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[Mature Content] In the Altogether

Posted on 11 Sep 2022 @ 12:32am by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Edited on on 01 Oct 2022 @ 1:22pm

4,709 words; about a 24 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Timeline: Shortly before SB51 arrival


It was the day after many of the Tomcat’s senior officers had received awards, and Jane Sinclair was standing outside the holodeck, looking through the catalogue of holo entertainment. Tonight she worked overnight and so had all of the next day off, and wanted to enjoy something new. She had a time slot reserved for 1400 to 1700, a very rare three-hour slot, permitted her by a lack of demand for that time window and a one-time privilege from her recent awards. But what to do? She hoped the catalogue would reveal something fun to do.

The holodeck door opened, and she was somewhat surprised to see the First Officer in only a pair of snug-fitting shorts. The two had spoken briefly following the awards ceremony but hadn’t gotten to know each other much. She didn’t know if this was normal, but the absent context it was certainly noteworthy.

“Good afternoon, Commander,” she said, smiling.

Surprised beyond belief, Dodd replied to the voice.
"Well hello, I am very sorry the door lock was not engaged," Dodd replied as he turned around. "I was just finishing my program and the lock should have remained in place. But at least you caught me at a good time or you would have seen more than you bargained for I am sure." Dodd then had a wry grin on his face.

Jane grinned back, knowing precisely what he meant. “Nothing I haven’t seen before,” she joked. “And yeah, I didn’t unlock it, so maybe a malfunction or you got too close and it thought you were done? Anyway, mind if I ask what you were up to? I’m trying to decide what program to run tomorrow.”

"No worries, I was not caught complete in the altogether," Dodd replied. "I have a program for hiking in the au-naturel. I change the locations of the hike each week. I also do some skin diving and skinny dipping as well when in locations that have that activity available. I have done this form of exercise for as long as I can remember as I can't enjoy exercise in clothing. I will exercise in clothing if I join someone who is uncomfortable in the buff with a peer. So you may see me in the corridors sometimes in just a pair of shorts or sweatpants as I come and go from my use of the holodeck. But when I am not on duty I am typically sans clothes. You are welcome to run my program for hiking if you would like. Today was in the Han-Shir Mountains on Vulcan. The arid environment really makes me sweat which somehow makes me feel more vigor." Dodd remarked as he stood there towelling his forehead and chest as he stood and talked to the young doctor.

“That, that all sounds lovely actually,” Jane replied. “In my altogether is how I usually swim. It just feels so natural, so liberating. It’s how most of us on Vega do it. I never thought of hiking in the nude though. It sounds…yeah, freeing.” She thought about it for a second. “I don’t suppose you’d like company next time? I’m not a prude about such things, but don’t really want to hike alone.”

"If I am free the next time you are and want to go hiking, I seldom turn down a chance to hike. The nice thing about holodeck hiking is no sunburn or bug bites but you can still experience as much of nature as you want." Dodd replied with a dutiful smile. "I would enjoy a hike with a partner for a change. Petty Officer Nelson joins me from time to time but his engineering duties don't always allow us the same downtime as before when I was Chief Engineer."

“Yeah, I understand,” Jane said. “I’ve made swimming friends with two of my staff but they’re usually on when I’m off, aside from emergencies. So it’ll be nice to do something fun and healthy with a friend. Are you good for tomorrow afternoon? This room is mine for a bit then.”

"I could likely be available as I seldom turn down any chance to be in the altogether," Dodd replied.

“Alright,” she said with a smile. “Tomorrow, fourteen hundred. See you then!”

The next day

Jane was the first to arrive, her afternoon otherwise being free, with nothing but reading and lunch to occupy her time. She had eaten lightly and was ready for a nice hike. That it would be without clothing would be a first, which made it all the more interesting. That it was with someone, one who didn’t associate nudity with sex, and to whom she wasn’t attracted anyway, really made it free. Just unabashed openness alongside a colleague and friend.

She was inside the holodeck, though it was off, a holographic chair allowing her to rest her feet pre-hike. She wore only a silk housecoat, comfortable and covering the bare minimum, easily removable, as well as a pair of hiking shoes.

