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A not so perfect program

Posted on 21 Aug 2022 @ 8:10pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Warrant Officer K'Muss

2,841 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sick bay , Holodeck
Timeline: After jp The perfect program



As Ted was having his nose repaired. His mind wandered to his friend and creator of ‘ The perfect program ‘ David Smythe. He had known him since his early teen days. Due to a childhood game of dare, that nearly cost Ted his life. He walked with a bad limp. The story of how he got the limp. Made the local children's grapevine. So instead of being teased, young Ted was held in high esteem. However it meant that most sports were a no-no. Except swimming which he excelled at.

It was at the high school swimming pool. He met David. The two scallywags hit it off immediately and became good friends.David always seem to have an aptitude for computers. So it was a given he would one day become a holodeck program writer.

What should have been a holodeck simulation of a beach party. Turned into a full scale slobberknocker. It had to be a glitch.Maybe it was a compatibility problem?

“ Listen guys I am sorry about what happened. It must have been a glitch? It could be the Tomcat’s holodeck system has a compatibility fault. I am going to rerun the program. But I need help. Any of you wish to tag along?” Ted asked

K'Muss nodded to the affirmative. "I gotta admit I'm curious." The caitian rubbed his chin. "You can count me in, Lieutenant"

“Uh. You’ll need….UNHHhhhh” Leland held his forehead. “An engineer for that, so count me in. We would need all the holodecks offline if this were a glitch.” Leland then remembered. “Oh dang! Computer Initiate a cold lock down on holodecks 1 and 2. Any participants will have to end their programs. Engineering Access Code Leland-XY-8009-HOFFSTEAD.”

=/\= Holodeck’s 1 and 2 beginning cold shut down sequence =/\=

Leland then breathed a sigh of relief. He shook his head. “I don’t know too many experiences where this happened. It’s like the holo-program had it out for us since we entered.

Ted checked his nose in the mirror.

“ Thanks. I have known David for years. We grew up together. He would not do anything to hurt me I am sure of it. We never fell out or anything. I was there for him when his marriage imploded. It has to be glitch. Is everyone fixed we need to do some investigating?” Ted asked

Mazal was being careful, holding still while one of the medical personnel worked on the deep scratches she had gotten during that holo program gone wrong. The pain eased up and once they were finished, Mazal got off the bio bed.

"I'm fixed up, so, where too?" Mazal asked pulling her robe back over her swimsuit. "I would like to find out what and how that happened."

Ted looked at his friends.

“ Meet me in the holodeck in one hour. We must get to the bottom of this. Leland can you reactivate it for us?” Ted asked

Mazal headed out once Ted gave the time frame, and in one hour she arrived just outside of the holosuite they were to meet at. "I really hope we can figure out why this happened. Its just not fair as that was a start of a beautiful program." Mazal adjusting her blue vee neck tee shirt, and moved her black running shoes against the floor.

Hawksley had entered around the corner with some Engineering pullies. He had as much instruments they would need to tap in and analyze the schematics of the Holodeck Program.

He paused, resting and pulling out his padd. He held it. "This thing goes down in the holodeck of horrors trillology." Leland took another spray of his administered anti-pain medication, it helped his headache.

"Mazal.... Somehow I don't think those characters were all random manifestations. What did Ted say about his friend who created this?"

“ That he’s a stand up guy and a good friend. Don’t worry I would think the same thing as well. Looking at this from your point of view. But I just cannot imagine this was done on purpose. It’s just not his way.” Ted said walking towards them.

“Let me just say.” As Leland began to unlatch and take out components to scan the grid. “I am done with Holodeck maintenance on the Tomcat. This place has its mind of its own.” He shivered, thinking of an AI-functioning holodeck.

“What program did your friend use to create the algorithms? Was it Starfleet technology?” Hawksley asked Ted.

“ For anything that’s going to be used on a starship yes. But he has his own algorithm for his Holo novels. Hey whys the data card with the program on flashing like that?” Ted said to his friend.

Mazal looked at both Leland and Ted, "The holodeck it depends on the program that is put in. I've not had trouble with it when I've run my adventures-" she stopped short on that one. This was the first time she had mentioned this. "Anyway, why is the data card blinking? Also Ted, if you friend is your best friend I don't see why he would send you something so awful. Could it have been switched somehow? Maybe someone jealous of the friendship you and David have?"

“ Well I tried to warn him about Linda his ex wife…….” Ted must of touched the data card. Because it started blinking faster.

There was a shimmer before them and Teds friend David appeared. He was dressed in a Tuxedo with a glass of champagne in one hand.

