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Awaiting The Tomcat

Posted on 26 Jul 2022 @ 2:49am by Ensign Autumn Cole
Edited on on 01 Aug 2022 @ 12:55pm

876 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: DS51
Timeline: Before USS Tomcat's arrival


A young woman with auburn hair stood waiting for the arrival of the USS Tomcat, in a not too populated part of DS51. Where she stood the lights were low, low enough for her to view the stars, the brightness of them against the black velvet of space. In one hand she held an instrument, it was that of a flute made of bamboo, a Chinese bamboo flute. Music played within her mind and soon she lifted up the flute and placed it up to her lips and she softly blew into the mouthpiece. Activated by the notes her padd, played the background accompaniment, that of a piano.

The music echoed in the acoustically perfect area, and she closed her eyes as she lost herself in the music that she played. The woman who played this music, her name was Autumn Cole, an Ensign in the Intelligence department waiting for the USS Tomcat to arrive.

In her exploration of the station, Autumn had come across this particular area which enchanted her. Enhancing her flute music, causing her to have a rapturous feeling as if the music enveloped her. In her mind, she also was walking amongst the stars, a milky way path supporting her footsteps as she moved. When the piece ended, Autumn stood there in silence as the echo of the final notes faded away. She smiled, feeling all warm inside, and at peace.

A twinkle in her eye comes into view as she swapped out the bamboo flute to her Irish Tin Whistle. And began to play once more. The tune from Lord of the Rings is Titled in Dreams. Her padd once more added the background music. It was a recording of the orchestra she had played in, back in her academy days.

A few tears trickled down her cheeks as she was swept into the memory of that time, how she thrilled being involved in the production, and hearing the applause. In fact, she was brought out of that memory realising that a few had gathered to hear her play.

"Well hello... Sorry if I disturbed you." Gave a wry smile. Autumn apologized.

"Oh no it was great, play another one." were some of the compliments and comments made.

"Well okay, um one more than I had better be going. She placed the whistle to her lips and began to play while the background music played the accompanying harp music.

Autumn closed her eyes while she played, swaying to the music. When the piece ended, there was some more applause for the impromptu concert. Autumn lowered the tin whistle down and gave a small laugh of delight. "Well thank you, now I must go." beaming. She loved that there were smiles on the people's faces.

"Well bye now." Autumn put away her instrument and grabbed her bag. She needed to get to her quarters. At the moment, the USS Tomcat hadn't arrived yet. Autumn in her eagerness to get back to her quarters, tripped slightly almost falling but a kind hand reached out to steady her by the elbow. She had turned a little to sharply her toe caught on a corner.

"Thank you!" Autumn called out before she disappeared around the corner. When she got to her quarters. Autumn contacted the computer. "Computer, let me know when the USS Tomcat arrives, I would like to be there when she docks."

Setting an alarm, Autumn changed into night clothing crawled into her bed, and pulled the covers over her shoulders, slipping easily into slumber. And then she dreamed.

< Dreamscape >

A path of stars appeared before her, and Autumn walked upon it. She could feel a slight breeze, moving the skirt of her burgundy red dance dress, swirling around her legs as she walked. An orchestral piece began to play called the dance of the fireflies. Her feet were bare, and she began to dance, with bits of sparkling space dust revolving around her, as she twirled and leapt gracefully. A comet was coming in Autumn's direction she caught a ride upon it, it taking her to where she was above a planet, the comet drifting down gently disappearing as it came closer to the Earth.

Autumn floated down to where she found herself in a grassy meadow, surrounded by bluebells and nearby hills filled with white Scottish heather. In front of her a velvet carpet of dark green moss appeared and at the end was a masculine form, silhouetted against the dark wooden door of a rustic cabin. As she moved towards the cabin, to get a better view of the man, noting his height and his build, she tried to get closer and tripped upon a pebble, and he faded away into the mist.

< End Dreamscape >

Autumn woke up sitting upright, "Blast, not again!" and slammed her pillow in frustration. "I was so close!!" she grumped a little bit, punched her pillow a few more times and finally drifted off back to sleep, the rest of her slumber dreamless.


Ensign Autumn Cole
Intelligence officer


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