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Experimental Results

Posted on 14 Jul 2022 @ 8:55pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno

2,811 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Joe's Quarters
Timeline: Some time after "Experimental Data"


Jane Sinclair lay on her back, bare skin covered in sweat and exposed to the air, trying to catch her breath as she came down from a long high.

She had come knocking on Josefina's door, taking her up on a previous offer -- how had Joe put it? "A warm body to snuggle up against". It was exactly what she needed after some ill-advised, if scientifically enlightening, study on pheromones, which had the side effect of making her lustful.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed. She didn't care. Her duties were finished for the day, so the time on the chrono was irrelevant. So she was content to lie down and wait for her breathing to stabilize.

"I needed that," she said softly as words finally became available to her.

A soft sigh, a hand tracing along Jane's arm, Joe smiled. "I needed that as well." her eyes still showing the after-effect of their glorious love making session. Joe maneuvered to her side to where she could gaze at Jane,supporting her head with one hand. "I've not had a session like that in awhile, if ever." a low throated chuckle. "You were.." she blew out a puff of air. "incredible." her dark eyes sparkling, then placed a tender kiss upon Jane's lips.

A kiss which Jane accepted. She briefly debated pulling Joe onto her for another round, but didn’t think either of their bodies had the energy. That Joe was holding her head up with her hand seemed a minor miracle, Jane thought.

“You seem to inspire my passionate side,” she said with a smile.

Joe's eyebrows rose slightly at hearing those words, then she grinned slowly somewhat sleepily, "I do? I am glad of that. You certainly bring out the fire within me." moving her pillow to cradle her head as her hand was getting just a bit tired, "It was a very pleasant surprise." her own breathing starting to settle to something more normal, she was most certainly relaxed. "Wish we could do more, maybe after a nap?" her smile lightly teasing. "Whichever you wish to do." moving slightly closer to Jane but not crowding her.

Jane was glad not to be crowded, not because of intimacy but simply because of body heat. She was already slick with sweat. She hadn’t even pulled the cover up, her skin burned to the touch. A detail to note in the experiment file and follow up with the others. She grinned at Joe’s suggestion. “A nap, an energy drink, and more snogging sounds fantastic.” She arched her back in a stretch and sighed. “I could fall asleep like this. Is that alright?”

"Oh it is more than alright." Joe sleepily whispered, noting the warmth coming from Jane, and herself." Computer lower the temperature a few degrees" Joe's quarters cooling just a small amount not enough to freeze them but more comfortable. She could scarce keep her eyes open as the euphoria from their love-making took effect. "Its only us" her voice drifted away to that of gentle breathing, of one slipping into slumber.

(Some time later)

Jane’s eyes shot open. She had no idea how much time had passed; enough that her body felt rested, but her mind not so much. It was as if her brain didn’t shut down properly. Mental imagery — no, it wasn’t just imagery, but also touches, tastes, scents, and sounds — so vivid as if to be real. Memories of lovers old and new. Wild fantasies yet to be fulfilled.

In short, she woke as riled as when she first knocked on Josefina Macapuno’s door, however long ago that was.

Be sure to write that down, too.

Joe was there next to her, calm and still, radiating heat. She had rolled onto her side, mocha-toned bare back and arse pointed Jane’s way. The doctor took the position of the big spoon and began to kiss and nuzzle Joe’s neck and shoulder, one hand running along a thigh, hoping to stir some energy back into the Marine Officer.

Joe's eyes fluttered open as she became aware of a warm form against her back and the nuzzles and kisses of- Jane. Her skin prickled up with the sensations ,feeling her body respond. The woman behind her, she had the touch to set a person ablaze and Joe wasn't immune to that. Feeling the carress along her thigh, Joe moved to where she was now facing Jane, reaching out to tuck an errant strand of blue hair behind the doctor's ear. Joe ran her hand once more down Jane's arm, to her waist pulling her close into a passionate kiss.

Jane melted into the kiss, and rolled back so Joe was on top of her. The doctor’s touch seemed to have awoken something in Joe and she was ready for whatever came her way. “Ready for round…wait what round are we on anyway?” she asked playfully.

Joe's teeth gleamed white against her mocha colored skin, "I don't know, I've not kept count but I am ready for more, I am on fire." her dark eyes smouldering with passion. She lowered her lips down to capture the sweetness of Jane's lips.

