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Return to the Cockpit(Back post)

Posted on 21 Aug 2022 @ 1:06pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Simulator room
Timeline: before we docked


Paul walked and what was the Tomcat’s Simulator room to learn how to fly the Gryphon class fighters, although he knew how to fly, this was his first time back in the cockpit since his accident and how would he feel being in it, now this was the first test as he climbed the ladder and climbed and the simulator and began to strap himself in as he remembered how the buckles clicked and place.

As Paul started to click and place all the life support and tubes that would be needed when out in the void and then opened a coms channel; He said =/\=Control, this is Gunsmith, Ready for test 1,=/\= as he knew that his wife would get the report and debrief him tonight. As he set the seat to his position and began to close the cockpit.

=/\= Gunsmith, This is control begins the test,=/\= came the voice of the Simulators control as the screen created a starfield with an obstacle course which he had to navigate in a set time, as he looked at the screen he noticed an arrow that pointed to the first ring as he moved the flight stick towards the point, Paul said to himself “ Here goes,” as he pulled the throttle up to 1 third power and set off.

As he continued to throttle up and hit the first gate, the clock started as he continued pushing and as this was the first time with this type of craft and didn't want to show his wife up as he flipped the craft on its side to go through gate number 5, as he knew that this was not the actual fighter or Serina would be having a fit about now on his handling of the craft. as he felt a slight twitch in the Prosthetic arm that had to be calibrated which was one reason for the use of the simulator.

He said =/\=Damm, my arm is twitching and needs more work to Calibrate it,=/\= over the comm Channel as he flew straight towards gate number 6,7 &&8 as he pushed on wanting to complete this test when all of a sudden the simulator stopped. He said =/\- Control, this is Gunsmith, who stopped the test?=/\=

=/\= I did Gunsmith. All simulator sessions are to be finalized and authorized by me. No one is allowed to do flight simulations without being accompanied by the CAG or senior pilot from his or her group=/\= Serina said, tapping her foot in annoyance. Now she waited for Paul to swallow hard and answer.

"So I have to ask you Do I?" replied Paul as he undid the harness and opened the cockpit he knew that this was more awkward than it looked being that they were Husband and wife, as he unhooked himself from the panel.

"It is protocol and even though you are the DCAG you also must follow the protocols as well. Remember to lead by example husband. Something you should know well by now," Serina said watching him exit the cockpit.

"It is something I am unfamiliar with not being the leader," replied Paul as he had always been the boss and now having someone over him, especially his Wife was something new to him.

"Oh, I didn't realise that you have always been the one in charge," replied Serina looking back at him, continued, " I bet this feels strange to you does it not?" giving him a wicked smile.

"Yeah I have on this ship, First I had your job, then moved to intelligence and then Security," he stated "But I will get used to it in time" giving her a smile of his own.

She said looking at him," Now get down to Engineering and get that arm looked at before we try again,"

"Yes Ma'am" replied Paul giving her a salute as he headed out the door, continued, "and ask the Colonel if we can have use of SB 51's arboretum for the wedding?" as he disappeared out the door.


Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan

Lieutenant JG Paul Winchester
Security chief


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