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A talk

Posted on 22 Aug 2022 @ 10:02pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

4,398 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Remy's Quarters
Timeline: Between Away mission and heading for the station.


Sometimes it is a word or a phrase that brings up a memory, or even a reminder of a meeting not had, cued into a padd of which the notice pops up unexpectedly. This is what happened to Mazal. She had a moment, make that two moments, that brought up memories from the last mission they had done. A reflection in glass of water, a barely remembered piece of a dream. Even an image like that of a dragonfly. Sure, she had sent in a report of what happened but it was more of a cut and dried sort of account, just the normal routine sort. Mazal felt that she needed to speak to the XO, face to face.

Mazal tapped on her combadge and sent out a call to Dodd.

=/\=Commander Dodd, if you are not busy, may I have a moment of your time, please? =/\= Mazal waited for his answer.

=/\= This is Dodd, I just finished a work out and I really need a shower, so I can meet you in twenty, where would you like me? =/\=

oOWhere to meetOo Mazal had to think about that for a moment. What she wanted to talk about could be deemed something of a sensitive nature but also didn't want to have him get dressed in his uniform either. =/\= Either the holo-deck or I can come to your quarters. I don't want to have you go to your office.=/\=

=/\= Okay, come on by my quarters since I will be there anyway. See you soon. Dodd out. =/\=

Dodd just entered his quarters and stripped down to get in the shower. He had enough time to enjoy a recycled water shower and he was looking forward to it.

Twenty minutes later, Dodd had lost track of time while in the shower and finished just as his doo chimed. So he yelled from the bathroom, "Come" so the door would allow the Marine Executive Officer to enter.

Mazal entered, not seeing Dodd at the moment, also getting a glimpse of the XO's quarters.

"I am sorry I will be right out, lost track of time. Help yourself to a drink or snack." Dodd stated from behind his bathroom wall.

"Okay thank you." Mazal walking over to get some peppermint tea from the replicator. She retrieved it and took a seat upon a nearby chair to wait for Dodd to come out of the shower, allowing the tea to cool off somewhat. While she sipped her tea her mind drifted back to the mission once more, becoming lost in thought.

Dodd came around the corner with just his shorts on as he dried his hair could sense Mazel was in a thought. He did not want to disturb her but he could tell it was not a thought she really wanted to be focused upon.

He stepped up to her side and said "Sorry about that, I hope this can be done in casual attire since we are in my quarters."

Mazal gave a start, her eyes drifting upwards to Dodd's eyes. "Oh! Your attire is just fine, I'm in casual clothing as well." motioning towards her outfit, which consisted of a blue vee neck tee shirt, pair of black shorts which hit above the knee and a pair of black runners.

It wasn't lost on her, of Dodd's well toned physique. One couldn't really deny that he kept himself in fit condition. She wrested her mind away from that, needing to talk about the mission. Which to her, was a bit disturbing.

"So feel free to talk about the reason you requested this meeting." Dodd stated as he then slide a muscle shirt over his toned physique and took a set across from Falk. "I will consider this as your debriefing even though we are just talking and if there is anything of importance I will get it added to the mission records. Otherwise feel free to talk about anything you need to."

Mazal watched as he slid the shirt over him, then once more went back to the subject on her mind.

"That mission was, the most unique one I had ever gone on and at times I felt that we were being watched all the time. It was difficult to tell if something were a natural bug or one that was a construct. Leland was able to differentiate though." Mazal went silent for a moment and there would be an emotional wave coming from her, sort of a mixed bag, worry, puzzlement, frustration maybe even feeling like she was lacking in some aspect.

Finally Mazal spoke, "I feel like I didn't do my best on that mission. We got into a situation, in one aspect it was good as Aderne helped to bring a child into the world, but we also got swept into some sort of fertilization, religious ceremony. We managed to untangle ourselves from it, but... I feel I shouldn't have allowed us to have gotten involved as far as we did. I sort of feel like a failure there."

Feeling the baggage of emotions from Mazal, Remy sat up straight and firm. "You did nothing wrong." He replied and he reached over and put his hand on her knee. "Your actions on the surface of 569701-D or Arth were normal. You did notice the constructs that were camouflaged as dragonflies. I had heard from others that they felt watch the whole time as well. Also, the whole issue with the baby was a wonder gesture on your part and that of your team. It made the locals feel connected to you. However, from what Doctor Cahill noticed of the population is that while they are human they have an odd connection to the planet as if they were slightly altered once deposited there thousands of years ago. While the planet appears very Earth like, the were some subtle differences in the biology. We can survive there but if we lived there long term our grandchildren would likely start to show some differences genetically. There were some microbes that the transporter buffers filtered out when the team beamed back that have been under study and we hope to have the results back soon. The constructed insects were clearly a means of controlling the population and so someone on the planet was looking for and observing all of the away team the whole time. It was only a matter of time before a situation more dire than what you experienced took place. We will be returning to get Lt. Lee and her team after the next mission and I hope to have you lead the whole team next time."

