipped out of the steam room, he noticed many more men than he expected and yet he knew they were all holograms but a few of them sort of resembled Hawksley, Nelson and even other crew members of the ship.

Dodd walked on to the pool and dove in. He started to swim laps to cool off and work off some tension as well.


"Here.." Hawksley slapped the man on the back. "Nelson. Let me show you something. Get dressed." He spoke.

Hawksley in the lockers from the steam room. He shucked on a replicated steamed pair of crisp cargos, and slipped over his white tee-shirt. You could see the Earth tattoo's he had on his forearms and back neck.

Later On... Standing in sequence. Shoulders in line to a gentle incline forward, Hawksley swung back his K19 Driver with a swift hard "SNAP!" Follow through. His full swing through showing off his biceps and large body.

"Golf... A few good hits off these babies.." Hawksley patted at his caddy, before he shucked it up onto the Starfleet Golf Cart. "Cummon... Whats more fun, than half naked golf and drinking. Let's go find Dodd... Have a match with him, Nelson added with a shit eating grin.

"Hallo Sir!" Leland rolled over through the large bathhouse complex on the Starfleet golf cart, beer in hand with cooler wrap around it. The cart shuddered to a halt.

"Your Engineering here... Let me propel you Dodd to a Game of Speed Golfing?!" Hawksley pleaded with his sad pleading face. His large foot on the cart pedal drowned out their voices.

"So what's more fun than half naked golf you ask. Sex on the golf course is more fun, hiking naked is more fun. But I am game to play a round while it is odd to do in a bathhouse but what the hell, only I will remain fully naked, dude." Dodd replied grabbing a bag of clubs and loading them in a golf cart that appeared next to him with a velour seat covering so his naked ass would not stick to the seat. But his only concern would be which putter to use as he was sporting a nice stiff woody at this point.

Leland was just as naked standing there now. He held on to his golf caddy and chucked the bag on the back of the cart. “All’s aboard, who’s going aboard!!” Hawksley looked round’ and then grinned.

The whole cart throttle went forward, jolting Leland and Dodd on it. “Woah. Babies got Back!!”

Pressing the tunes on and only wearing a pair of sunglasses, aviators. Hawksley rushed the cart to the first tee-off, which was well marked. We’re both naked, fair skin, and hairy chested.

Stopping, they halted forward, hitting the Plexi screen cart window. “Ow!” Hawk hit his head and rubbed it before getting out…

"You baby, but hey, you did not hit the other head." Dodd stated as he was already teeing up. "Bro, this is insane."

“Insane. Let’s do more insane!” Hawksley took out his putter and teed his shot. He watched as Dodd took his shot.

“So…” Hawk added. Scuddling his stance for his shot. He wanted in impress Dodd. Hawksley golfed well.

He swung through shoulder width to height one smooth through resulting in a Crack!!!!!!!!

“Hah!!” Leland held his forehand over his eyes to see the white spec down the fairway. “That’s insane, you make me strive for more Dodd. See what I did. That was for you!” Leland was sincere. Leland prided himself on having Dodd’s ear. Jumping in the cart he booted it to the next tee stop.

“Feel like a Leland and Lilli adventure? An orgy you say?” Hawk asked. Takes a drink from his tallboy can, old Milwaukee ice.

"Bro, I have to pass, you are expecting a child and need to focus my energies on being the best damn XO the Tomcat has ever had. Also, I am going to take a break from love until at least after the next mission. So Rosie will have to work until then." Dodd replied as he took a drink from his beer and got his hand on his wood to do the next shot. "Also, I think the hololdeck is using images of the crew in this program as I swear I saw Ze in the steam room when I was getting some attention from a holo-character."

"Commander. Permission to speak freely?" Leland lent the groundwork. Burping by accident, stifling it.

"There is no need to ask for permission, we are off duty and you can be free to speak here after all we are naked and playing golf." Dodd replied as he took the swing of his wood.
"How is the sex life of the XO?" He didn't want to pry, he just wanted to know how things were. The XO needed someone after having had lost his love along the way, not that the XO had done anything wrong. It was a touchy situation. He just felt that he wanted to be there for his XO in case he wanted to chat about it. Leland took a swing from his solid nine iron, the "Whack!" Sound satisfying enough sending the golf ball yards accross to the next green on the course, the ball settling metre or two away from the next par 7.

[Tag: Dodd]

Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze had been having a rather treacherous day, from the the 4am start where he over hauled the entire security department and the Armory to sifting through months of missed paper work. The young Betazoid just wanted some alone time.

However he didn't look at the duty roster for who had booked Holotime. He just strolled in to the holodeck. Appearing in what could only be described as a Men's Bathhouse from Earth's history Ze smiled and walked through to the locker room.

However as he entered he heard the voices of Lieutenant Hawksley and Commander Dodd. Curious he clicked his comm badge =/\= Lieutenant Ze to Hawksley are you in the holodeck? I swear I just heard your voice? =/\= He trailed off as he discarded his trousers and shirt first waiting for a response before he got fully naked encase it wasn't them.