Dodd arrived in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and his hiking shoes.

"I hope you had not been here long, I came as soon as I was able to get away from engineering. Had to check on Hawksley as he gets settled in the routine of keeping this cat purring."

“It’s fine,” she said, standing. “I just got here.”

He peeled off his shirt and dropped his shorts to the ground. "Where would you like to hike today? It makes me no difference." as he now stood fully naked in front of Jane other than in his hiking shoes.

As he did so, Jane dropped the housecoat, putting it on the bench, now in her own altogether save the shoes. Dodd was right. This was freeing. As if the way nature intended.

“Computer,” she said, taking his offer to let her pick. “Hiking trails of the Causacester Wood, Vega IX. Random trail start point.”

The holo-grid was replaced by the verdant woods of Jane’s homeworld. Terran redwoods and oaks were intermixed with a variety of Vegan flora. An obvious, if a rough path was visible before them. The air was warm but not hot and had the right amount of humidity (not none, but almost none). The artificial gravity also slowly increased to 1.2g. “Oh, I should’ve warned. Gravity is a bit higher here. We’re built short and dense on Vega! We can turn that down if you want though.”

"Well, I have programmed more difficult environments so this will be alright," Dodd replied. "I will enjoy this as I missed my normal workout routine this morning."

"And despite the health advice I give my patients, I don't work out enough, so this is perfect for me too." Jane gestured toward the path. "After you, Remington."

"I am warning you, my arse is not the best view but I will gladly lead the way. This was the one place I really got a workout on last time I hiked this environment." Dodd stated as he started the hike and his evenly tanned arse was now in full view of Sinclair. "I hope to one day try to hike the real location as I have never made it to Vega in person yet."

"It's beautiful," Jane said, keeping pace beside him. "Vega, I mean. Not your arse," she joked with a wry grin. "I grew up in the farmlands, half a continent away. Hiking was a common pastime. These trails often led to pristine lakes. We'd hike and swim and lounge about in nature."

"Sounds amazing, Jane," Dodd replied with a fresh smile. "I really need to get there sometime when I have a full leave planned so I can really enjoy the hospitality and nature of Vega. I am surprised I have never been there. I have visited most of the worlds in the Federation other than the extreme outer regions or the planets that joined merely for protection but are extremely xenophobic otherwise."

“We were one of Earth’s first colonies outside of Sol,” Jane said as she stayed alongside. “The Federation Charter required that worlds like ours have the right to self-determination. We joined within the first few years, along with Alpha Centauri and Terra Nova. I know it’s cliché to say the locals are friendly, but they are. Mostly human in the rural areas but the cities are quite cosmopolitan.” She tripped and grabbed his shoulder for support.

"Glad you did not take a tumble," Dodd replied as he motioned to further assist Jane with her issue. "I would hate to have to cut this nice hike short due to injury. Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah," Jane reassured him. "Gotta watch out for roots, yeah? But it's one of the reasons this is more fun with someone else. Someone to help you to your feet if you stumble."

"I believe the jungle on one of the moons of Q'onos is very similar, most of the flora seems to actually grow and spread over the surface with think vines however the roots are very shallow. However, vines form a solid base and trees or such grow hundreds of meters tall and survive hurricanes and violent storms for centuries." Dodd replied. "When hiking there, you have to wear clothing that can repel sharp edges as the roots are razor sharp but it is a healthy hike."

Jane chuckled. "And here I am already getting used to nude hiking. But I suppose protective clothing should be permissible."

They reached a fork in the path, one of which led slightly uphill while the other went slightly down. "I think this way will go toward a viewing platform," Jane explained. "And this other way down toward the lake. I can't be sure but I think the path might actually be circular here though. So maybe we go up to the platform, then continue on, and end with a dip in the lake?"

"I am all for seeing the view than having a cool dip. Is that alright?" Dodd stated looking in the uphill direction. He was enjoying this hike and the environment was giving him a chance to work his quads, gluts and his gastrocnemius muscles. Then the cool dip would allow him to do a proper cool down to relax all of his muscles. He stood tall with is firm chest still looking at the uphill trail.