To say Mazal was stunned at this revelation at the end of what Dodd had said, would be an understatement. She just sat there not moving or saying a word, as her mind sorted through what he said. Then her brain kicked in.

"Wait, you want me to lead the whole team when we go back? Are you sure you want that to happen?" Mazal's mind was once again boggled. "If it is deemed that I need to do so, sure I'll do so. However, wouldn't there be someone better suited for that? Like say you for instance?"

"I would jump at the chance to be on the surface but I was told that when we return I would have to be in command of the ship once again and thus could not go on the surface. You already have the experience of what Arth is like and I trust you fully with going back, but if you have reservations due to what happened when last on the surface, I understand. I get to pick who I want to lead since I am not authorized at this time. I think this is still a test of my promotion to lieutenant commander and the position of executive officer, so I don't want to rock the boat."

Mazal felt comfort from Dodd's words and even that calming touch on her knee. It didn't make her feel creeped out.

"I would be honored to be the lead and you do have a point. I am familiar with Arth and some of the dangers at hand there. " Mazal paused for a moment then exclaimed. "Also congratulations on your rank raise!" placing her hand upon his. "You deserved it"

"I appreciate that. Thank you." Dodd replied and pulled his hand away from Mazal's knee. "I do want you to know that I was thrilled to get more away team leads once I made first officer, but I get assigned command of the ship instead. So I trust the other executive officer on the ship can fill my shoes."

"Well perhaps, you and I can go on an away mission together at some point, you never know, right?" feeling a lot better. "I do appreciate you listening to me about the last mission." she paused for a moment then remarked, "On that mission, they had two areas where the intended next mating partners were to be at. One was just for men only, and the other it seemed to be women only. It was rather strange and it was weird. Right after the lady gave birth, she was already getting primed to become pregnant. It didn't make sense to me at all. And they had said that the season was a short one for when they can produce children, almost like a baby factory in my own mind." Mazal took a drink of her tea, then continued. "Arth certainly isn't like Earth at all."

"Interesting you mention that. Doctor Cahill found out a lot about the planet and not sure exactly how she was able to get so much intel. The humans have a sort of symbiotic relationship with the planet and have adapted over the generations to the biology the planet needs of them. I think that at first the species that transplanted the humans to this world may not have known this." Dodd replied. "I would enjoy working with you on an away team. You are a very confident and strong person. I also bet you can belt out a supercharged show tune take can move all who are in listening range."

Mazal almost choked on her tea when Dodd made his comment about her singing. "Um...maybe.. I don't know." her cheeks turning a dark pink. oO How would he know that I can sing? Oo she was feeling rather shy at this point.

"I did not mean to make you choke. I compare some of the crew to classical arts performers and you strike me as someone who used to perform in old Earth Broadway musicals." Dodd stated to cover his statement. oO I wonder is she knows that certain sections of the ship resonate the vocalizations and engineers sometime hear things on the ship others do not. Oo "I am sorry if you take offense to that, but old Earth Broadway performers had to be great at vocalizations and getting their singing voices to carry event without enhancements like microphones or such."

Mazal looked horrified at Dodd's comment. "No, I don't take offense at that. I am actually flattered that you think of me as such. I've not really gotten into any musical plays when younger, and not been in any productions. I've been a marine maybe ever since I was a young girl. Comes with the territory of having a Mom who was; well still is a marine. You know once a marine, always a marine. And my aunt as well. I just followed in their footsteps because I was attracted to this sort of life." Mazal felt a little bit awkward, but she'll get over it.

"I am very sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I did not want to have done so." Dodd was concerned as he knew she had a thought about his abs before he put his shirt on and he was attempting to joke with her but hit a thread that was unintended. "I hope you can forgive me for what I meant as a fun comparison. I had no idea of your vocal talents and I should have been more controlled in my place of comment."

Mazal looked at Dodd, "Um sir? It seems we are running around an awkward tree. I know that is a weird way of putting things. Honestly I do like the way you described your perceptions of those you work with." offering a genuine smile. "I do sing, yes I am admitting that. And you're the first one I've admitted it to, well outside of my family. I've not even told Tosrol about my being able to sing either. I've been a bit shy about letting people know. I know kinda dumb but, its goes along the line of I'm good at some things, but am I a good singer. My family thinks so but, am I really? I can carry a tune but I am no rockstar, or even an opera singer."

"A song bird knows not if its voice is beautiful but yet it sings on anyway without a care in the world." Dodd stated. "You are a beautiful person and only you can please your mind's concept of who you are. You are likely a wonderful performer even it it is only in the presence of your family or the shower."

