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Quick Raid of a Derelict

Posted on 05 May 2017 @ 6:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws
Edited on on 05 May 2017 @ 9:39pm

949 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Tomcat // Disable Orion Ship
Timeline: Mission Day 26/27-1


- Tomcat -

It took less than a minute to stop by her quarters and get the necessary gear and a change of outfits. Being a derelict, she dressed properly for any encounters upon arrival. She quickly rummaged through her gear and uploaded several programs into a specialised Data Padd. As that was uploading, she went through her collection of handheld weapons from blades to small hideaway phasers.

Once the stuff was all laid out, she began to secret away the weapons upon her personage in specialised pockets and scabbards. Then came her electronics into pouches on her utility belt. She was ready. Once last look and running through a mental checklist to make sure she missed nothing for this run.

Sheela left her quarters and jogged to the hanger bay, calling ahead to prep another small shuttle for her usage. When she arrived, her shuttle was on the ready pad for launch. She took receipt of the small shuttle and boarded. It took a matter of seconds and she was departing the Tomcat, en route through the incoming fighters and other crafts that belonged to the Tomcat.

- Derelict -

The trip over to the derelict was routine as usual. She did fly around to determined the best place to park her shuttle. She found a gaping hole just under the bridge and near the ship's computer core. She eased the shuttle into the gap and parked. She put on her evac suit and departed the shuttle to wander through the corridors that were filled with dead bodies of the crew. Some were floating with no injuries but showed signs of explosive decompression.

She moved through the stygian darkness with her evac suit lights showing the way. Some places light came through major hull breaches. She worked her way into the center of the ship where the Computer core was located at. Seeing that the Computer Core was on emergency backup power. Even that wouldn't last if left alone for too long.

Sheela connected up her electronic gizmos and settled in for the lengthy dive into the ships Data banks for tidbits of information. She worked fast as she had limited amount of air from her evac suit. She let the slicer programs work as she dove deeper into the databanks bypassing the routine ship running info. Going after the travel routes of the ship and gaining Crew Roster on the personnel the ship carried, whether crew, passenger and mercenaries. Plus any battle plans that were obliviously obsolete yet may pertain some plan after the successful attack or a fallback position in case of a route.

Seconds turned into minutes as files after files were searched and copied when deemed important enough for a more deeper look over back on the Tomcat. Then minutes turned into hours as the last of the files were copied and looking through the communications logs.

She took notice that a lot of the logs were deleted beyond recovery. She glanced at her watch to see how much air she had remaining as she had to recover her gear and get back to her shuttle. She wrinkled her nose as she sighed. She typed in commands and began to direct download the communication files into her portable storage device.

With that happening, she disconnected the unnecessary equipment and began to store it for the return trip to the Shuttle. Another thirty minutes passed and the computer chimed that the download was complete. She grabbed the connector and yanked it out. Grabbing the Storage Device, she scampered back to her shuttle a lot quicker than she entered.

As she scampered back to her shuttle through starlight dappled corridors that alternated with stygian darkness, wondered what information she had snagged. Would it be worth the trip over or not? Only careful search through the gathered information would tell. At least it would give the Analyst back in their safe cubbyhole back Sector HQ something to analyse and look for more deeper for that hidden gem. But she had the first crack at it.

"Squeeeaaahh.." She softly muttered as she entered her shuttle and sealed it up. While she waited as the shuttle powered up and restored atmosphere to the interior of the shuttle. She stored her gizmos back into their case.

Sheela moved to the bridge and sat in the helm seat. She prepped the shuttle to return to the Tomcat when something registered in her mind. She placed the shuttle on standby and left the shuttle. She scampered to through the ship till she found the bodies. She looked them over, taking pictures of them. These bodies were dressed as slaves. She moved through the derelict, looking for the actual crew. She looked thoughtful as she used her phaser to burn open an escape pod hatch. She looked into the empty chamber.

She took off as she made note of that as she returned to back to her shuttle. ~~squeeeaa. where ..when did the crew jump ship. At least the key personnel?~~ She thought to herself as she boarded her shuttle again.

She activated the shuttle and eased out from the derelict. She flew slowly as she gave thought to a new development. Maybe it was the time she went independent to look into the matter. She would have to dump the shuttle and get a replacement if she was going to go rogue for a few days.

She wondered if her old contact was still around within the system. She would have to send out an inquiry to find out. But that would be when she found time aboard the Tomcat.


Lt. Commander Sheela Swiftpaws
Chief Intelligence Officer/Communications
USS Tomcat


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