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Fabulous News

Posted on 22 Jul 2022 @ 2:45pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Karyn Somers

572 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS Tomcat - CRR
Timeline: After Bygone reflections/Award Ceremony Part 4


Alex who was in the CRR, she was there catching up on stuff while the crew were celebrating after the Award Ceremony and was brought out of her revere as her communications unit pinged, sighing heavily she put the wedding images down and walked over to her terminal and opened up the requested secure channel, she was surprised to see her Sister.

=/\= Hey Sis, how are things with you? =/\= Karyn began...

"Hi Sis, all is well, our cousin is slowly on the mend, she will be transferred to Starbase 51 prior to our next mission. So, you seem happy, how come you are so happy?" Alex asked.

=/\= I got promoted to Marine Captain and made MCO on the Leto, it seems that I too am following your model for fast track in promotions=/\= Karyn said in response to the question.

*smiling* "That is excellent news, Karyn, I am really happy for you, how come you have time to contact me? Is Leto not on a mission at present?" Alex asked if she was really happy for her sister as she recalled her initial response to a field commission. =/\= Considering your reaction to your field commission you seemed to have adapted to an officer role quickly" Alex added.

=/\= To answer your first question we are currently on a mission, but it is a mission that does not require the Rifles it would seem, I do not mind so much I get the chance to catch up on some paperwork =/\= Karyn said saying the word "paperwork" with venom =/\= but such is the job of the MCO on a ship, you know I still get nausea when I think about how the last MCO ended up, Alex even you would have upchucked, it was that bad =/\= Karyn added as she felt bile in her throat.

"Really that bad a smell, huh? So is your promotion the only reason you are contacting me or are you also board as your and your men have been left out?" Alex asked.

=/\= Both, from the reports on this current mission we are currently on my men are not required, but then it allows Security to get some experience in the field a nice refreshing change, but Alex you did not tell me the boring aspects of this job! =/\= Karyn moaned.

*smiling* She openly smiled at her Sisters discomfort "welcome to the middle league's little sister, it only gets worse from here, still I will be in a worse state, eventually remember I am slated to take over the Tomcat at some point, but I also have to go back to the Academy to finish my training" Alex said a look of horror coming across her face on that last part.

=/\= Thank you, Alex, you have cheered me up, here I was thinking I got it bad, but knowing you will have it worse than me, brightens up my day! =/\= Karyn said with a smile which did not last too long with the evil look Alex gave her.

She changed the subject as there was some noise in the background it did not sound like an emergency but it was enough to make her look back, she turned to the screen =/\= I have to go, Alex, it was nice chatting with you =/\= Karyn said and cut the line not giving Alex a chance to respond.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers
Acting CO

MCapt Karyn Somers
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Leto


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