"Your words are rather poetic, and nice. Thank you." Mazal smiled, "Perhaps I do sing best where I feel more relaxed, or comfortable. Maybe I have an untouched talent." she gave a little bit of a shrug, " You have a good soul, Commander Dodd. I think you are a really good XO for the Tomcat and the crew is very lucky to have you."

"Well, thank you." Dodd replied and had a little bit of a blushing of his cheeks. "I am flattered you think I am a good XO. I am still learning and have to remember that running the ship is more than just keeping the engine running smoothly. But I am an engineer at heart and have a lot more growing to do in my current position." Dodd then stood up from his seated position. "I am going to get a glass of water, would you want anything?"

"Perhaps a bit more peppermint tea, I just realized I had finished it, and could you make it an iced tea please?" Mazal held out the mug she had in her hand. "Thank you." giving a smile. "Guess we are both still going through the growing pain stage." Mazal mused. "With Captain Jackson having come down ill, I've been finding myself needing to take on more responsibilities. Not that I'm complaining, I just feel sort of lost without him there. We were becoming a team, we clicked, then he was taken ill. Now I've got to find my footing, see what I can do to keep things moving along."

"I understand, Jackson is a great leader and this sudden illness was a shock to all of us." Dodd stated as he walked to the replicator. "Computer one iced pepperment tea and one glass of water, thirty seven degrees Fahrenheit." Dodd commanded of the replicator. Once the beverages appeared he grabbed them and turned toward Mazal. "So how are things outside of your marine duties? That is if I may ask."

"What would you like to know? Also, um... when off duty, do you want me to continue to call you Commander?" Mazal wasn't certain just how to address Dodd at this time. She hadn't had much contact with Dodd since they had first met. She was on first name basis with Ted, and Leland, part of the three amigos she met first off. With Captain Jackson, she was on a first name basis as well when off duty.

"You can relax, and when off duty or in a setting of casualness, you can call me Remington or Remy. Over the years I have learned that some just call me Dodd regardless, but you only have to call me commander when on duty." Remy replied. "Therefore I trust when off duty, I can call you Mazal?"

"Yes, you may call me Mazal when off duty." the marine XO giving a smile. "And I'll call you, Remy." She took a drink of her peppermint ice tea, feeling a sense calmness descend upon her. "This has been rather nice, just talking to you."

"I am here for you anytime, you can come to me with anything be it work or personal, I am here to help no matter what." Remy replied. oO If only she were available, I could make her so happy, but she is committed to a friend and I would not go that path again. Oo Dodd thought to himself as he took a drink of his water and sat back in his seat.

"Thank you I appreciate that, I truly do. I am also glad you didn't rake me over the coals where my actions were concerned, as per Lieutenant Winchester. I will confess I really wanted to deck him. However, I kept my cool and things were sorted out, after we were called into the Colonel's office. " Mazal said with some chagrin.

"I see Winchester is a thorn in someone else's side and not just mine." Remy replied. "He certainly does not seem to keep himself out of trouble and it would be a miracle if he ever makes it back to full lieutenant from what I can see."

"Well, he's not bothered me as of lately now. Then again I've not gone to search him out to be friends either. I did do some sword work with him and he actually behaved, and he wasn't too bad at the sword practice. Then he slipped once more back into his old ways of having trouble with marines. He was set straight though by Kildare, and by me." Mazal shaking her head. "He maybe learning but he's a slow learner."

"Indeed he is a slow learner." Remy smiled widely, "I don't go out of my way to seek him out either. However, as the XO, I will have to deal with him more now than I did in the past. I would not have been surprised if Kildare did not find a way to literally run him straight through."

"Well, I have met worse ones than Winchester, still though, I do hope he relents on that dumb attitude on marines. Maybe his fiancee' will be able to rein him in. I've met Serina and she has a strong willpower, and well I do know that Winchester is in love with her, and that is good. I couldn't see myself being in a romantic relationship with him, its going to take work if he and I ever become friends, besides acquaintances. There has to be chemistry between a person to be friends as well." Mazal stated. "And I think we've got that sort of chemistry there, unless you'd rather we just be professional crew mates."

"I believe the same philosophy as friends have to have some sort of chemistry just like romantic relationships. I believe we can be friends as you are already in a committed relationship with a friend. I do enjoy all the friendships I have and happy to add a new one at anytime. I feel we have made the bridge into friendship so we can be both professional and casual when warranted." Dodd replied with a caring smile and the twinkle of charm in his eye.

Mazal answered, "I like that very much." her face lighting up with another smile. "I'm in the process of making friends amongst the crew, and am delighted to add you to my growing circle of friends. Don't be too surprised if I drag you into something social." her smile broadening into a grin. "Hope you will accept the invitation when it is offered."

