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Meeting the Troops Part Two

Posted on 19 Aug 2022 @ 9:54am by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & 1st Lieutenant Joseph Tabor & 1st Lieutenant Jerok & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Captain Mazal Falk & Captain Jelan Lemoris & 1st Lieutenant Maria Zamorano & 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno & 1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen & Sergeant Major Bronco (Bronc) Hardway & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

1,752 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Deck 7
Timeline: Prior to Journey Home Post



As the noise died down the doors to the room opened and in her Starfleet Uniform, green undershirt and Rifle Officers Belt/Sash on her left shoulder and dropping down to the right side above her hip her red hair was down but pinned back on the right side, she tended to hide her long scar on the left side of her face she looked like she had just finished a propaganda photo shoot as her uniform and appearance was immaculate. She was one of only a few in the room that bore the White Band around the base of her shoulders, with hands at parade rest behind her back as she entered and you could hear a pin drop, she had a feeling they had not expected her to make a guest appearance.

With the sound of someone else entering the area, Mazal turned her attention in that direction. Her eyebrows raised to her hairline when she saw who it was. She was speechless and also felt honoured. Mazal could only move for the colonel to take her place. Trying hard not to gape at this visit.

Bronc, Delfina, and Joe were.. astonished! This most certainly was a rather unexpected visit and they could tell by the expression on Falk's face she wasn't expecting this either. It looked like someone had smacked her between the eyes with a two-by-four. The arrival of Lt Colonel Somers sent a ripple through the crowd.

"Greetings Rifles, hope all is going well, most of you do not know me properly, though I have no doubt the grapevine and rumour mill has been all abuzz *sighs* it is to be expected" she pauses as she stands next to Falk. "Apologies for hijacking this meet and greet, will not stay long *pause* as I was saying for those who do not know me but have heard of me or maybe seen me around I am Lieutenant Colonel Jasmine Lynne Somers, like you I am 95th Rifles, but I was not the one who reactivated the Regiment, that was my Cousin Fleet Captain Somers who did so over twelve-years ago it has taken this long to get an MCO and MXO that can do the job" she paused.

"You may have seen some Rifles with a White Band around the base of their uniforms, those Rifles are part of Bravo Unit, they are the Ship Commanders' guard and are known as Chosen Men. That is what this band means" she said indicating her band, then the sash/belt "this is standard Rifle Regiment Officers apparel, it must be worn at all times when on duty, but only by the officers. You may also have seen very few Fleet Officers with the White band and Officers Regimental belt, They would be the Fleet Captain and Lt Cmdr Dodd the First Officer, the White Cord is the hardest award to earn and in today's world Fleet or marine can obtain it through strict guidelines. *pauses* Okay are there any questions for me and on what I just said?" the Colonel asked.

"So, I am curious, are you asking us to push for a White Cord?" Goodwin chimed in to break the moment of silence. "Also, can you go over the strict guidelines one must strive to achieve to get the honoured White Cord?"

Looking in the direction "please make yourself known and say name and rank if you will?" the Colonel said waiting for the speaker to stand or make themselves known to her.

"Yes, ma'am, I am second Lieutenant Goodwin," Goodwin stated as she stood up from her seat. "Ma'am, I was just curious about the sudden presentation of the topic and I mean no disrespect with my question only that I felt others were thinking the same question."

The Vulcan-Rigellian sniper stood to attention as well. "Ma'am, Lance Corporal Anlon. Confirming the Lieutenant's previous statement, ma'am, I have the same question." His specialization led mostly to planetary operations but this White spoke to him.

Looking at the pair and raising an eyebrow "questions are good" she said and addressed both "I will put it in brief and may paraphrase a little to speak of the whole requirement in it itself would take too long, so to earn the White Cord and the award ribbon that goes with it" she paused as she began to pace holding up a finger as she mentioned the key points.

Index finger rises and other fingers would follow as she spoke "point one, Initiative the individual must show such in away missions and towards his or her's duties and activity this meaning only take sick days if you cannot fight an infection yourself and certainly no fake-outs or malingers. Point two Honesty this one speaks for itself but along with this one must fight with honour and decency and observe current codes of conduct in battle this was made part of as it is applicable to everyone else in Starfleet in all branches. Point Three you have to be able to interact with others and work with them regardless of your views or feelings toward them and patience is one of those key attributes as we have all dealt with someone who tried our patience on times" the Colonel said lightly laughing as she thought of Winchester being that person for her.

