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[Backpost] Dance Lessons

Posted on 04 Oct 2022 @ 12:25am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Captain Mazal Falk

2,355 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: During shoreleave


Mazal had provided the details. Starbase 51. Recreation promenade, section 12. A row of rooms had been converted into dance studios, with hardwood floors, mirrors along all walls, and bars at different heights.

In the back of the room were washrooms with benches and lockers, as well as replicators for fresh towels and clothes.

And in the middle of the empty studio stood Jane Sinclair, in a Starfleet uniform (as she had no idea what to wear for this), awaiting the arrival of her friend Mazal.

Mazal soon arrived, carrying a black mid sized gym bag, its beige strap over her right shoulder. She wore a pair of dark blue sweat pants, runners and a black hoodie. Underneath the hoodie was light blue tee shirt. "Hi Jane glad you made it. Shall we get you outfitted? But before we do so, what sort of dancing do you want to learn?"

“Outfitted! Yes!” Jane said, bouncing on the balls of her feet and eager to learn. “As for what sort of dance…I’m not sure. What do you think?” The young doctor knew she wasn’t built for ballet — few from Vega IX were — but most kinds would be fun to learn.

"So there are a wide variety of dance styles that can be learned." Mazal began "But the most important detail is comfortable clothing when you start learning. Things that allow you to move and not feel like you're being constrained in wearing them. I tend to like wearing clothing when not in my uniform, that give and move when I wear them. Having that flexible weave and have Lycra in them is so comfortable." Mazal having a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Now before I cause your eyes to cross lets go look at something you'd be willing to wear. For me there are several sort of outfits I wear." looking at Jane. "I brought them with me if you want me to show you."

Jane examined the outfits on offer and ran her fingers through them, picked them up, stretched them. Mazal had done well, these mostly looked nice and comfortable, and at a glance they looked like they were in her own size, their uniform parameters being in the ship’s computer. “This looks good,” she said, selecting a black top and bottom with short sleeves and legs that went to just above the knee. These would stretch and move, without being restrictive, and the top looked like it would be supportive and comfortable. “I imagine we’re doing this barefoot?” she said as she took the selected clothes into the back room, beckoning Mazal to follow, either to enter if she was comfortable or at least to stay close enough so they could talk.

"Whichever would be your preference. I've got some dance shoes as well, they are called Jazz Shoes, oh so flexible and comfortable. I do like dancing barefoot, or with those, that I've mentioned." Mazal following in after Jane. Mazal was going to change into her dance outfit as well.

As she talked with Jane, Mazal pulled out her outfit, shorts that reached to her knees, a blue top which had black gussets on the sides. "Once we are done changing, we'll begin with the stretching and warm ups."

Part of Jane was sorely tempted to peek over her shoulder, but no, she kept facing her own way as she changed into the Lycra outfit. Once done, she turned around and smiled before following Mazal back out to the studio. As a doctor, she did know the basics of stretching, having recommended fitness programs to patients, and began on her own but watched her teacher for cues on which muscles to focus on.

Mazal sat on the floor and began with the leg stretches, slow and easy as she watched Jane to ascertain the doctor's level of stretching fitness. Mazal normally did about 20 minutes of stretching. Just to be warmed up. "Any idea what sort of dancing you'd like to learn, Jane?"

“I’ve been thinking about it,” she answered, “and I think something like jazz might be fun. Or hip-hop. The music for either of those would be good to move to.”

"Yes they would, there is also something called theatrical dancing as well. You know, I can also teach you some basics in ballroom dancing as well. And even the salsa, that is if you want to expend a lot of energy dancing that way." Mazal giving a laugh.

“Oh I’d love to learn a bit of ballroom,” Jane said with a wistful sigh and a smile. “And I’ve seen salsa dancing, that looks like a good exercise. Sure! Let’s try lots of these!”

"Well I can give you a sample of a couple of those. I can show you the simple two step then head into the box step of the waltz. I had been teaching my CO of the Marines how to dance. He wasn't too bad." Mazal remarked, with a wistful gaze. Her thoughts went towards Jackson. He was having to go on personal leave on the base.

“Ah, the waltz,” Jane said with a smile. “Honestly, aren’t dances like that so romantic? Your hand in a partner’s hand, eyes locked, feet moving perfectly together. ONE-two-three ONE-two-three.” She mimed gliding across a dance floor, leading an invisible partner.

Mazal observed Jane and her imaginary partner, with a bit of a smile. "You are quite graceful Jane, have you had some dancing lessons before?" she walked over to where Jane was at, then gave a bow towards the imaginary partner. "May I cut in?" Mazal's smile turning into a grin.

“Oh, please!” Jane said with a giggle, taking one of Mazal’s hands and wrapping her arm around her waist. It was odd leading someone much taller than her — her last girlfriend, who was the taller of the two, tended to lead — but she held Mazal a bit away as the Marine friend was a full head taller and otherwise it might feel a bit awkward. “No formal lessons. A high school play I was in had a waltz scene so my class learned the basics. When I see waltzes or similar dances in films or holonovels. *Sigh*. It’s wonderful.”

Mazal smiled. "I love watching dancing scenes myself, especially when they are well done and the dancers have such chemistry between them. Such smoothness and synchonicity that just sends the chills up and down your spine." Once they were in form, Mazal looked at Jane, "What's your choice of walts music? Since you are leading you have command of that."

