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prior to Handover

Posted on 03 Aug 2022 @ 9:09pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 05 Aug 2022 @ 9:43pm

1,293 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Armoury


Paul had been seen by the Captain and her Sister an hour ago or maybe longer as he had spent time talking with his wife before heading down here, that he was moving back to flight along with his demotion to Lieutenant Jg.he. For not disobeying orders from a superior officer. As he walked along the Corridor nodding to the crew of the ship as he passed them by,

To regain his status, Paul knew he would have to re-qualify for flight by going through the Simulator, his wife overseeing it. but for now, Paul had specific tasks to get done before they reached Starbase 51. That task was the inventory of both the main Armoury and secondary armoury. *Pause* He thought to himself oO thank god, I don't have to do this anymore Oo As he walked along the corridor towards the first of his two destinations. As he knew now that this was Ze’s job after they had docked at Starbase 51

Paul always did this task before the ship docked. He knew that he had to know what was working and what equipment might be needed to be replaced, for new. For all, he knew it would be minor stuff that was for him to find out and find out for the last time before he headed over to flight and work with Serina, who seemed not to be too happy with him being back in the cockpit. *Pause* he knew that over time she knew that he would have her back out there in the void as crew members passed him in the corridor nodding their heads at him. He returned the gesture. as he passed them by. But for now, it was still his as he turned the corner, found himself outside the Armoury, and tapped his security code on the console as the door slid open.

As he entered the big room, he found two Lieutenant Jg’s standing inside working. He said, “Hello, Lieutenant?” As he looked around the big room, He noticed they had just started the inventory.

Lieutenant Reed turned to face who had entered the room. He replied, “ Oh hey, Lieutenant, Sir “ we had nothing to do, so we decided to come here and sort this out,” as it showed that two of his officers had used their initiative to come here for a task. Paul would let the new chief know what two good officers he had served under him. They continued to the next locker that had the correct weapons in its racks.

He looked at the pair of junior officers ``Well done both of you,” contemplating them both he continued,” I am glad you took the initiative to start the weapons inventory inspection before I got here” replied Paul looking at both of the male officers. as he moved to the nearest bench and picked up a PADD, continued I will take these lockers on this side of the room, you finish off your side,” as he opened the first one and began counting as the Tomcat was an Akira class ship and this size of the vessel, had plenty of weapons lockers,

The armouries were the biggest of these. It took him some time. Having finished the first locker and began the second, Paul knew that a break would be to ease the time, he had noticed that the two lads had started on their sixth one, he continued working on his third locker for another hour and a half before he decided to allow a break time.

He started putting his PADD down, He stated, “ Break time, Lieutenant”

He knew that stopping for at least 15 minutes for a drink and a chat, He noticed that they had finished their locker and put the PADD down in front of it, and he noticed that they had left open the weapon lockers that they had already done.

Paul noticed that with twenty-nine other lockers to check, he knew more officers might be needed to finish the job. As he knew it would take longer with the three of them, as he was about to put a call out for some more officers, suddenly the door opened and in walked two more pairs of Officers, he thought to himself oO Oh good, now we can finish this off, Oo as the first officer asked, Where do you want us, Sir?”

Paul replied,” over the other side of the room and make a start on those lockers,”

The two sets of Officers replied “aye Sir” to him and walked over to where they had been ordered to, as Lieutenant Reed’s partner asked, ``Permission to use the head, sir?”

“Permission granted Lieutenant,” responded Paul as he watched the young officer leave the room. Paul turned to Lieutenant Reed and said, “So, Lieutenant, Tell me about yourself?” as he wanted to make friends with him after he changed position.

The Lieutenant responded “I’m Johnatan Reed, born in the east end of London to my Mom and dad, Richard and Michaela Reed,” he stated, looking at Paul. He continued, “when I was younger I helped my Dad with repairing shuttles in his yard,” as John remembered fondly those days. He stated “and when I was Sixteen I got my pilot's license and was picking up parts for my dad”

“So what made you want to join Starfleet?” asked Paul

Jonathan replied, “Like everyone else I suppose I wanted to see what was out here and not be tied to one planet,” as he shrugged his shoulders, he continued,” I wanted to be a fighter pilot but my Mom said no to that and forced my dad to talk me and this,” he looked back at Paul knowing that he had missed his calling. He finished,” I made a deal thought with my Mum that if I did not get on in Security, I could change to what I want to do”

Paul asked him,” what do you mean by that Jon?” as he could see that the officer was not happy within Security and wanted a move to flight, he knew that whilst he was still Chief, he could arrange the transfer for him if that was what Jon was asking for?

Jon replied,” I just don't get the excitement out of the job anymore,” looking at Paul and having told his Mum that Last night, “I’d Like a transfer to flight please Sir,” he stated, as Paul picked up a PADD from the bench behind him and started to type out the request as the sounds of lockers opening and racks sliding out.

As Paul finished the transfer request, he placed his thumbprint upon it and said to Jon,” Can you place your thumbprint upon this and I will speak with the CAG when I see her tonight,” Jon placed his thumb onto the PADD, 0Paul knew that all it took now was getting Serena to put the final print and authorise the transfer.

Jon asked Paul, “Sir, the scuttlebutt on the ship says you're returning to flight, is this true? As he knew that if true he would still be serving under Paul. as Jon would now tell his family of the move to flight.

“Yes it is true, I will be the new DCAG,” Paul responded looking at Jon as the door to the room opened and Jon’s Partner reentered the room, Paul finished “Let’s get this done then we can go get some chow,” as Jon nodded and Paul went back to his side of the room and started where he had left off.


Lieutenant Jg P Winchester
Chief Security

Ensign Rob Jackson [NPC: Winchester]
Security Officer

Lieutenant J Reed [NPC: Winchester]
Security Officer


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