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A Misunderstanding

Posted on 07 Aug 2022 @ 8:40am by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Paula Winchester
Edited on on 01 Sep 2022 @ 2:03pm

701 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 3: When Realities Collide (Incidentals)
Location: Security Office
Timeline: After Docking with SB51


Paul had returned to his old office to start clearing out his old desk, but whilst he was in the Office, he would call his sister Paula, who he knew would not be happy with the news of his demotion again! Although she did know that the Demotion had been a temporary measure, now it was permanent. The question was would she take it now permanent? He opened a secure channel to SB51.

As the screen changed to his Sister, Paul said,” Hey Sis, How are you?” he watched her brush the hair from her eyes as he guessed that he had just woken her up, which was not good. The last time he had done that, she had yelled at him and expected another rant from her, but it did not come.

“Hello, Paul,” replied Paula as she glanced back at him and continued,” So, Brother, what is it you want? As she continued to wait for him to respond when another female voice shouted from behind her. “Who is that on the screen?”

“Lucy, It is my Brother Paul,” Paula called back to her, As she glanced at Paul to let him know that she would handle it.

Suddenly a blonde-haired woman appeared to enter the lounge area and walked over to where Paula was sitting and peered over Paula’s shoulder, She said, “Hi Paul, is it” as she glared at him, continued, “ I am Paula’s Lover so get over it or Else”

Paul looked back at her and his demeanour changed from a jovial mood to one of pure rage, but before he could say anything, Paula turned to Lucy and said, “Love, What I told you about him, was what I did not tell was the beatings he took,” as Lucy’s head snapped back towards Paula.” What beatings?” she asked.

As the voice of the Colonel came over the com informing him of the ship about to dock, Paula stated, “he had thought at the time that folk were saying bad things about me and defended my honour” as she put her hand on her cheek, continued,” it was when Lisa and I told him the truth, he felt I had betrayed him for having taken those beatings,”

“And I needed time to calm down and get used to the idea,” replied Paul holding his tongue and rage, finished “and now it doesn't bother me in the slightest,” leaning back and the chair and looking back at Paula. He said “reason for the Call Sis the USS Tomcat fighters hereby, challenge SB51 Fighter Squadron to a series of races around the obstacle course,”

“Ha, challenge accepted Paul, and tell you're wife, she will lose,” replied Paula looking back at her Brother who now was grinning as he was about to drop the bombshell that would leave her surprised. He said, “Oh by the way Paula, I want a shot at your title,”

“My Title, Paul, you are grounded if I remember correctly after the accident,” replied Paula looking back at him. Continued, “so what has changed Brother?”

“Well, I had an update for my arm has now updated the reflex time the Captain has returned me to DCAG aboard the Tomcat,” replied Paul as he knew the shock of this news to his sister, “which means once I get my flight status it is on,”

“Not whilst I am around Paul,” replied Paula looking back at her brother. she continued, “ I am not going through that again” she remembered how he had taken to the booze after the loss of his arm and having to help put him back together, but now he had Serena to help him which he had not the last time, she sighed “Very well, Paul,”

Paul replied, “ I have to go now as I have to do the Hand over to Lieutenant Ze Properly this time,” as Paula nodded and closed the channel, Paul tapped his combadge and said,” Lieutenant Ze Please report to the Security Office,” as he unclipped his security card from his waist for the last time.


Lt JG Paul Winchester
Deputy Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Paula Winchester [P: Winchester]
Commander Air Group
Starbase 51


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