Jane stopped and thought a moment. “Computer, Tchaikovsky, Waltz of the Flowers.” The familiar music began to swell and Jane led her partner along. “I know this isn’t what either of us meant by dancing lessons. We’re not exactly dressed for waltzes. But I’m glad we’re starting with it. I’m a bit more at ease starting with something familiar.”

Mazal chuckled as they glided around the room, to the serenade of the waltz. " I do love this piece and just dancing for the fun of it, is part of lessons. And heck can just imagine that we are wearing some beautiful dresses. What would the color of your dress be and the length of it?"

“Well, I do have answers for that,” Jane said. “It depends if I’m leading or being led. If leading, something simple. Maybe a black cocktail dress. If I’m being led though, I want something long, with a slit to the hip, in a bright colour, that my hair stands out against. Maybe red? What do you think? And what about you?” She kept moving as she spoke, body lost in the rhythm even as her mind worked.

"I think that red would look great on you." Mazal replied. "And as for me, if I am leading I'd probably be dressing in something that didn't confine my legs, or still would wear a dress I could move in. Like that one you just mentioned. All depends on the style of dance you are doing. I do love the poodle skirts from the 50's, minus the poodle though." giving a laugh.

"Black, Blue or Red or even green depending on the mood I am in for a dance. Sometimes even purple. As long as it is pretty and I can move in it." the marine replied. "A sheathe dress, or a pencil skirt no thank you. Just looking at those and having tried one made me want to scream and couldn't wait until I took it off, regretting I had even tried it on." Mazal giving a bit of a shudder. It seemed that right now the two women dancing were moving quite naturally, Mazal following the subtle movement hints that Jane gave in what direction to move.

The music came to a close and Mazal looked up, "The music is already over?"

“I guess so,” Jane said with a sigh. “Shame. Best dance I’ve had in over a year,” she added with a wink. “Should we try a new style now? Maybe do that jazz or hip-hop lesson? We’re dressed for it. Next time, let’s have the station tailor make us some proper dresses for a real ballroom night!”

Mazal nodded, "Sure that sounds great. I wonder if Tosrol likes to do ballroom dancing." the dark haired marine mused. "Either way, us two looking beautiful when we do ballroom dancing, I like that." she paused and looked at Jane. "Jazz combined with hip hop. OKay lets do this, and then later we can go into theatrical dancing. Kinda like this..." actually humming a small snippet of Singing in the Rain as she did the steps.

Jane grinned as she watched. Theatrical dancing! Musical theatre! She tried to mimic the steps — though much more slowly and carefully — and began singing the lyrics, starting at the bar where Mazal dropped off her humming. “What a glorious feelin’ / I’m happy again

Mazal threw back her head giving a gleeful laugh. "Oh good you've seen that film!" she said after her small amount of delighted laughter. A few more steps then Mazal noted there was someone peering through the window to the door of the studio.

"I guess our time is up for now." giving a gesture towards the door, with her head.

"That's a shame," Jane said sadly. "Oh well. Let's get changed then. We'll do this again though, yeah?" She led Mazal back toward the change room. "I'll want to shower before we head on; that worked up a good sweat."

"Indeed it did." Mazal nodding in agreement. Mazal headed to get cleaned up stripping down before she got in the shower. Setting the temperature for the shower, at tepid, Mazal began to soap up. "I wouldn't mind doing more dance teaching. You've got natural grace." talking over her shoulder towards Jane.

Jane was second in, her own shower head pushing out much hotter. “Thank you,” she said, blushing as much from the heat as the compliment. She started with her hair, finding a shampoo on the wall that she knew helped preserve the artificial colour in her hair. “So…might if I ask how things are with Mr. Ze? Have you talked with him?”

Mazal having soaped herself down called back, after removing the suds from around her mouth. "Well... Did talk to Tosrol, and ended up-" feeling her face heat up slightly. "Ended up doing more conversation without words." She leaned her head forward, back under the stream of water allowing the suds to wash away.

Jane giggled as she finished with her hair and began sudsing the rest of her. "You go girl." She looked back to Mazal, caught her eye, and gave her a wink before turning away and continuing to wash.

Mazal laughed as she finished rinsing herself off. Mazal reached over to get a towel to dry herself off before getting dressed. "Okay so, I've got to ask, do you have someone you like spending with? We've not really had this sort of chat, I think its been more of us talking while you are dealing with medical. Do you have a significant other? Or have someone in mind?"

“That’s…a good question,” Jane admitted as she turned off the water and found her own towel. “I’m not serious with anyone, but there’s someone on the ship I’ve had a few flings with. I don’t know if it’ll become something else down the line, but I’ve not ruled it out. She’s fun to be around.” She looked up at Mazal and blushed. “You’re my friend, and you told me about Tosrol, so it’s only fair that I share in confidence that her name is Josefina, and she’s one of yours.”

Mazal's eyes went round in surprise. "Ohhh... Well, I had no idea. She's not one who kisses and tells. She has seemed to be a bit more happier and really getting into the groove of her work now. Might be your influence on her." Slipping on her underwear as she spoke, and gave Jane a smile. "Now I can say thank you. Its not that she's a shirker of her work but, just something kicked her into gear."

Jane turned away to hide her flushing cheeks. It was nice to hear that Joe was doing so well because of her. What does it mean?

She started getting dressed. "Want to go get a drink after this?" she asked.

"Sure that sounds great." Mazal giving a smile to Jane. When the ladies were clothed, Mazal looked at Jane, "Shall we?" shouldering her duffel bag, and gestured with her head, and headed out the door.





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