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Seeking Help

Posted on 10 Sep 2022 @ 8:00pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

1,714 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After ‘it’s just a dream’


After her naughty dream the night before Lamia made her way to Sickbay to speak with Jane, she needed help. Walking into Sickbay she paused and looked around, seeing Jane she made a beeline straight for her.

“Lieutenant Sinclair” She offered Jane a respectful smile. “Can I talk to you? ... in private.”

Jane had been observing some readings on a monitor and smiled when her friend had approached. That smile faded when she was addressed as Lieutenant Sinclair and not Jane. This was a medical visit. “Of course,” she said, gesturing to the private office. “Follow me.”

Following Jane she waited for the door to close before pouring her heart out. “I need help Jane! I don’t know whether it’s my pheromones, or whether it’s got something to do with the fertility pool on the planet, but I had a seriously...seriously, naughty dream last night about me and Remington!”

“Okay,” Jane said, raising her hands in a calming gesture. “It’s alright. Deep breaths. Take a seat. Can I get you some tea? Or something else to help you relax?”

Lamia took a deep breath, then took a seat. “Just a chilled water please.”

“My first question,” Jane continued as she walked around to the back of the desk, where the replicator was, “is whether this was a dream or if it was like the psychic relations we spoke of back when we first met. Did you dream about Mr. Dodd? Or did you and he have relations in some astral realm?”

“It was...definitely a dream, it didn’t feel like the astral realm version.” Mia paused to relax, sitting back in her seat looking at Jane. “It was extremely erotic, making love with Remy. I do care about him Jane, I’m not going to lie, and if things were different then I’d seriously consider acting on my feelings, but...” she shook her head. “I can’t and won’t ever hurt Chris!”

“I didn’t think you would,” Jane replied as she handed a glass of cold water to her patient. “Dreams can be disturbing by their implications. They might be pleasant in the moment but once we’re awake our conscious mind begins to analyze it. What did it mean? Do I really feel that way?” She paused and took a breath. “But you don’t really feel that way. Maybe you once did, but I think you’ve moved on, or at least you’re trying to. Maybe your unconscious mind is resisting that change a bit, but that’s only natural. Any change is a big deal. Does what I’m saying make sense?”

Lamia sipped her drink before nodding. “It makes perfect sense. Back when we were hostages going up for slave auction, what they did to us brought out feelings we both had that we never realised before. The loss of our daughter brought us closer.” She put the glass down on the desk. “I feel as guilty as hell Jane! I’m afraid if I tell Chris that he’ll think I don’t love him, worst case scenario he’ll think I’m going behind his back! I wouldn’t do that!”

“Chris will probably feel worse if you keep this inside,” Jane replied. “Not necessarily for lying, but because you think it’s something weighty enough to hide. And I for one don’t think it is. People have dirty dreams sometimes, Lamia. And yes I know your connection to Remington is different, and Chris will too. If you explain this to him the way you explained it to me, he’ll surely understand. And honestly…if he’s the irrationally possessive and jealous type, you kinda want to know that now, right?”

Lamia nodded. “Chris doesn’t put me in mind that he’s the jealous type.” She offered a smile. “You’re right Jane, I should tell him. First I want help sorting out the whole left over pheromone problem, I want to be the old me again.”

“We have been looking more and more into it,” Jane told her, reassuringly. “I’ve been having those samples you gave me analyzed thoroughly. I think we might be on track to figuring out the exact mechanism of how your body is producing it. Once we have that, we might be able to permanently disable that metabolic pathway.” She smiled. “Also, we’ve been doing some serious research on the pheromone itself and if I can finish my research proposal while at Starbase 51, we might be able to use knowledge collected from your experience to help a lot of people. Other victims of the Orions.”

Lamia nodded. “That’s good news, especially if it helps others as well as me.”

“Going back to your dream,” Jane said, “I had an idea that I think might give you a bit of reassurance. As a telepath, do you think you can let me see some of it?”

Lamia paused. “I...can try.” She held out her hand. “Hold my hand, touch helps with the connection. You’ll need to relax, it can be an uncomfortable experience having a telepath in your head.”

