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Figuring It Out, Part 1

Posted on 22 Aug 2022 @ 4:20pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

2,708 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Before SB51 arrival, After “Experimental Results” and “Incomparable”


Jane Sinclair was on an afternoon/evening shift in sickbay today, and so at noon while many in the mess hall were having quick lunch breaks before returning to work, she was enjoying something more sizeable. A quarter-chicken, rice, and spinach salad filled her plate, slowly being reduced in volume as she ate slowly, savouring every bite. The seat across from her remained empty, in case a friend wanted to join her.

Leland entered the mess hall to refill his energy drink and perhaps a cup of coffee to take back with him; ever since this deuterium issue, nothing of operational concern. Just, it lent the midnight oil. Well into the next day. He was running low on deuterium himself!

“Ah. Hi Sinclair. How goes it today?” He non phased by the knowledge that his wife Lilliana had slept with Jane.

Leland had a few oatmeal and chocolate chip large baked, soft cookies in packets with him. They were all vegan and naturally replicated with gourmet style.

“Care for some cookies?! I’ve become the Cookie monster!” He breathed outward.

Jane looked up at the friendly face and smiled. “Hallo, Leland. Sure, I’ll take a cookie if you’re offering.” She hadn’t seen him since he had gone planetside, or since she had slept with his wife. “Care to sit for a bit? You look like you’ve been working all night. And I want to hear all about this planet mission!”

"Be my guest." He smiled and then offered one of the two he had. "Might just be..." He settled in to his mess hall chair "some of the best cookies this side of the Sector!" He chuckled.

"The mission was..." He paused eating the cookie, politely as he ate. He swallowed. "Interesting. Did you have a chance to see Mazal's briefing?" That report said it all, what the inhabitants wanted them to 'participate in'.

"Suffice to say, Mazal did a great job! I'd follow her into battle any day, not that I want to battle..." He then took a drink of his coffee, and swallowed. "You get the drift."

“I do,” she answered, smiling before taking a bite of cookie.

"How was life onboard?" Leland himself never got away on missions, so it was refreshing for once.

“I wasn’t,” Jane replied. “I was on the Search and Rescue Operation that found Fleet Captain Somers and brought her home.” She was grinning now, beaming with pride at her role in that mission. “Messy business, that. Grimy prison ship and hours of post-return surgery. I had to spend well beyond my reserved holodeck time soaking in a holo-tub, real hot water and all. Thankfully, your better half had the next time slot and let me stay.”

Leland nodded. “I had no idea you were away on the Fleet Captain’s rescue mission. We are all in debited to your service Jane.” He spoke honestly. At this time of day honestly was Leland’s forte. Having his mug of coffee, after hours of work, and then more hours to fix the deuterium regulators.

“You did?” He grinned. “It’s nice. Lilli has been enjoying the baths, it helps her pregnancy.” He was a proud dad, whether that be a boy or a girl, or both! He still was counting the weeks before they were about to find out.

“A lady’s night! Did you bring any wine?” Hawk chuckled.

"It wasn't something either of us planned, so I hadn't brought anything," said Jane. "But we went back to my quarters for a bit after. We had a glass at some point."

Lilli had said that she would tell Leland about their night together. But she wasn't sure how much he knew just yet. She wasn't concerned about secret-keeping; that was Lilli's business. But if she hadn't gotten around to saying anything yet, then volunteering anything might be hurtful. Leland would probably bring it up, whether out of jealousy, attraction, or some combination thereof.

Leland knew that Jane Sinclair slept with Lilliana. He was the first to know and only to learn. He seemed to have no reason to bring it out in conversation. Lilliana was her lady, and even though they were married. They were unseparated. Lilli was his Imzadi.

In other words. Leland would not be one to bring up what Jane did if she wanted to get it out… She’d best start talking. “Well…” Leland looked at his wristwatch. “I should get back to Engineering. What about you? How is your shift being?” He gave a non-plussed look at Jane.

"I don't start for another two hours," Jane answered. She smiled. She could see something in Leland's eye. He knew. He'd been told. He seemed to feel no challenge over it, which was good, but it did make things a bit awkward if unaddressed. And they were friends; she didn't want things to be awkward.

"So, ah, she told you then, yeah?"

“Yes. Lilli told me.” He took a drink from his mug. “I’m not mad. Just. You?” He looked perplexed.