Sometime much later, Joe was coming down from an exquisite high, panting quietly, beads of perspiration upon her brow. She had thought the previous love making session was great but this last one raised the ante and then some. Something about Jane made Joe go beyond her usual passionate play and she experimented to drive Jane even more wild, and to satisfy her.

She turned towards Jane with a lazy smile, taking in the woman's beauty. Not finding any words to say at this time.

Jane found herself sitting up, her back against the bed’s headboard, smiling at the away Joe looked at her. Somehow, despite all of that, she wasn’t tired. Well, her body was, but her mind was sharp as a tack. Her body needed a few minutes to let her catch her breath properly as the pheromone-enhanced sexual high began to slowly settle.

“Do you mind if I ask for something really weird?” she asked, cocking her head slightly to the left.

"Well, if you give me half a moment I can see if there are any other positions we can try, just how weird or adventurous or spicy do you want to get? Could set up a bathtub and... have a little bit of fun there with jello or even chocolate." walking two fingers up Jane's thigh to her stomach, and moving upwards, so as to give Jane a kiss.

Jane smiled warmly at the touch and kissed the fingers as they reached her lips, giggling as she did so. “I like the way you think, Joe, and fun with jello sounds interesting, but actually I’m wondering if I could have a blood sample.”

This caused Joe pause, her lips stopping their progress to Jane's lips. She leaned up against the headboard and looked at the doctor. "Blood sample? That is a bit weird." she nibbled on her lower lip as she thought it over. "Why do you want that?"

The doctor smiled sheepishly. “Before coming here, I was in the medical lab and, ah, was running some experiments with a pheromone variant the ship came across some months back. I exposed myself to some, and I thought I’d cleared it from my system but apparently not! Anyway I’m curious now if maybe it got into your system as well, whether I didn’t clean it off my skin properly or if somehow it concentrated in any of my, ah, fluids, not to sound too clinical about it.”

"Interesting, well, I have no objection to giving you a blood sample. However on one condition you'll kiss it better?" flirting, just a tad. "When do you want to do this?" Joe asked, as her curiosity was piqued.

Jane smiled at the flirt on the bed in front of her and got herself to a standing position, muscles all over her body aching from the torrent of lovemaking. She trudged to the replicator on the wall. “Best to do it now. Your body will metabolize anything of interest in hours. It might be too late already.” She tapped a console and a hypo and two empty vials materialized. “Won’t be but a minute.” She put one vial into the device, pressed it to her arm, and collected a small blood sample from herself. She immediately switched the vials, pressed it to Joe’s neck, and followed it up with a sensual smooch right under her jawline. “All better,” she whispered.

She quickly returned to the wall and entered some information into the console there. The two vials, catalogued in her library, dematerialized.

“Now, where were we?”

It wasn't lost on Joe, seeing Jane's movements and the indication of muscles needing care. She kissed Jane once more, a long lingering kiss, then she whispered. "We can have another go at it or- I can give you a massage." giving a soft smile. "I am skilled in the art of massage and this isn't a fake brag either. So-another session of love making or a massage. Which would you like, either way, I will have my hands all over you." planting a kiss upon Jane.

Jane leaned into the kiss, letting it end naturally. “How about a massage that ends in lovemaking?” she asked, smiling saucily.

"You've got yourself a deal." Joe returning the saucy smile with one of her own. "now lets get started." she went to get her massage oils and set things up on the floor for a good massage. Including the mattress that she utilized. Once all was prepped she set to work, to ease all the kinks from Jane. And she was skilled, without a shadow of a doubt. The massage then turned into one of playfulness, easing things into lovemaking which both she and Jane wanted.

Throughout, face buried in a special massage pillow, Jane moaned as soreness of her muscles was banished with an expert hand and wonderfully scented oils. As the touch became more playful, and then more intimate, the moans became giggles, and then became moans once more. “You are too good to me,” she managed to eke out as she started turning to goo in her masseuse’s hands.

Joe smiled softly, "Its something we needed." she whispered.

(The next morning)

Later on, Joe awoke first, looking at the woman laying next to her, she leaned into give Jane a kiss then hestitated. Instead Joe rose from where they had fallen asleep, and went to make some breakfast for both of them. Fresh blueberry muffins, with real butter, scrambled eggs, with bacon on the side, fresh fruit and orange juice. She even had things ready in case Jane wanted coffee or tea. The table was set with a pink silk rose in the center. Would Jane be woken up by the scent of breakfast or will Joe have to kiss her awake, Joe wondered with a smile.

