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It’s just a dream (Adult Content)

Posted on 21 Aug 2022 @ 8:47pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

1,663 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Arderne's Quarters & A Dream of Dodd's Quarters

** Adult Content Warning **


Lamia lay awake staring at the ceiling, there were times since she’d come back from the planet that she’d had dreams about the birth of Ginger’s baby, and the loss of her own daughter. But there was more to it than that, her hormones were running wild which was something she really needed to speak to Jane about.

She looked across at Chris who was sleeping peacefully, she’d already worn him out this evening she didn’t want to wake him. Getting up She went to get a drink, replicating herself one she sat on the living room sofa, it didn’t take long for her to drift off once her eyes got heavy.

~ Dreamscape ~

Walking the corridor of the ship Lamia arrived at Remington’s door, pressing the chime she couldn’t wait for Remy to answer, Her heart was pounding just waiting to see him.

Sensing her presence, Dodd was at his door wearing a mere towel as he opened it to reveal a sensually stunning broad ready to make something happen. "Come on in."

Walking in Lamia made no attempt to hide her reason for being there, closing the gap between them she wrapped her arms around Remy’s neck and kissed him with passion and fire.

As the kiss was planted upon his lips his arms passionately embraced her and lifted her up securely as he turned to carry her to his bed. In walking the towel fell to the ground and once to the bed he laid her down and slide on top of her. He could tell she was in heat and wanted to holds barred.

Dodd then began to undress the maiden under him and began to passionately kiss and tongue the flesh of the beauty in his presence. This was a woman whom he had been with but since that encounter the spark was still smoldering within and this was the perfect kindling of that fire.

Mia was writhing with pleasure, enjoying Dodd’s administrations. Her fingers gripping the bed upon which she lay as she moaned and whimpered at his every touch. She wanted this so much, the passion and fire within had been smouldering for a long time.

Dodd knew how much she wanted this and how much he wanted it, he made every second count and took his time and was making sure to cover every square inch of her body and used the most delicate of touch. He enjoyed the goosebumps that formed upon her exposed flesh and the shivers that convulsed as he slide his fingers long her inner thighs when he slipped her panties off of her.

"You are a claimed woman yet you hunger for some forbidden fruit." Dodd stated as his mouth began to make love to her. His tongue would be the appetizer course for this first round of the meal ahead. Dodd hummed and wiggled to get her to shiver even more with desire.

Mia’s body trembled with delight as she vocalised how much she was enjoying what was happening. Her desires were building exponentially as Remington devoured her. They had shared this experience before, but hadn’t pleasured each other like this before the desire was carnal this was more raw passion.

The emotions from Mia filled Remy's mind as he buried himself deeper in the womanly flesh as he pleasured her with his tongue and he was still not out of breathe yet. He withdrew from that phase and it was time to move on to the next course. He carnal lust for her was unbridled and he move up to lap at her bosom as he secretly desired to please her so he was making sure to cover all the bases.

"Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight, it must have been something you said, I just died in your arms tonight." Remy exclaimed as he took a breath from lapping as the bosom of this forbidden fruit being served to him.

Lamia ran her hands over Remy’s skin, taking in every inch of him she could get. Her breathing was heavy as she ran her hands through his hair encouraging him to carry on devouring her. “Kiss me, taste me, devour me, I’m yours for the taking.”

"Prepare to be assimilated, resistance if futile" Remy then moved in for a passionate kiss and prepared for his assimilation tube for insertion into the willing receptacle. "Your biological differences will be assimilated and made our own." Remy then began the main course of this event. Slow deep thrusts as he started off slow to allow the motion to speak for itself and he controlled the speed to make the moment last for as long as possible.

Lamia encouraged every thrust as her hands held onto his skin, encouraging his moves as she moaned and whimpered with pleasure. “Make me...yours!”

As she tightened her grip on his flesh and the moans she made, Remy increased his speed and the thrusts were also getting firmer and deeper as his own desires took control of the pleasure he wanted Mia to receive.

Then suddenly he stopped and slightly adjusted the position and resumed driving himself deeper inside and with every new thrust his let his own moaning echo Mia's pleasurable sounds.

Mia fingers dig into Remy’s skin as she tried to hold onto her climax, wanting to hold it back as long as she could. Her breathing was getting heavier, her cries louder before she threw back her head and cried out his name as he almost drove her over the edge.

Sensing her build of tension, Remy held back and stopped his thrusts to keep her on the edge. He was not ready to release just yet and wanted her to be in the mood for a little while longer as he wanted to make her bubble over when she finally climaxed and he was not ready for that just yet.

He altered his rhythm and his stance as he rotated her to her side and straddle her in that position to keep her primed and ready for him to continue in pleasuring her along with himself. His desires were merely fueled by her desires and he could tell she loving every moment of the event.

Mia was being kept nicely on edge without allowing her passions to dwindle, this was everything her dreamscape mind imagined it would be. She moaned as she encouraged Remy onwards.

Remy was orchestrating a full symphony of pleasure for his caged love of Mia. He knew their past was not the most pleasant experience but the bond they made never left him. As his unconscious mind activated more of his buried desires, he kept making adjustment to not only prolong her climax but his stamina as well. He continued on to the final course before the dessert course. He positioned himself in an angle that allowed him to support most of himself with one arm and one leg and continue to thrust his manhood deep inside Mia's womanly folds. Her moans fueled the drive and made him stay on course to make the dessert course which was soon to come the most exciting it could be.

Mia was crying out with pleasure, her fingers digging into Remy’s skin as he thrust into her. Her mind was throwing in the memory of their passion together when they conceived their daughter. Driving her passions as she encouraged him verbally and physically.

The physical encouragement was more than Remy needed the pressure of her against his shaft of manhood as he thrust into her over and over again. The rhythm of the motion of their bodies in perfect sync as he felt her pulsing as his manhood pulsed in response. Remy was now almost non vocal as he worked to make the physical contact the most it could be.

He slid his one free arm round Mia and found the strength to lift her up to keep their bodies close as he continued to thrust and pulse. The dessert round was approaching very soon and Remy had one thing left up his sleeve so to speak. He was able to spin Mia completely round while still deep thrusting her so he now had her on her knees as he was ready to let her release and therefore for him to release as well. But there would be a few more moments of him thrusting her with as much as he could give her.

Lamia held on for as long as she could whimpering and moaning Remy’s name as he gave her everything he had, as she reached the crest of her wave she cried out, “REMY!!!”

Dessert was finally here, and Remy opened the flood gates and let the cascade of passion, desire and love flow out as he moaned so loud they could hear him in engineering. He knew here deepest desires were reached and fulfilled by him in that moment and it was time to let her explode the love she had as well.

Lamia’s climax hit like a ton of bricks, crying out Remy’s name over, and over again until she collapsed onto the bed. Her lips whispered his name one more time. ”Remy...”

~ Back in the real world ~

Lamia awoke sitting bolt upright on the sofa where she’d fallen asleep, her body was glistening with a fine sheen of perspiration.

She let herself calm down before heading quietly to the bathroom to splash some water on her face. That done she quietly returned to bed alongside Chris, she couldn’t help but feel guilty and she was sure as hell going to see Jane in the morning.

Not just that, how was she going to face Remington when she saw him again?


Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief Counsellor
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer
USS Tomcat


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