Jane nodded as she held Lamia’s hand. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to relax as best as she could.

Taking a moment Lamia closed her eyes before focusing on a ‘snap shot’ of what her dream been like giving Jane access to a very passionate part of the dream.

Jane’s eyes shot wide open and she quickly dropped Mia’s hands. Colour came to her cheeks as she processed what she saw. A few scattered images. Feelings. Sensations. She didn’t feel like she had been there, but she definitely got the gist of it.

“Alright,” she said, moving to her side of the desk and sitting down. “A few things come to mind. First, yes, I can see why you came to see me. That was intense. But second, I am more confident than ever that you needn’t worry. Want to know why?”

Lamia looked at Jane curiously. “Why?”

“The way everything I was framed,” Jane continued, “I think this was a hormone-and-pheromone-driven, I-want-sex dream, not a I-want-sex-with-Dodd dream. Yes he was the focal character, but I think your brain just grabbed familiar imagery. It could just as easily have been Leland, since you with with him on the planet’s surface. Or Chris, since he was next to you when you fell asleep. Heck, it might have been me, since we’ve been talking so much lately,” she added with a chuckle.

“Seriously?” Mia looked at Jane in surprise. “You really think it’s that easy an explanation?”

“Your body, and your mind, while under the influence of the pheromones,” Jane added, “wants more sex that you’re able to get right now. I’m not a psychoanalyst, but I have studied a lot of human sexuality. The imagery I saw showed the sex to be very one-directional, like your brain was pulling together a fantasy of being ravished. Basically, I think the kind of sex I witnessed wasn’t from someone wanting a mutual loving relationship. It was, pardon my language, someone wanting to get fucked. And that’s a good thing! Your body needs it right now and conjured the imagery to make it happen.”

Lamia nodded. “That makes sense, and it makes me feel a whole lot better too!” She offered a relieved smile. “Thank you Jane, you certainly know how to put my mind at ease!”

“Just doing my job,” Jane replied. “And I know you do the same for me. For the whole crew, even.”

“Let’s just hope Chris doesn’t take this all the wrong way when I tell him!” Lamia offered a worried smile. What if Chris hated her for it?

“You know him better than I,” Jane admitted, “but from everything you said, it sounds like he’s a good and reasonable man. And if he needs to talk to someone who isn’t the Counselor, he can also talk to me or Dr. Cahill, or Sergeant Hawksley.”

Lamia nodded. “I’ll let Chris know that, thank you Jane. You’re a good doctor, and a great friend!”

“Thanks, Mia,” Jane said with a grin, glad to be seen as both. “I’ve still got your various samples going through scans, by the way. It will be a few days or even weeks before we have a full picture, but in the meantime, keep taking the suppressant. I can probably give you a booster, which might suppress the dreams a bit?”

Lamia nodded. “That would most definitely be a help!” She grinned. “Just be glad I’m not older, if this was the Betazoid phase then we’d definitely have a problem on our hands.” She grinned.

“Oh, yes, I read about that,” Jane observed with clinical curiosity. “Quadrupling or more of the sex drive for a period at the start of middle age. I’ve never come across it in practice though. Must be a strange sensation.” She recalled her own sudden increase in drive from the pheromone exposure. It was at most a doubling though and for a very limited time. Quadrupling sounded intense.

Lamia nodded. “It can be VERY intense, if it’s not controlled properly it can have a detrimental affect on empathic control. It’s possible to affect those in close proximity around you, I remember seeing it happen to a patient I was studying once. Those around her acted like sex starved animals!” She sighed. “Learning control is key, the urges can be completely overwhelming.”

“Well, luckily you have some years before needing to address that.” Jane stood and smiled at her patient. “So I’ll let you know the results of our scans as soon as they’re finished.”

Lamia nodded. “I appreciate that, Thank you again Jane. I’ll let you enjoy sickbay while it’s still quiet!” She grinned before heading on her way.

And with that, Jane began quietly singing to herself as she resumed her routine work.


Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief Counsellor
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat


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