Jane sighed. “I didn’t think you’d be mad,” she said. “I wasn’t sure how you’d react, truth be told, but I knew you two were open before you got married.” She shrugged. “I took a chance, figuring worst case she’d say no, but instead she and I had a great time. She said she’d tell you, that you don’t keep secrets, which is good. Very healthy.”

Leland smiled. “It’s ok. Don’t feel that way-“Hawksley paused, and then leaned into Jane. “Lilli. She is my Imzadi. That is implicit trust. I don’t say that lightly.” He took another drink of his dark coffee, suddenly finding the time to talk, now that Jane had come around to saying what she had wanted to say.

“I consider you a friend… If you happen to entice my Imzadi then that is all the better for me, appetite-wise.” Leland winked leaning back again and then folding his arms in his seat. Lilliana always was sensual and ever more so after having had a sojourn experience.

That made Jane laugh. "I'm glad knowledge of my time with her made your evening all the more enjoyable," she said, returning the wink. "So does that mean I can see her again?"

"That is up to... Lilli." He swallowed. Not certain of how to answer that for his own Wife. "Depends. What can you send my way for a sojourn adventure?" He raised his eyebrows up and down, eyes locked on Jane.

Jane smirked and raised a single eyebrow at him.

"And I don't mean you. I mean. You're gorgeous. Your amazing!" He chuckled. "Just. I know you like a friend and you're into women like Lilli." Leland was surprised but found the arrangement comfortable. He knew Jane did not have a bad bone in her body.

That made Jane smile. “Well, tell you what. Next time I see Lilli, she and I will talk about what can be sent your way,” she said with a wink. “And next time you see her, you remind her what thinking of her being with me does to you. I’m sure she’ll treat you right for it.”

Leland had tipped his mug in a gesture at Jane and took a drink. Swallowing. "Honestly. The whole thing confused the hell out of me, I mean. Jane?! God, you've got the magic girl, you could impart a friendly male over here some of your fine feminine knowledge of intimate nature?"

Jane’s smile turned into a grin. “Seeking advice from a woman who loves women, who is also a doctor, on pleasuring women, eh? I can respect that!” She took the PADD that was on the table in front of her and began typing a few things. “Leland, you’re one of my closest friend on this ship. The least I can do is share my feminine knowledge, as you put it.” A few seconds later, the text was complete, and she slid the PADD to him. “Though truth be told you have nothing to worry about. First time, back before you and she were married, she told me just how good you are.”

Hawksley took the padd and scrolled through it. "Interesting." He held it handy. "I think this is valuable advice... For a virgin??!" He scoffed. "Toys. Are you serious. We need toys?" He laughed, and then remembered where they were. He enjoyed talking to Sinclair about women. They both seemed to enjoy the topic much!

“It’s not about need,” she said with a smile. “It’s about spice. It’s about taking something already excellent and improving upon it further. And hey, some truths are universal.” She lifted her glass of water to him. “I wish you nothing but the best, Leland. Same for Lilli.”

“Hey. You know Lilli. You know… Her ways. What things become universal. I feel…” Hawksley gestured with his hands and everyone around them. “I feel I can’t speak honestly to you in here. I mean. We have explosive sex. It’s… Satisfying. But if there is something I can do to spice it up. I am game!” Hawksley had thought.

“Is there a holodeck program we can review this… information with?” Leland raised his eyebrows playfully.

Jane grinned. “A private setting would be best, yes. I’m starting my duty shift soon, but I’ll find us a holodeck reservation for a couple of days from now. Maybe once we’re at Starbase 51?” She finished the last bit of her lunch. “In the meantime, do think about what I’ve said. Especially that last entry. I get the feeling that your instinct is to please her. It’s a good instinct, but you’re allowed to be a bit selfish sometimes. You can be assertive. And trust me, she’ll respond like the tigress she is.”

“Assertive… Selfish…” Hawksley breathed in his face between his two propped-up large hands as his eyes scanned the words. “What does that even mean? I want many things in sex for Lilliana and me.” The task almost sounded daunting. Was he not a kind, generous lover? Was this not his style in the bed?

“I Get that you want to help….” He paused and set the path down. The last thing he wanted was to accept outside information about his sex life. “You sound like a Risean Tantric Expert, Jane. Where is your adventure? Sure, you’ve slept with Lilliana, but who do you consider legitimate mates? And please don’t say Lilli is in your long-term goal.” He gritted his teeth upward in a friendly reminder as he flashed his marriage ring along the table.