“ Hello Linda Janet Wightman.Did you enjoy my wedding present? Hope you and that lounge lizard who you slept with. While I was away on an away mission. Did get quite beaten up. I should of listened to Ted. He tried to warn me about you. But did I listen? No. So. Enjoy part two and try not to bleed on the Holodeck. Lieutenant Brown hates messy clean ups.” The image said.

“ Lieutenant Brown is the Chief Engineer on the vessel David is serving on. I don’t like the sound of this.” Ted warned

Suddenly the Holo grid vanished to be replaced by the beach again.

"Oh Crud!" Mazal exclaimed. "Well then it looks like we have some warning this time. " Mazal getting ready to deal with what may come their way. "Talk about an impromptu training program." she also stated.

“This… This is beyond, Ted.” Hawksley was in awe that they were then transported back to the beach scene of prior carnage.

“Wait a moment.” Hawksley turned to Ted. “Did you warn your friend about Linda Jane Wightman? Why is he punishing you?”

“ I did but he took it as me being over protective. He would not do anything to hurt me. We have known each other for years. Considering what happened in the lab. A piece of equipment was delivered to the Tomcat by mistake. This could be the same thing. This program could of been sent here by mistake.” Ted said

In the distance they could hear shouting. A crowd of very angry people dressed in beach attire and armed with bottles. Where moving towards them.

Mazal seeing the mob heading in their direction, looked around to see where the volleyball net was, how far away the bbq was from them. "If we could get to the net we can snare a few of those people. BBQ tools can be used to defend ourselves. Or we can do the failsafe and call her name to end this. Which shall we do? Fight or flight?" Mazal asked. "or we play the whole scenario out."

Ted had a feeling that the program wanted its pound of flesh.If they joined in or not.

“ I don’t think the program cares. It will hurt us unless….. everyone look round for David. He’s bound to have a representation of himself here. If I can get the program to identify me. It might release us.” Ted explained

What does David look like again?' Mazal asked. She was certainly all for finding this elusive person, Ted's friend David. "Not that I mind doing some fighting, but this is a bit of a misunderstanding and a mix up and Ted I don't want to see you, Leland or K'Muss get injured due to someone's wanting revenge. It is just mindless to be honest."

"Look. We've all had our brawls with angry photon's before on the deck..." Leland said believing every one of them enjoyed a good tryst of a blood warrior. "But I am not up for this, Ted. You're not a fighter Ted. Neither are we. This is ridiculous." He sounded fed up.

"Well, honestly we are more of fighters but, in essence I would rather not fight unless I have to do so, and I don't feel like taking another trip to medical." Mazal grumped. "Sorry I don't mean to be grumpy." she also stated.

“ Me to. I don’t want to get to a point where my nose can’t be fixed. I like to smell my food before it goes in my stomach not after. Look for someone dressed in very inappropriate clothing for a beach.” Ted said

Mazal nodded, and started her search all the while keeping an eye out for that angry mob with beer bottles. oO Inappropriate clothing, inappropriate clothing. Wait a minute.Oo

Mazal caught sight of someone dressed rather nice, but it stuck out like a sore thumb. oOThat guy looks like he's ready for a wedding. But there isn't a wedding pavilion.Oo

"Uh Ted? Is that him? He looks rather good but, I don't see anyone waiting for him to get married." Mazal pointing out.

Ted nodded. They walked up to a tuxedo dressed man sitting in a deck chair sipping on a glass of champagne.

“ David.” Silver said.

David took a sip of his drink.

“ Ted Sam Silver. Friend of David Smyth since the age of 9 years of age. A good chum to have in a scrap. Tried but failed to warn David Smyth of wife Lina Janet Smyth roving eye. Yes you are recognised please pull up a comfy one and take a gander.” The image of David said

Ted looked at the others.

“ We should all sit.” Ted said

Mazal nodded and pulled up a comfy chair, taking a seat. She gazed at the image of David. "You know that lady, sure was stupid in cheating on your friend." glancing over at Ted. "What would have made her do that?"

“ She has always been a flirt. Personally I found her rather obnoxious. She married David due to his popularity with the Holo novel fans. But instead of a life of glitz and party’s. David served on a Starship and the novelty wore off for her.” Ted whispered.

Leland walked over in his comfy raglan tee-shirt, and pair of khaki shorts. He grumbled as he took a seat in the sand cross-legged. He started to run his finger into the sand to calm his nerves down. This character was having to be appeased. Of course, he listened.

“I understand now. He is angry.” Leland whispered to Ted and Mazal. Although, he did dress inappropriately for such a beach program.

