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The Journey Home - Sickbay Prep

Posted on 25 Jul 2022 @ 3:06am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Edited on on 01 Aug 2022 @ 12:58pm

1,380 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Very shortly before docking at SB51


Dr Jane Sinclair was on sickbay duty as the USS Tomcat approached Starbase 51. In fact, most of the medical crew were online. In part because docking was a slightly more dangerous procedure and having an emergency crew on hand was logical, but also because the last few things needed before docking took lots of hands.

Staff with trauma training were checking the emergency equipment, making sure everything was locked down and in good order, and identifying systems and tools that would need maintenance. Anyone with pharmaceutical training was securing their existing drug stocks and noting any deficiencies, especially among medications that could not be easily replicated. Others were securing patients, either getting them ready to move to medical facilities aboard the station or just keeping them safe during docking. Everyone else had been assigned a checklist and was either in sickbay, the medical labs, or the storage rooms working away.

Jane's chief task at the moment was supervision and troubleshooting. If someone found a problem, they went to her before they bothered Dr Cahill.

Speaking of whom, Jane caught the Chief Medical Officer’s eye. “Dr Cahill. Reporting that everything is going well so far. We’ll have a few things for Starbase 51 Operations to address, but it isn’t much. I’ll have a list for you in the next two hours.”

Cahill was monitoring reports coming in from all stations. It was policy to have all medical teams standing by just in case something did happen I saw everything is going great and kept working.

She read the report on all the injuries and was especially concerned about Fleet Captain Somer's injuries and knew even though she did not like it she would be left at SB-51.

“I’m sorry we hadn’t had a chance to speak about Fleet Captain Somers,” Jane continued. “Have you read my report? Did you have any questions?”

“I did read your report and concur that F-Captain Somers will have to stay at Starbase 51 for some Rehabilitation. She will not like it but she is not ready to be back at the command chair right now.

If she gives any trouble let me know and I will handle her. I am authorizing the use of a mild sedative if needed.”

“Hopefully it won’t go that far,” Jane replied with a half-smile. “She was cooperative with me, and from what I read of Counselor Arderne’s report, seemed almost cooperative with her too. She knows she needs the help, and she’s strong enough to let us help her. But yes, the Nurse will have a half-dose of Ambizine on hand just in case.”

“I am glad she is cooperating, A lot of times the CO in this type of situation will argue and fight us. Even though it is in their best interest and in the best interest of the ship and crew as well.

I had one injured during the fight with the Borg with a head injury and he refused to step down till I sedated him. He would not admit he was too hurt to do his job.”

“That’s what makes Fleet Captain Somers stronger than most,” Jane observed. “She seems to be listening.”

"She is very much a trooper and will do what is best when it comes to the safety of the ship." Replied Cahill.

“I’ve got another thing coming your way, by the by,” Jane said, shifting subjects. “To you and to Chief Science Officer Thompson. I ran an experiment in the medical lab the other day that showed some promise. I’m trying to write a study proposal and I’m hoping you two can input into it.”

Cahill smiled, "I like it when my medical personnel is working on new ideas for Sickbay operations. And am always willing to assist in any way I can.

Let's take in my office as I lead the way. We will not be disturbed except for emergencies."

We enter my office, "Help yourself to anything you want from the replicator and have a seat."

"Thank you," Jane said. She stopped by the replicator and materialized a ginger tea before taking the offered seat. "So I was reading through medical and scientific journals and I learned that there isn't actually a large body of study on the subject of Orion pheromones. *sips tea* The studies we do have are a century or older and had some weaknesses in the design. They looked at reactions to Orion pheromones among male-bodied and female-bodied humanoids but didn't disaggregate the data based on things like sexual orientation, cis vs transgender, or planetary origin -- they separated species, but it's possible that a human from Earth will have a different reaction from a human from Proxima, Vega, or any number of colony worlds if there's an environmental factor."

“I like what you are saying and there is some information you can use on our computers as well. You see on a previous mission. We had some crew members kidnapped by the Orions. They did some hormone treatments to turn them into breeders for them to make more slaves.

I was able to use a pheromone blocker to help them but it was a long drawn-out treatment process. They had sexual desires like mad wanting to have sex with the other sex.”

“Not just the other sex,” Jane added. "I was looking into Counselor Arderne's file," the junior doctor continued, "and the pheromone variant her body produces now, which you treat with that blocker. I analyzed the pheromone's chemical structure and figured out why it doesn't affect human women negatively as the standard-type pheromone does. *pauses and sips tea* But I also noticed that it affected me the way it might affect a man. Increased libido and attraction toward the woman generating it. So I decided to run a very small-scale test in the medical lab to see if sexual orientation plays a role in how this one operates. The results were promising, so I want to try to scale it up. Control for more factors. Starbase 51 might be the perfect venue for it, so if I can get you and Lieutenant Thompson a write-up in the next day or two, then maybe I can start talking to the science teams on-station."

“I noticed that too, but have not been able due to lack of time to do the experiments further. I think your research may come in handy if we ever come in contact with them again. I am able to assist if you need it.” She clicks the computer. “I have opened up all my research to you as well. Hope we can come up with answers to help all Star Fleet ships with this.”

“Thank you, Doctor Cahill,” Jane said with a smile. “I’ll review your files before I finalize my research proposal. It will be in your inbox, and Lieutenant Thompson’s, in a day or two.” She finished the tea and returned the empty cup to the replicator. “Computer, display transcript of Report Sinclair-five-three.” The CMO’s computer monitor showed the ACMO’s report text, as verbally dictated a few days earlier. “This was my first test. It’s all there if you are interested. I’ll annex this to my proposal. But in the meantime, I’ll help the team finish pre-arrival work. Need anything of me, Doctor?”

"OK thanks for the information, I will check it out asap, I need to see to a few things myself as well." Cahill entered a few keystrokes and saved it, plus went ahead and sent her supply request to SB-51 so the supplies would be ready when they arrived.

“When we get to SB-51 you can go ahead and enjoy some well-earned R&R. I will see to the supplies being brought on and then enjoy some time myself. Dismissed.”Replied Cahill.

“Thank you!” Jane replied, grinning. She’d hoped for some downtime and was glad to get it. She turned and left the office to finish her work, eager to then begin a few days of leave.


Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

LCMD Alexanderia Cahill
Chief Medical Officer


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