"I am typically not at many social events by choice but since it is part my duties, I attend. However, if Ze is not available I would accept being your arm candy for the event." Remy replied with a seducing smile. oO I hope she knows that if Ze had not already moved on her, I would have. Oo

A slight blush to her cheeks, Mazal responded with a light laugh. "What if it was just a small gathering of friends? Me, Jane, and you?" she asked. "I first met Tosrol, Leland and Ted just after the Tomcat docked, from her last mission. That was a pivotal point for me, talk about a welcome to the crew and it was unplanned."

An idea had popped into Mazal's mind, "What do you think about; you, me and Jane going out and having some drinks during shore leave?" there was a pleading look in her expressive dark brown eyes. "Unless you think it too weird."

"Weird, you don't know me then do you." Dodd replied. "I am the poster child for weird. I like to be naked when I can without offending people. However, I am going hiking on a forested moon about 3 parsecs way from Starbase 51 and was looking forward to the isolation for my hiking. I will camp out in the forest and enjoy the nature. This moon is about the size of earth and has many lakes and rivers but no oceans or icecaps as it is close enough to the system's sun that it is equally warm around the whole sphere. The population on this moon is mostly contained in one of the only cities on the surface and that is about one thousand people who are mostly male as it was once a prison for the planet it orbits. Then over time the inmates reformed and declared it their home and now welcome nature lovers as tourists but yet the number of people there are few and far between. Last time I hiked there, I was in the wild for four full days completely naked the whole time before I even heard or saw another person of any sort. But maybe when I get back to Starbase 51 and had a shower, the we could meet up so it would be likely six days after we debark for leave."

"Definitely let me know when you get back then." Mazal giving a nod. "And I can see the attraction of walking in nature in the buff, sort of a cleansing type of ritual, feeling the sun's warmth upon your skin." Mazal thinking about back on Arth, that feeling of the warm sun beating upon her bare flesh, the heat being offset by the coolness of the pond. It was funny, she hadn't thought about that until Remy had brought up his experience. Pulling her thoughts back to the present, "At any rate do enjoy your time of solitude. I may have to find a place to go do some camping, be on some form of Terra Firma."

"I will keep that in mind for when I return and hit you up." Dodd replied. "I hope you are able to not let the events from this mission affect you and we will be returning and I hope that you will be able to oversee the away team if not as the main lead as the head of security protocols for the team."

Mazal looked into Remy's eyes, "I will be talking to Lilly, I've got an appointment scheduled to sort things out in my mind just a bit more. Rest assured, I don't intend on being on the sidelines. And I've faced worse, Remy. I've had a member of my team, before I joined the USS Tomcat die in my arms during a mission."

Mazal closed her eyes for a moment, as just mentioning that small tidbit, gave her a pang of grief. She cleared her throat, "I am here, still in the fight." opening her eyes once more. "Sorry, I am sure you've faced things of that nature."

"You have my sympathies for having to experience that." Remy replied as he truly meant it. "I know you have the strength to rise to the occasion and that makes you a good leader and an even better marine." Dodd offered a supportive hug.

A brilliant smile, and an acceptance of Remy's supportive embrace, actually standing up to receive a proper one, also returning the embrace, Mazal thinking that perhaps Remy needed one as well. Her embrace was almost a bear hug, one of those good embraces that one needs from time to time.

"I do understand you need to talk to Lilly, but just know I am here if you just need to dump your thoughts or vent about a task or fellow crewmember." Remy replied as he appreciated the embrace they shared. "I am the xo on or off duty. I am here for all of the crew to help them no matter what. If I can't fix it directly, I will find the answer or the fix as best I can."

"I will remember that, I don't know if I am allowed to offer the same service." giving a chuckle, "But I can be a listening ear as well, if my level is high enough." Mazal responded. "I should get going as you've got things to do ship wise. If I don't see you before you leave for your trip, be safe and come back."

"Thank you, and if I don't see you before I disembark for my hiking trip, you have a relaxing and enjoyable shore leave." Dodd stated in return.

"Thank you, Remy." Mazal said softly as she released him from her embrace. She placed a kiss upon his cheek, "Thank you again." Mazal added before she turned to leave. "And sleep well."

"Sleep is for mortals, my dear Mazal." Remy wittingly remarked. "But I do wish you the best sleep you can get."

"And we are all mortal in one way or others." Mazal responded, then she stepped out of Dodd's quarters the door closing behind her. Her thoughts would be that of, oO This was great talking to Remy, and I feel I can count him as a good friend. Oo

- OFF -

1st Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO, USS Tomcat


Lt Cmdr R. S. Dodd
Executive Officer, USS Tomcat


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