“ Yes but how much of that anger. Did he program into his avatar?” Ted asked

"Well that would have been a dastardly move. Let me at him." Leland rubbed his hands together. "He wants to stay in the past, let's shock him into the future!"

Mazal gazed at the David image, then spoke, "With this program, sir, you are definitely very angry at the fact the woman cheated on you. And it looks like you have in some aspect taken on a life of your own, due to the anger that your creator felt. You are almost like a golem that my people have utilized to avenge a wrong doing."

Mazal looked over to Ted, "Is your friend into Kabbalah?"

Ted thought about that. Somewhere back in his past. He had heard about Kabbalah. After all his family were Jewish if a bit lax now. He was not sure about David. Yes he knew his friend also came from a Jewish family. But was he still active in that sphere.

“ He may be. But I am not sure. Why do you ask?” Ted asked

Leland didn’t know much about the Jewish faith, so he remained quiet. He didn’t want to speculate what was happening, all he thought was keeping the group safe, watching their backs while they contemplated the holographic representation of David.

As they talked, Leland noticed that the crowd seemed to become more placated, and at ease around their group. It was a program that seemed to be taking its lead from David’s main character, at least when he was distracted. He kept watching the crowd about a yard or two away.

"Well, this program and this David, seem to be filled with his anger and hatred and I for one believe that, strong emotions can carry into different tasks or even a creative process. Golems can be a means of vengeance, of which I am sort of comparing this David as. Or even an angel of vengeance or retribution. Like Raguel, the Angel of Justice, Vengeance..." Mazal stopped, "Perhaps I am over thinking this."

“ No you may have a point. If the program realises its target is not here. Then it may not attack us.” Ted said as a glass of champagne appeared in his hand. Ted gave it a sniff it smelt like the real thing. But he did not drink.

“ Please have a snifter of champers. That xxxx will be along soon. We can watch the FUN.” The imagine of David said.

"Did David just say... What? Now I'm more confused than ever. Hawksley noticed that when the drink had materialized, there was a bug on the glass. Then the bug came around, turning into a wasp, stinging Leland on his neck.... "ACK!" He hit his neck. "What the h-".... He cooled down. "That was a wasp on that glass, be careful!"

Despite what had just happened to Leland. Something dawned on Ted.

“ I can give you a shot Leland if you need one. Something just occurred to me. The program thinks this is where his ex-wife and her new husband are. It does not realise this is the wrong ship. We need to convince it somehow.” Ted said as a wasp buzzed near his ear.

"Hmnnn..." Mazal not taking a drink of the champagne in the glass. "So David, what ship do you think we are on? What beach? We're on the USS Tomcat, with your friend Ted. Who is also our friend." deciding to try to gently confront the holo David. She was also looking worriedly at the wasps, she didn't want to get stung, they say the sting from a woman scorned wasn't good well how about a man being scorned.

"Please, don't do anything that you will regret." a wasp settled upon her hand, and she watched as it paced back and forth. Mazal was trying to stay calm as can be.

“ Oh dear. Has there been a mistake.”David clicked his fingers and the wasps vanished.” This is not the luxury cruiser Neptunes trident?”

Mazal felt a wave of relief go through out her body, and she visibly relaxed. "No this isn't the Neptunes Trident. And I am deeply sorry that woman did what she did. You didn't deserve that at all. Maybe Ted can contact you and get this sorted out?"

Leland rubbed at his sore sting. “He could have just asked, especially with such an advanced AI matrix,” Leland grumbled but breathed inward. The sting was swelling now on his back neck. He took it like a man.

“David. Ted is a wonderful, kind, caring friend of ours. Knowing that you are a friend of Ted’s. You, David, have a friend in us, as well. We are all friends here.” Leland relaxed, easing off on the program and letting gentle words settle.

“ Oh. I so am sorry. I am so sorry. Program error 234 at line 17. Toodles. Program down shut in 5 6 1 4 8..error.” The image vanished but the beach remained.

Ted looked at the others.

“ Now what?” He asked

"You know without the worry of having to fight, lets go swimming and enjoy this scene besides my amigos, we've got sun, we've got water, we've got bbq and won't take long to get swim suits. Lets enjoy this scene, and the water will help out that wasp sting. What do you say gentlemen. Its time for the beach on a perfect beach!?" giving out a squeal, her eyes lighting up with a bit of energy. "Lets have fun!" giving both Ted and Leland an enthusiastic embrace.

“ Why not.” Ted said

[ OFF ]

1st Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO
95th Rifles


Lieutenant (jg) Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Chief of Engineering
USS Tomcat


Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO
USS Tomcat


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