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Posted on 30 Sep 2022 @ 8:07pm by Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson
Edited on on 01 Oct 2022 @ 1:30pm

1,832 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: various
Timeline: Prior to new Mission


Faith got settled finally and fully before she went out to find her department head. In full uniform again, sticking her head in after asking the computer where Tosrol Ze's location was. "Lieutenant Ze?" Her violet eyes shifted back and forth.

Ze was in his office it had taken a good 3 days to move his operations office over to his brand new security office, all the bells and whistles had been taken over to the new office, and all his books he sat slaving over a few reports he would need to get in by the end of the week, a strong cup of tea at his right as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Well, this was pretty empty at the moment for the most part. Skirting over to the Chief's office. Poking her head in. "Lieutenant Tosrol Ze?"

Tos looked up from his files "AHH yes you must be Lieutenant JG Benson please come in" he said turning in his chair and standing " please help yourself to a drink" he said smiling.

"That I would be sir," looking around the office, particularly on anything personal. Outside of work objects. Giving a little walk around. "Is that for any off-duty type drink, sir?"

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant Benson," He said with a wide smile as he sipped from his own cup of tea "If you are off duty I don't see why you couldn't have a different drink," He said looking over her file as he looked towards the door.

"I am for the moment." Faith returned the smile in return. "How about Romulan Ale?" Giving a bit of a stretch.

Tos was about to come off shift himself "Now we're cooking with Gas Lieutenant make that two Romulan ales," he said winking as he pushed his paperwork into his draw and resumed a relaxed position.

Faith gave a little bit of a smirk having been lead-in from the smile, "You were the one that offered." Motioning a hand out to the open.

Ze smiled as he unbuttoned his tunic a little "Please Liutennant take a seat" he said as he looked around "As we are off duty please feel free to drop the formalities I am just Tosrol or Tos"
He said looking around trying to find a spare seat "Sorry my office is barely set up so It's all chaos at the moment" he said rushing to see his collapsible chair and placing it out for the lieutenant to sit down.

"Faith. For the record, I prefer Tactical. Don't underestimate me in a fight though." Smiling. Looking at the chair, that worked just as well as anything else. Plopping down.

Ze grabbed the Romulan ales "One for your faith and one for me" he said as he sat back down "I would never underestimate anyone in my department you all have your strengths and I intend to only build on those strengths from here on out"

She reached out and took the glass. Tossing it back completely. There didn't appear to be any of the bites from the ale showing. "You'll probably get to where you'll get annoyed with me."

Tos moved over to his cabinet in the corner of his office, producing a physical bottle of Romulan ale "How about the good stuff?" he said coming back over and draining his own drink topping Faiths up "I'm a very hard man annoy, Faith, believe me, I hope that we can have a good working understanding of each other" he said pouring himself another drink.

"That shouldn't be too hard to do. Also had thought we were going to have the real stuff to start with."

He sat back and relaxed and he laughed a little "Only certain people have ever been able to make me mad and I fear you'll
never get to that stage" he said with a smile "Get the crappy stuff out first then the good stuff"

"That just seems like a challenge to me," only taking a sip this time. Faith gave a glance at the glass, "Tastes like...2265."

He laughed a hearty laugh, Tos hadn't laughed like this since the holodeck excursion with Leland "You Miss Benson know how to make me laugh and that will go a long way as my deputy." he took a sip and looked at the bottle, and by christ she was right

"How'd you guess? It was present from my brother up on my graduation from the academy I like to break it out for momentous occasions," he said laughing a little. "Tell me a little of yourself Faith? what makes your heart sing and Soul feel weary?"

Happy that she made him laugh like that. "Well." Leaning forward after going ahead and finishing the second. Refilling it if that was okay with him. Faith leaned back again, "For one, I'm over two hundred years old. I've seen a thing or twenty." Smiling lightly, "As for the question, I suppose that depends on any given day, the company, the task or simply a whim."