“Sounds perfect,” Jane agreed as she led the way up the path toward the platform. “So, Remington — apologies for being presumptuous but I feel like we might be beyond rank while nude hiking — how long have you been aboard the Tomcat?”

"No apologies needed. We are two grown adults who enjoy the freedom of being thread-free and we should be able to continue respect for one another either way we see each other as well, whether fully clothed or complete in the altogether." Remy replied. "I have been on the Tomcat for I think five years or so. Also, if there is no place to pin your rank then how can be beyond it?"

"I just mean that it would be strange calling you Commander or you calling me Doctor or Lieutenant when we're like this," Jane said. "But nor did you invite me to call you by your first name, so it was a bit of a risk on my part. Anyway, while we're off duty, I'd love it if you called me Jane." She gestured forward. "Here's the viewing platform, up ahead."

"I appreciate that Jane, and when we are off-duty or out of uniform you can call me Remy or Remington or Dodd. I am only a lieutenant commander in formal situations or in front of my bosses." Remy replied. "Heck, my cousins used to call me RD as they all called one another by their initials all the time. I have not heard that in a long time and you just made me think of it. Wow, what a memory. I really miss my family."

"Tell me about them," Jane said. "Parents? Siblings?" She also thought of her own family, especially Victoria and Nathan, big sis and little bro. Memories of their own hiking trips through very similar woods made her smile.

"Sure, I have a half-sister who is half human and only 12.5 per cent Betazoid and 37.5 per cent Ullian, we have not talked in about a Terran year. My mother died shortly after was born and my father took me to live with my cousins and his sister and her husband. I never knew my grandparents. When I was four my father moved to Earth and that is when he met my stepmother. When I was six, my sister was born and then we all moved back to my aunt's house after my uncle passed away. Then there was an accident and my father, aunt and all five of my cousins were killed. My stepmother took me and my half-sister back to Earth to live with her family but as soon as I was old enough I made my way back to Betazed as I hated living on Earth. I was maybe 12 at that time and I got by. Once old enough I entered the academy on Betazed and then went back to Earth for my senior year and that is it.

My cousins were a set of rowdy boys. All five of them were athletic and a little older than me. RJ was the oldest and he was 12 when I was six, Then TJ was 11, EJ was 10 and the twins, JJ and LJ, were nine. JJ and LJ were my best friends growing up. We were close and had a good bond. Come to think of it, I am not sure I remember their full names. The J was for Jedi wish is the Ullian form of the Terran surname Jones. RJ was very mature for his age and so my aunt and father would let him take all of the rest of us to his Dom-Jot tournaments and he was very considerate of us. He never dumped us for his pals. He was well-liked and had lots of friends but always put his family first." Remy replied to Jane's inquiry as a tear was forming in his eye.

Jane reached up and put her hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry for your loss. However long ago it was, the big ones never really stop hurting, do they?”

"It never stops hurting, but I have moved onward and learned to live with it," Remy replied. "The anniversary of the accident was while we were on the last mission and I shoved the grief deep down. This hike is a lot like the last hike I took with JJ and LJ before hell hit. We would hike into the wooded area behind their estate and go skinny dipping in the river. The last time I visited the site I did what I always do to honor them. I went to the river and stripped down and jumped in. That allowed me to submerge myself with all the grief I held in until that time. I have not been back since. Now, I let out my grief any chance I get by naked in all my free time and enjoying what life has before me. I am a calmer and stronger man because of it."

"That's good," Jane said. "It's good to remember the times you love with the people you love, and honor your memories of them while still living for yourself at the moment. And it helps that it feels so freeing," she added with a smile. They reached the platform, and Jane tested the railing's strength before leaning on it to look out across the shimmering lake. "It's as beautiful as I remember."

"I do like this view but what would be better would be to submerge my muscles in that remarkable water. It looks so real for a holographic image." Dodd remarked as he took a stretch to work out some fatigue as he had been working out a lot lately when not on duty. "I also wish I had known of this place when I was with my Imzadi, she would have loved it here."

"Tell me about her as we make our way down," Jane suggested. "Who was she?"

