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Core Shut Down, Transfer to Starbase

Posted on 24 Aug 2022 @ 10:36pm by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson

826 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Deck 14, Deck 15, Starbase 51 Engineering
Timeline: Current


TIME: 0700
SCENE: Deck 14, Deuterium Storage, and Injector Assembly
MISSION: Current

“Computer. Initiate with Starbase 51 Docking and Port Personnel Engineering Department.”

=/\= Starbase 51 Mooring and Port here, Lieutenant Hanson. We have you aligned Lieutenant Hewitt, Chief Engineer, USS Tomcat. You are in for a smooth umbilical interlock with port-side Engineering MRI (Matter Anti Matter Injector Systems) onboard. =/\= The Starbase command centre relayed Tomcat’s positioning in its docking lot.

Hewitt turned from the workstation on Deck 14, upper-level deuterium storage, and Injector Assembly core systems. Todd took a drink of his silver mug of coffee, breathed, and then let his bionic eye implant scan and cross-reference the real-time reactor data of the USS Tomcat.4

=/\= Confirmed Starbase 51, Engineering umbilical attaching T-Minus 12 minutes to your control handover, over =/\=

=/\= Confirmed USS Tomcat, Engineering Department Lieutenant Hewitt. We have sight of the cord detaching from Deck six now.”

=/\= Guidance Systems are beginning port transfer to the Deuterium storage shut down. =/\=
Todd informed and communicated with crystal clarity. There was no room for ambiguity when such a delicate operation with the Warp Core was concerned.

Lieutenant Todd Hewitt nodded from one deck below, upper Engineering level 15. He is taping his com badge in reply. =/\= Magnetic constrictor access is shunted to negative flow, titrating level 0.0007 Milacron a second and falling, alignment with Starbase Database 51 has been secured. Flow is into flushing EPS taps Decks 1-14, articulating currently. =/\=

Reported the Seasoned Todd Hewitt. The computer systems specialist had scrutinized the data streaming across the Main Engineering Pool Table while Hewitt was up a deck into the Matter Anti Matter Injector Systems. Both worked perfectly, as it was a delicate game of ballet.

=/\= Excellent. =/\= Hewitt clasped his hands together as he tapped into his LCARs open unit up deck 14. His engineering tricorder and hyper-phase distribution synthesizer reported that this was the case. =/\= I have confirmed Longitudinal corridor attachment. Deck six has commenced umbilical attachments. T-Minus 12 minutes till intermodal locking. =/\= Hewitt repeatedly informed updates.

Todd confirmed. Deck Six longitudinal corridor detraction T minus 11 minutes and counting down till core linkage.

=/\= Core radiation levels within tolerance limits for Starbase 51 standards. Post-burn-off of deuterium levelling is engaging. Core pressure levels are returning to dormancy pre-shunt levels. T-Minus 8 minutes till core linkage and shut down, Confirmation Over Starbase 51, Lieutenant Todd Hewitt, Over =/\=

=/\= Lieutenant Hanson, Port Control. Confirmed ETA T-Minus 6 minutes and countdown till Starbase 51 core assist. Over to you, USS Tomcat. =/\=

=/\= Hewitt here, Sir. Confirmed. ETA Handover T-Minus now 6 minutes countdown now =/\= The chronographs in the Engineering were green and counting down on the LCAR panels.

“ETA Core brown down in 5-4-3-2-1. Enact. Computer. Hewitt Gamma Beta 9098-87 Core Shut down.” Hewitt had returned to Deck 15, the central core level, after monitoring the upper core constrictor segments, which were directly all fused closed.

=/\= Command Codes Authorization Process Confirmed. Core Shut down in progress… =/\= The Main computer recognized the last of the significant command orders that Lieutenant Hewitt had oversight.

=/\= Officer Hewitt, USS Tomcat. Now here this, now here this. The core shutdown is complete. Transferring EPS power taps and EPS power distribution nodes on intermodal diagnoses with Starbase 51. The matter reactor Transfer process has been completed—shunting systems into hibernation within Tomcat Engineering Department. =/\= Todd sent a general ship-wide announcement on the progress and subsequent facilities power exchange to the Starbase.

Tagging his com badge, Todd checked and re-checked the streaming analytics with the Starbase 51 power centres picking up the USS Tomcat systems. =/\= Lt. Colonel Alexandria Somers. Starbase transfer of Warp Core and redundant cross feds of injectors have been linked to Starbase 51. Over. =/\= A sigh, a relief to Hewitt as this was his first core shunt down and transfer to Starbase 51. The completed work, the hard work was all done, and now. =/\= Captain, Commander Starbase 51 confirms take over Tomcat Engineering Operations. =/\=

Pressing the communications button on the arm of her chair =/\= Acknowledged Lieutenant, Somers out =/\= she responded and closed the link, she looked at Hawksley "well Mr Hawksley I cannot speak on the effectiveness of your new DCEO but you seem to have a decent effective team to take command of" Somers said.

[TAG:] Hawksley

Hewitt turned to Petty Officer 1st class Nelson. “Nelson, how are we looking for system shut down sleep mode?” Nelson was nearby, ensuring that the Propulsion Systems were all satiated.

"Sir, all systems are on par for sleep mode shut down upon your mark," Nelson replied. "This is the first time I have noticed but the readings for this process don't seem to reflect the actual status of the whole pending sleep mode for the ship's systems."

Hewitt had nodded. “I have seen that. That is the verification sub-matrix analyzer. It is a shunt-core reminder. This has already been completed on task level 03. We’re good to go!” Todd Hewitt replied.


Lt Col A Somers
Acting CO

Lieutenant Todd Hewitt
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt
Computer Systems Specialist

Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson
Propulsion Specialist


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