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Bygone Reflections

Posted on 11 Jul 2022 @ 11:27am by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Karyn Somers

992 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Colonel's Quarters - Tomcat
Timeline: Prior to docking Post


During one of her off-duty times, Alex was in her quarters and she was looking at some images of her wedding on April 6, 2389, and her mind went back to the day her twins were born, she was realising that she was getting sentimental in her old age and so her mind drifted back to the birth of her twins and Paul's reaction he had been given compassionate leave to attend his children's birth.

- Starfleet Medical - Earth -

2330 hours 239104.10...

Around eleven at night Alex was rushed into hospital as she had gone into labour, suddenly she found all those tiresome inane training lamas exercises were paying off as she was doing such now, in between breathing "where the hell is my husband!" she shouted, any more was cut off as she was hit with a contraction as she arrived in the delivery room.

- Somers residence - 10 minutes earlier -

Paul was with his Father-in-law talking over the imminent birth of his twins when his Commbasge sounded both men looked at each other with trepidation Paul tapped his Commbadge =/\= Sharpe here =/\= he said =/\= Commander Sharpe this is Starfleet Medical, your wife has just gone into labour, come as quickly as possible =/\= Paul looked at Samuel and smiled =/\= on my way, Sharpe out =/\= with that he closed the link "I got to go, Sam, you want to come with or will you wait?" He asked.

"I will wait here with Jen and Katherine, what about Karyn, she is stationed on Starbase 51 out in the Mira Sector?" Sam asked.

Paul paused from getting some essentials together and looked at the elder Somers "I will let her know Sam, but now my bairns require my attention" Sharpe responded with a big goofy smile and entered the personal transporter and a moment later he was at Starfleet Medical asking about his wife. He was escorted to the delivery room, but only after being properly covered, as he entered he smiled "hi hon, which one do you think is wanting out first?" he asked as he held her hand as he sat on the chair next to her.

"I do not care, both want out, I...Arrrgh!" she said as a contraction hit, Paul was impressed by his wife's grip she was in labour with the first baby for a long time, when the contraction had eased the midwife had her do her breathing exercises and every contraction came closer and closer to the delivery point, then the Midwife announced the first baby had breached as the top of the baby's head could be seen "push, Alex push," the Midwife said and as the legs came out the baby started crying "its a girl!" he exclaimed as the umbilical was cut and the baby wrapped up in a blanket.

During this brief respite Alex relaxed, she was panting like an old nag and the sweat was all over her, understandable really, she was about to say something when her face scrunched up as another contraction hit her.

"Looks like our son wants out next," Paul said as the same process was done, but the second one was a little easier, but still taxing she was in labour for over an hour and at 0015 on April 11 2391 the first of the twins were born, ten minutes later the little boy made his presence known. Both babies were placed in Alex's arms, she looked at each of them in turn exhausted as the doctors stitched her up.

"What are you going to name them?" Paul asked his wife who was slowly getting her breath back, when she spoke it was quiet and raspy as she had been screaming and shouting "I was thinking of the little girl Samantha Lynne and the boy after his brave daddy Paul Sharpe junior" she said.

Smiling like the cat who got the cream "you do realise that nominally the surname of Samantha Lynne would normally be Sharpe, but tradition has always been for the females to have their parent's Maiden name" he said as little Paul grabbed his little finger, his daughter was looking around trying to find out where she was, his son was napping.

Looking down at her children "Sammi is just like her mummy, and little Paul, I am not sure who he follows" she said giving Paul a mischievous look and smile, he just responded with an innocent look and a *who me!* reaction.

"Hey now, watch it" he mockingly warned his wife, "you are going to hate all this maternity leave, ain't you?" he asked.

Alex deflated and harrumphed "yes, but I am planning to go to the Academy to learn how to be a fleet branch Captain, I think I want to try my hand at command outside of a Marine regiment," she said but knew it would be sometime before she could try for the academy. "I know the Captain of the USS Niagara will have to let me go as their MXO, due to these little bundles, but time at headquarters might do me some good" she added.

"Well the ship will be worse off for you not being there, then he looked at the scar on the left side of her face, "why have you not gotten that sorted?" he asked.

Looking at him "I keep it to remind me how an unprepared officer can almost get themselves killed and not to initiate First Contact with an unknown species" Alex responded.

- Somers Quarters - Present Day -

Alex was brought out of her revere as her communications unit pinged, sighing heavily she put the wedding images down and walked over to her terminal and opened up the requested secure channel, she was surprised to see her Sister.

=/\= Hey Sis, how are things with you? =/\= Karyn began...

TBC in Fabulous News


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers
Acting CO

Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon

MCapt Karyn Somers
USS Leto


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