"I guess I can," Dodd replied with a heavy sigh. "She used to be the chief counsellor on this ship. She was Isisian and I first went to her to help work on my telepathic control. She was telepathic but mainly to her own species. She was able to communicate with me telepathically due to my Ullian genes. I guess Isisians and Ullian's likely have a common ancestor or such Anyway after the time we spent in those sessions, we seemed to have imprinted and bonded in a way that neither of us expected and we fell hard for one another, and we started to find ourselves together whenever we were not on duty. Her name was Iria Walon and she left after coming back in contact with a long-lost and thought-dead cousin, Ryley came back into her life. He was needing her help as he could no longer speak and she felt she needed to go with him as he was literally the last of her family beside herself. I was getting promoted and she knew it meant a lot to me and so we parted ways. But every day I long for her and wish she was in my quarters waiting for me to get off my shift. We were to be married and that never happened. I have a huge hole in my heart but I do find spending a little time in my quarters to be helpful. However, I miss ice-skating with her and I miss the way her arms felt when she would be snuggling with me in bed when she would get cold."

A tear came unbidden to Jane's eye, which she dabbed with a finger as they walked.

"No matter how noble, or how rational, the cause of their departure, it always hurts, doesn't it?" She sighed. "Mine was named Alejandra Rios. She was a stellar cartographer. We met through her aunt, under whom I did my internship. She helped me remember to enjoy life, and not be so focused on the work. The Minerva, which was our ship, only had two small holosuites so we couldn't use them much, but we worked with what we had. Jogs around the ship, dinners in the mess, picnics in whatever quiet spots on the ship we could find." She let out a sad sigh. "She got promoted. Assistant Chief Ops Officer aboard USS Queen Catherine. That meant transfer. Career opportunity of a lifetime for her, but I couldn't follow. But we correspond still. She's happy."

"She may be happy but I know deep down you are telling yourself you are happy because she is happy but you are not happy yourself. I hate to say that but your emotions are now an open book to me and I am not trying to probe but they flow like a waterfall now." Dodd replied as he turned to face her. "I feel you should let out that you keep bottled up and only then can you be happy for her happiness. It will do you some real good."

Jane held his gaze silently for a moment before turning and wiping tears from her eyes. "It was a mistake letting her go," she finally said, her voice breaking as they resumed walking, heading down toward the lake. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. "I've done my best to move on. I've made friends. I'm taking time for self-discovery and reflection. I've had quite a bit of no-strings-attached sex. But I still think of her a lot, more than I should."

"It is good you let him out," Dodd replied. "I also have thoughts of Iria and have pushed to move on. Alas, I tried the no-strings-attached sex move and it flopped in my face. I guess that is what maybe brought us together. We were destined to come together and talk this out. So this hike is doing some good for both of us mentally as well as physically. I will say that you are a great hiking partner and I would be honored to have you hike with me anytime from here on out even if you do not want to be in the buff." Dodd stated as one pair of his cheeks blushed.

"I'd like that too," Jane said. "And you're right, it was nice to let this out. You're easy to talk to, and it's nice to be out like this, hiking in the buff. Maybe we can make this a regular thing?"

They reached the edge of the lake, its water perfectly still and reflecting the woods, which covered three of its sides, and the mountain beyond, whose glaciers' slow melt fed the rivers and lakes here in the greater Causacester region of Vega. Jane grinned, removed her footwear, and went into the cool water. The ground here was soft and went deep rather quickly, meaning Jane was able to dunk her blue locks underneath the surface quickly, providing the refreshment she needed after the hike.

"Glad you enjoyed it. I am here no matter the time of day or even on or off duty." Dodd stated as he watched the ripples form Jane's entrance into the water. He removed his hiking boots and walked in the refreshing water and as soon as he could, he dove beneath the surface and swam a little way out. When he surfaced he was about fifty yards away from the edge. "What a nice way to cool down."

"No better way," she agreed, treading water just a bit farther out from the shore than Dodd. "Mind if I ask you a rather personal question?"

"I don't mind as we already have exposed ourselves to one another on a plutonic yet intimate level," Dodd responded as he was treading water and turned around to see Jane face to face.