Tos looked at her "You're over 200 years old? Darnet, say it looks good on you, Faith" he said with a smile "El-Aurian perchance?" he asked as he drank from his glass of ale sat in front of him "Well it seems we have that in common faith!" he said relaxing into his a chair a little "What was your previous posting like? if you don't mind my asking?" Tos was curious of course he was in his nature.

Darn it? Who says Darn it anymore? Faith just smirked a little bit. Just sipping now on the third glass. "I um...actually, still don't know how. I was assigned to the USS Defiant. Obviously by proxy Deep Space Nine. Though just about all my work was done on here. Let's just say that was rather exciting and alarming at the same time."

Ze Laughed a little as he took a sip from his drink "I use all of the fancy words" He said looking around his office "You were aboard the defiant Faith? that must have been a tight squeeze "He said taking another sip "So what are you hoping for from assignment here?"

"I've never really thought about it. I go where I go a lot of the time. Given some particularly given habits of my people. Though some of us do put more focus given one way or another." Faith gave a little shrug.

It was a just answer "Well I hope to make your stay here as amenable and understanding as I can" he said with a brief up-turning smile "So do you have any questions for my faith?" he asked pouring some more of the Romulan ale between there cups.

"I'm sure it will be fine." She smiled lightly, and still had slowed some on the ale. "I have a particularly invasive one."

Ze sat forward "Invasive questions are the best type of questions," he said sipping from his cup of ale "Ask Away Faith I am an open book?" he said with a brief smile.

"Probably more than you think." Reaching up to brush her hair back over her shoulder. "You don't like your past, which is particularly baring with scrutiny. I.... can't tell quite why. It's just a feeling. Choices that altered your future as well. Like, you don't quite or shouldn't be here."

It was a particularly invasive question, Ze pondered on the answer for a moment "Well if you must know Faith" He cleared his throat a little, he really wasn't ready to bare his soul to someone that was Mazal but the question had now been posed "My past specifically my academy years were hard, all stories start with a girl and end with a girl".

He said sitting further forward "I won't lie I wasn't particularly trained for Cheif of security but it is a task I have accepted diligently I am still learning the ropes for the most part so if you feel to scrutinize me do so I can only but learn from my peers Liutennant Benson I am no man of perfect standing nor is my past but I stand now in the face of odds that I didn't know I would and I think that counts for my character if anything else"

Faith almost....almost would have giggled, but they were sort of in seriousness at the moment. "Not really on about a girl. I'm not that good. I'm not quite telepathic, or empathic either. Nor were I talking about me scrutinizing you. I'm actually not. You did answer something of my feeling, however. Not Security. All I know is a phrase. 'Flying among the stars.' "

She had indeed read his file "I am an empath believe my faith it isn't all it's cracked up to be" he said laughing a little "I have always sought to fly amongst the stars and that is why I joined Starfleet, I was once an operations officer I trained for operations my station was computers and files and communication transcripts my life is now phaser rifles and law among the stars its all a bit alien to me if I'm honest but I'm trying my best with what I have"

"Well, I mean. That simply says you're not happy. In another place, you should be doing the other. Even if it's on this ship." Faith took back all of that current glass this time.

He laughed a hearty laugh "I am content faith, change is not something one deals with easily but I for one accept change like the coming and goings of a season one has to be fluid in the way they see life for things such as station can change in the blink of an eye I am no man to stand in the way of natures coarse or fates for that matter if I am to endocrine law and keep the peace amongst the stars so be it" he said with an up turn of his eyebrow "Are we quite done with the probing and postering?" he asked quite flatly "I for one have to turn in for the night I have to be up for an alpha shift in the morning" he said with a smile as he tossed back his drink and pushed his glass away from him a sign that he was done.

She thought about it a little bit but wasn't quite convinced. Standing up, "I suppose so. Thank you for the conversation and the drinks, Tosrol. Can't help my feelings here and there. Probably much harder to explain than your race's abilities. Never said they're right. I'll let you get some sleep." Faith turned to head to the doors. "Good night."




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