"Point four said individual must be able to make the previous three points and must be brave and do a note-worth feat in combat or an away mission, the persons that are nominated will be assessed by those command staff who have already earned the White Cord of Courage which would be me the Fleet Captain, Lieutenant Commander Dodd, we will each assess a nominated individual's actions during any given mission, and any Department Head can nominate a worthy individual, but this award is the hardest to obtain as the kind of missions that allow this are not done very often, but there are others Missions that can cover courage and all the other points," Somers said still pacing and she stopped facing the assembled.

"Does that answer your question Lieutenant Goodwin and Lance Corporal Anlon?" the Colonel asked looking at the pair expectantly.

"Ma'am, yes ma'am," Anlon replied before taking his seat. These were doable things, and the family back home would love to see him succeed in such a way. He would give it his all.

"Ma'am, my question was addressed in your response. Thank you. Goodwin then decided to keep her mouth shut for the rest of the meeting.

Mazal was finding all of this rather interesting, she hadn't known about the requirements for getting that white cord but then again she wasn't one to do things for the awards. She was here to do her job and do it well. If something happened that she wound up getting that recognition, good. If not but she still did her job, Mazal felt it was good enough for her.

Looking around "any questions for me, before I return this meeting back to Lieutenant Falk?" Somers asked looking at every Rifleman assembled, Kildare raised his hand and stood.

Alex smiled and looked at him "What is it Chris?" she asked, Alex had known Kildare for years, he was the kind that could stand among a crowd of people and blend in without trying.

"How is the Fleet Captain doing after her ordeal, Sir?" Kildare asked curiously now.

Alex looked a little worried "the Fleet Captain is mending slowly, and uncharacteristic for a Somers she is doing as her doctor and Counsellor are saying but she will be with us for our next mission briefing but will be transferred to Starbase 51 Medical for the duration of what our next mission will be, which means you will all have the pleasure of my presence on this ship for a bit longer. But the Fleet Captain is getting stronger slowly" Somers responded.

"Thank you, Colonel, I have nothing further," Kildare said and sat back down.

Mazal spoke up, "I am delighted that she is back and even though her recovery is slow, does my heart- Make that it makes our hearts relieved that the Fleet Captain is back."

*smiling* "Well not quite, yet, whatever mission we will be assigned next I will be the one commanding it, the Fleet Captain will be placed at SB51 Medical for the duration," Colonel Somers said "Okay, anyone has anything else before I return control over to Lieutenant Falk?" Somers asked.

Bronco stood up, "Colonel, I'm Sergeant Major Bronco Hardway. My question is, do you have an idea what we could be looking forward to mission-wise? "

Captain Lemoris listened patiently, it was like the colonel to have a heart-to-heart with her men. It had always been like this they were rarely in the dark and had all relevant information when she did. it was the way of things.

Looking at Hardaway "Sadly Sergeant Major like everyone else I do not, but it could be anything that much I do know they could be anything when I know your Department Head will know and then they will let you know, sorry if I could not give you a better answer Sergeant Major" the Colonel said lightly shrugging.

"Thank you, Colonel," Bronco replied and sat down. He was satisfied with that answer.

Mazal looked at the marines and could see there were signs of a few of them wanting to get back to their various duties then said softly to Colonel Somers, "Looks like the natives are getting restless Colonel, shall we set them free?"

With a final nod "Okay, I have to return to the bridge, keep up the good work" the Colonel said about-faced and left the area and returned back to the bridge.

And just before Somers left, Mazal called out "Attention!" meaning for the Marines to stand in respect of Colonel Somer's visit.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers
Acting Commanding Officer

Major S'arila Donovan [P: Somers]
Bravo Unit
Rifle Officer, 95th Rifles

Captain Jelan Lemoris
Bravo Unit XO
Rifle Officer, 95th Rifles

1st Lt Joseph Tabor [P: Somers]
Wing Commander (Rebel 2)
101st Squadron

1st Lt Jerok [P: Somers]
Bravo Unit (Alpha Squad)
95th Rifles

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
95th Rifles

1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen
Marine Officer
95th Rifles

1st Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO
95th Rifles

Sgt Major Bronco Hardway
95th Rifles

1st Lieutenant Josefina Macapuno
95th Rifle

1st Lieutenant Eleonorrhea Delfin
95th Rifle


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