"Why do you think no-strings-attached sex didn't work for you to help you move on?" she asked.

"I believe I am wired for commitment and knowing there is nothing to come from my gratification makes it less gratifying and thus not a means to get me to where my heart wants me to be in that sort of situation," Dodd replied.

Jane nodded. “I can understand that. There isn’t anything quite like coming home and knowing the one you love is there waiting, or will be there imminently. That said, no strings can be fun. I was in a band back in the Academy, and I’ll leave the rest to your imagination,” she added with a wink.

"I can imagine a lot, and that is likely just what happened," Dodd said with a quirky grin on his face. "I am trying to live in the here and now and do for the ship and the crew so I have time to figure out the rest of my life going forward. I do hope to find a love that can help me to settle down and have a family but I enjoy the adventures I am having for now and that is what drives me to continue for now as well."

“Well I’m confident that you’ll find exactly what you want, Remington,” she said as she shifted onto her back to float. “And in the meantime, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the adventures of the Tomcat.” She let out a sigh. “My god this feels good after that hike.”

"It does feel good and the hike was a good hike as the company was the best part," Remy replied. "I have not hiked with someone in a while and it was nice to focus on the conversation and let the path just be there. Thank you."

“Any time, Remington. I mean it.” Jane rolled out of the float and began to tread in place. “I actually need someone to help motivate me to keep fit and having a hiking buddy or exercise buddy or swimming buddy or whatever, someone to do activities like this, while talking and listening. I love it.” She smiled. “Think we can get a regular holodeck reservation? Maybe weekly holo-hike or similar, and every now and then something more sedate? Naked cards, naked video games, naked watching football, naked sitting quietly and reading, good options all.”

"I have never watched naked football," Dodd replied with a witty smile on his face as he continued to tread water. "But seriously, I could make this sort of therapy a regular thing. I actually have a holo-video gaming system set up in my quarters as I do play in the buff so maybe if you are game we could do that sometime. This has been enlightening in more ways that the physical sense."

“That sounds like fun, I’d be up for trying that,” Jane said. “As for football, my ex got me into it, though was disappointed in my nationalism-motivated love for the Vega IX team. But hey they’re in the playoffs this year and might advance. In my quarters I’d probably watch in a Vega Blue sports bra and shorts but I’ve watched fresh out of the sonic shower before and it’s as free-feeling as any other ordinary thing done nude like we were talking about.”

"I am certain we could make some arrangements to accommodate our freeing desires. I have never really watched many sports naked. But I have played water polo naked as well as partook in the crew of naked yachting which was interesting as I never realized a non-motorized boat could go so fast on the open water." Dodd replied.

“Ah, boating!” Jane said with a grin. “I’ve never really done much of that but I loved watching the historic ships on Earth during my Academy days.”

"Well you get a good tan when you crew a yacht naked and the rush of the salty breeze keeps you on your toes," Dodd replied. "Oh snap, I just realized what time it is and I have to inspect the anti-matter storage pods before I can go on shore leave and the ship is fully converted to station keeping for Starbase 51," Dodd stated as he slowly started to move himself to shore.

Jane followed him out. “Computer, two towels, but then end program.” A pair of folded white towels materialized on the ground as the rest of the environment vanished. Jane took the first and handed the second to Dodd. She began to dry herself as they walked toward their clothes which sat neatly near the door.

"Thank you, I called for the program to end while I was still swimming and the grid reset and I fell five feet to the ground. I did not realize then that the program was that realistic, so I learned to always go to shore or get on deck before I end my holo-swimming sessions." Dodd added as he was drying off. "I appreciate the time we shared and hope we can make regular meetings of this sort of fun. I enjoyed the hike and hope to do this someday in the real deal. This program was very nice. But I think it was mostly the companionship."

Jane smiled. “Thanks, I feel the same way.” She tied the towel around her hair and wrapped her robe around herself. She picked up her shoes and was ready to go.

"So now we must return to the hum-drum normal duties around the ship," Dodd replied as he slid on his shorts and picked up his hiking boots, socks and t-shirt to carry back to his quarters while his towel was draped over his left shoulder.


Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer


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