“And If I did remember, Lilli’s cries of passion didn’t elicit feelings you planted from my head at least.” Hawksley was starting to feel his manhood being boxed inward.

Jane giggled and raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "Hey, I don't mean anything bad, Leland. I'm not moving in on your territory. And I'm not questioning your ability to please her. I know for a fact that you can. She's told me how much she loves you, how much joy you bring her, and how great the sex is. You can ignore everything I said or wrote down and have truly fantastic sex for the rest of your life."

She smiled. "I'm just trying to have my good friend Leland reap the benefits from having a good, giving, and game lover. One who is enthusiastic and talented." She gestured for him to lean in closer and whispered into his ear. "And is an artist with her tongue. Have you experienced her tongue, Leland? It's sublime." She sat back down. "I'm not moving in on her, Leland. I enjoy her company, but if you tell me you'd rather I was never with her again, I'd be disappointed but I'd respect your wishes." It would be Lilli's choice, of course, but Jane wouldn't try something that would risk Lilli and Leland's marriage. She started finishing the last of her water.

"I'm only pulling your chain Jane." He chuckled relaxing. "I know you mean no harm. Heck. How could anyone not accept Jane into their lives." He winked. "Seriously, though. Is chains involved. I could really chain Lilli up and get her going..." He raised his eyebrows... "Sexually speaking."

Jane coughed on her water, setting her now empty glass down and wiping her face. Once she wasn't choking, she chuckled. "Well I'll admit I don't have much experience there," Jane admitted once she got herself under control. "I guess I'd recommend softer ropes first, then go to chains later, if you're both into it? We'll look into it when we go holo-shopping, how's that?"

"I havn't been to a holo-mall in years." Hawksley looked bored at the prospect. "But if it's shopping for toys, then... lemme at em!" He chuckled. He enjoyed surprising Jane. "And the chain thing..... Again, what am I yanking. I'm yanking yer chain." He then pondered oO Did that come out right? Oo

oO Yanking a chain is right Oo Jane thought with a smile. “Alright, well I start my duty shift in a moment. Want to walk me to sickbay?” She gathered her dishes onto her tray and began walking them to a recycling table.

Standing up from the table, Hawksley nodded. "I would be only too happy too." He enjoyed a walk, and Sinclair was swanky. She seemed to know the answers to a lot. He enjoyed this. As they walked, Leland looked at his wrist chronometer.

"How are things in the Sickbay? I have to tell you, after that mission. Stuff's been going haywire. Like on fire!" He leaned in, if you catch ma' drift!" Hawk raised his brow playfully.

“Oh, I catch it!” Jane said with a grin. “And you’re not the only one.” She let out a happy sigh. “I was working with pheromones in the medical lab and got dosed. Next thing I know I’m rolling in bed with a friend-with-benefits. Not Lilly,” she quickly added. “My god that was a good night.”

"God. I envy you. How did you get into pheromones and then drop into someone's bed that easily? Not that I'm calling you easy, just... Man the situation happens!" Hawk shook his head curious as to whom it was. He wasn't one to gossip, but he did love hearing of a good session. Would Jane decree?!

“The pheromones were a bit of an accident,” Jane admitted. “I was doing real research on them, trying to help a patient. But the blockers I used didn’t work right, and I didn’t flush it from my system properly. But I have a friend I was pretty sure would be up for it if I knocked on her door. And she was!”

“Oh my god, don’t tell me this…” Leland complained in stirrings.

“Don’t tell you?” Jane teased. “But you asked for details!”

“Yes! I know I asked for it. But still, why the torture? How was it? The orgasm? Multiple successive waves, or one big explosive starburst?” He tormented and glistened in his eyes.

The doctor stuck her tongue out at her friend. “Depends which one you’re referring to, Leland,” she teased again. “It was a most-of-the-night affair. Some were the former, the last one before sleep was rather like the latter.”

"Well, this looks like your stop. Have a good day Jane." Leland paused a moment and then the taller bloke grabbed Jane for a big dear bear hug. He smiled.

The big hug made her grin. “You too Leland.” As she pulled away from the hug, she looked up at him. “This was nice. It’s fun to have someone to talk to about sex and relationships. ‘Locker room talk’, you know? I’ll make arrangements for shopping on 51 and message you. Later, skater!” With that, she sauntered into sickbay and started her shift.


Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Chief of Engineering
USS Tomcat


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