“TOS is in here!!” Leland grimaced with a brilliant glare of shenanigans. “Oh, Dodd. Oh. Do you know what you released here! Mayhem.” Leland sided up and licked his finger to the air as he saddled up and cracked his wooden iron driver, hitting down the fairway.

“At the second fairway tee-off, there is supposed to be a platoon of Romanesque holo-men, ready to serve us. Fat chance now that you’ve closed up shop!” He shook his head as Leland jumped in the cart, loving the four-wheelie toy… He removed the battery motor in the golf cart… “Common, we’ve got holographic oasis at the next hole.” Leland then paused. “OR. Can we see what Ze is up to? I would be interested in knowing.” Leland grinned. /\= TOS! We're on the greens... Hold still, we're coming you're way!! =/\= The cart sped off with Leland and Dodd to greet Tos properly!

The cart arrived where Ze was and Dodd and Hawksley jumped off the cart to great their brother in the buff.

"So glad you could join us, Ze." Dodd replied, "Looking good, but a tan may help you out dude. Let's get you relaxed and subdue to let it all out. I can see to it that a redheaded attends to your needs, but heads up there are no women in this program as it is a men's bathhouse."

Ze smiled as he saw Dodd and Hawksley "Well aren't you both a sight for sore eyes" he said with a quirk in his eye, nakedness was common among his people "Well if clothes are optional" he said ripping off the rest of his uniform "AHH Dodd as much as that would be an enjoyable experience i fear my brunette marine would have me running round the ship with her phase rifle pointed at my back so I'll skip the red head and just enjoy some naked bro time" he said winking as we are walked over to hug both Dodd and Hawksley.

Naked from head to toe Ze jumped on the back of the golf cart "Naked golf? Oh boys we are In for some shenanigans" he said with a cheeky smile "High ho silver away!" He yelled "Computer would you be so kind as to give Commander Dodd and Lieutenant Hawksley the finest Romulan ale one can muster?" He said with a quirk if his eye "It's not a Ze party unless Romulan ale is in toe! Away with us lads we have some holes to sink?" That was an innuendo if you ever herd one and with that Ze smiled a stupid smile one that was reserved for brothers albeit naked brothers but brothers nine the less.

Hawksley contently smiled as he rode along with the Boys to the next area. He wanted to cool down the golf and just hang out now. After a few more rounds he stopped the cart.

"Perhaps we can all just sit in some nice salt springs... I could definitely use.... Erm. A Salt cleansing from all this ..." Sunniness... He then took a drink from the Romulan bottle that Tos had added to the Bathhouse.

"We could do that." Dodd replied and the motioned for the bros to look to their left as a mineral hot spring appeared. "I had this feature included upon request and so this hot spring is a mineral bath of sorts with tons of therapeutic minerals to make us all feel better."

Slipping into the salt waters of the large open area, slabs of rock and underwater spring lighting showed through the bubbling springs and minerals, which could be smelled in the air.

Taking a deep breath inward, Hawksley, then naked, waved into the deeper part of the springs.

He had a beer cap hat over his head with lines of beer sucking in… “This….” Between beer sips….” Is….. Phenomenal!” The bubbles, the tingling of them all felt so relaxing on his worn, tired large feet.

“Guys, come in!” He waived.

"Yes, I am coming as this is one of the few days I don't have any pressing duties and I am going to enjoy it all." Dodd stated and then he slipped into the spring water and waded out to the deeper section as to be up to his arm pits. "This is just want the doctor ordered" and he felt the stresses melt away.

Meanwhile, Nelson was enjoying a fully body massage in another section of the holographic bathhouse. The program was sophisticated just enough to allow the members of the program to enjoy different aspects at the same time provided they all did not want different pleasures at once.

“Relaxation is the key to full logic….” Todd mumbled with his head into the massage table. He groaned as the male began working in circles with his elbows at Hewitt’s hardened, stressed back muscles.

“Ohhhhhh Daaaanggggggg..” He crooned. A Klingon warrior wrecked his aching back in to shape the only way one could.

Todd bellowed out between thrusts of his back muscles being torn and re-set!

After the massages and other events wind down, the men start to head to the frond desk of the bathhouse and gather their clothing. The various men depart and resume their standard lives aboard the ship.

Dodd stayed behind to formally end the program and store it securely for a future visit which he knew would happen one day sooner than later. Dodd enjoyed the day of male bonding and hanging out with other guys that enjoyed a good time and even without clothing did not affect the bond they men had with one another. They could return to the norms of ship life and still respect each other. Dodd then fully exited the holodeck and went to his quarters to prepare for his shift that awaited him.


Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant J.G. Tosrol Ze
Chief of Security & Tactical

Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy "Clay" Neslon (pnpc Dodd)
Propulsion Specialist

Lieutenant J.G. Todd Hewitt (pnpc Hawksley)
Computer Systems Specialist

1st Lieutenant James "Berserker" O'Donnaghue (pnpc Ze)
Squadron Leader 1st Flight


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