It was indeed the scent of bacon that roused Jane from her slumber. The smell had permeated her dreams, and then prompted her to open her eyes. She got to a sitting position and then pulled herself to her feet. She took the bedsheet with her, not for any sense of modesty but because she never ate hot breakfast food in the nude. “All this for me?” she asked.

Joe hearing Jane turned with a smile. She was wearing a short blue mumu leaving her legs bare. "Morning and yes for you." she paused taking in the sheet Jane was wrapped in, noting it looked rather sexy on her. "You look like a goddess." Joe murmured softly, a tender smile appearing. "Hope its not too much or over the top." then she added. "And nice to have the chance to cook for someone."

"And I'll take a chance to be cooked for," Jane said, taking a seat, blushing at the goddess comment. "I usually do the cooking. I love to be the one at the stovetop, and made sure my quarters on SB51 have a nice kitchenette. But it's nice to be on the other side of it sometimes. And who doesn't love bacon?"

" I do love bacon." Joe commented after coming to the table to sit down. With breakfast being ready she was really hungry, "I would love to sample your cooking sometime. " dishing up herself some food. "While we eat, you've got to tell me about that experiment you were working on? I do know it got both of us riled up." grinning. "Not that I am complaining though." she paused to take a bite of her blueberry muffin, then once her mouth was empty, Joe added. "Or if you would like to talk about something else we can."

“I’d love to cook for you sometime,” Jane replied as she sipped some orange juice. “And I’d love to tell you about the work. Do you remember when a few crew were taken by Orions? It was some months before I came aboard.”

Joe nodded, it was a well known story with some tragic happenings. "I do remember that was a bit of a freaky mess there. Hurt a few people"

“Well, a handful of crew came back with some unfortunate modifications,” Jane explained. “Sometimes they emit a pheromone, similar to the one Orion women excrete, but a bit different. Anyway, I found myself feeling weird after speaking in close quarters with one of the victims. I didn’t know you yet, so instead it was just me and my night stand drawer. But I didn’t think it affect me like that. So I took some samples, ran them through mass spec, replicated and concentrated a bunch, sprayed a bunch on some men and women, and exposed it to heterosexual and homosexual ship personnel. And, well, it went really well!” She laughed and took a bite of bacon, and thought a moment as she chewed. “I should follow up with the other test subjects this morning. See how many of them went and got laid.”

"Well, it was enjoyable and I am glad to have been of service." giving a light laugh. "Now you've got some interesting things to follow up on." picking up a forkful of her scrambled eggs, before she popped them in her mouth, "I am glad you are back safely, I don't know what you went through on your mission but, something happened, your muscles were screaming last night about how tired they were, besides our work out."

"It was rough," Jane said, nodding solemnly. "I didn't face combat directly, but others did. The Marines had to kill a lot of people. Not exactly something I want to be part of. But we got the Captain out. She's alive because of us. That counts for something."

"That is indeed important that she was rescued and its not an enjoyable event to have to kill someone. However that is what the marines are trained to do, to go in there rescue someone or attack people who are holding others hostage." she then put the eggs in her mouth. When her mouth was empty, Joe remarked. "I am glad that the Captain is safe, I've not heard many details as to what happened, only that things were really bad."

"I can't share details, but they were bad," Jane said after swallowing some eggs of her own. "And don't get me wrong. I'm glad the marines were there. What they did was necessary for the mission, and to save the Captain's life." She ate some more, savouring the wonderful flavours that only came when something was made by hand. "Do you know what time it is? I couldn't even guess whether it's still evening or the next morning, aside from the breakfast."

Joe rose looked around then she spotted her clock which said the time. "Um we are in the next day my day off and its late morning. I think we lost track of time." giving slight laugh, then walked back to the table. "You probably need to head off to work."

Following Joe's eyes to the clock, Jane nodded. "I start in about an hour." Her plate clean, she finished her juice and stood, pulling the bedsheet with her.

"Do you mind if I replicate a uniform, and use your sonic shower?" she asked. Then she smirked and dropped the bedsheet to the floor. "I'd welcome some company, of course," she added before turning toward the sonic shower.

Joe laughed, gave a nod in agreement and followed after Jane.


Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

1st Lt. Josefina Macapuno


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