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We have a problem

Posted on 25 Oct 2022 @ 3:47am by Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 28 Oct 2022 @ 10:11am

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Science lab


- Science Lab -

Now that the ship had docked and the mission was over. This meant one thing. Inventory time! Especially as they had all been recalled to the Tomcat. Only after a few days.

Ted had to check all the science supplies. So they could get more of one thing and less of the other. Usually, this took minutes as Ted kept a tight science store cupboard.

Not today.

Some items were missing. He performed an extensive inspection, double, triple even quadruple-checked. The items should be there but they were not.

As he looked over the list. A sudden cold chill ran down his spine. Silver tapped his comm. badge.

=/\= Silver to Thompson. We have a problem.=/\=

Matt was busy with paperwork and filing reports, He had ted doing an inventory when he called in.

=/\= What is the problem, Lieutenant =/\= Matt asked.

Ted took a deep sigh and began.

=/\= You know how you asked me to do the inventory for our restocking supplies? Well, we have discovered that a high quantity of Helium and Nitrous Oxide are missing. I double-checked and we never used the quantity that would explain this. All in all, it’s missing Boss.=/\= Silver reported

=/\= Where are you at now Ted =/\=

Was it Ted's imagination or did Thompson sound irritated?

=/\= Main science lab. We checked everything twice boss honestly. This stuff is missing.=/\=

=/\= Okay I'm on my way =/\=

Ted tried the internal sensors again. Nothing showed up on the scanner at first. But then for a brief second, he picked up a life form in the Jeffries tube.

“ What the!” Silver hurried over to the Jeffries tube grill. He opened it and poked his head in.

Matt made his way down to the main science lab.

"Hi Ted, so where are you in you're search have you tried using the internal sensors to locate the materials?" Matt asked.

Thump! On hearing Thompson’s arrival Ted rose up too quickly to catch his head.

“ Ow……ow….jest…just…..did…ow….picked…. Up life form in Jeffries tube.” Ted said rubbing his sore head.

"Careful buddy, slow down, your gonna hurt yourself. Are the internal sensors up or down?" Matt asked.

Rubbing his head Ted pointed at the Jeffries tube.

“ Yes, but they picked up someone in there. Not for long because they vanished soon after I poked my head through the grating door. So either they can run fast or have shielding. If they have the latter why? Are they involved with our missing items?” Ted asked

Did they vanish? Like escaped via a transporter beam?

Matt picked up a resonance scanner. "Show me where they were," Matt asked.

Thump! Ted hit his head again.

“ Must stop doing that. It was over there the scanner picked something up. Then again it could have been that Teton. He’s been watching my every move. Apparently, someone in Starfleet personnel got their pants in a twist. Looking through my bio.” Ted said pointing.

"That of course happens and I'm sorry about that. Those people need to be more discreet.

Matt ran the resonance scanner in the area ted said he was, He couldn't detect a residual transporter signature, although as they had already seen there was more than one technology that this could apply to.

"Hmmm, I'm not getting any reading Ted. It looks like we have a mystery on our hands. Perhaps the life form can phase through matter," Matt said.

Ted scanned the walls.

“ There would still be some residue. But I am not picking up anything. There is a possibility the internal sensors could be on the Fritz in here. Which would suggest our thief damaged them. So it’s most likely they have engineering knowledge. Which begs the question what would an engineer want with stolen Helium and nitrous oxide?” Ted asked.

"Could be for fuel or perhaps some sort of prank," Matt suggested.

A prank.

“ It could be a prank. I hear on the USS Poseidon they're having problems with their lower deck officers. It could be a case of a copycat?” Ted suggested.

"Possibly, different ships have different problems. I'm actually more concerned about security procedures and if this in any way represents a danger to the ship or crew," Matt replied.

“ Nitrous Oxide was used in the 20 to 21 centuries before the onset of electric vehicles to boost the speed of the engine. It was also known as laughing gas. Used as an alternative to anaesthetics. Helium was used in the early days of flight. To fill huge balloons capable of carrying a large number of passengers. Both those gases are highly explosive or have vast unpleasant side effects on humanoids if breathed in. Although nitrous oxide is poisonous to Bolians.” Ted reported

"I don't believe we have any Bolia's on board and as for explosive content, there are much easier ways to inflict far more damage, no I would say it's for a prank. Either that or someone is mixing tanks for scuba diving equipment." Matt said.

Ted considered this.

“ Why would anyone want to fill some scuba diving equipment in secret? We are not near any aquatic planets and the holodeck supplies its own. Helium does alter the voice if breathe in. Nitrous Oxide makes humanoids laugh uncontrollably. If used together they would sound quite funny. But the after-effects especially on health. Do not bare thinking about it.” Ted said.

Suddenly a noise inside the Jeffries Tube made Ted look around.

“ What was that?” He said

"Who else is in here? I heard you drop your tricorder." Matt said.

The sound of scuffling started. But Ted had enough of crawling through the Jeffries tube. He pulled out a phaser from a drawer checked the setting aimed and fired. A blue glow enveloped the area followed by a thud. Laying on the floor was a stunned Ensign.

“ Gotcha.” Ted turned the fallen person over.” That’s Ensign Mall he’s what the lower decks call a joker.” Ted said.

=/\= Sickbay, this is Lt Thompson, We have a stunned crewman for direct transport to sickbay=/\=

"I think we have found our culprit, Ted," Matt said. "Get with security and file a report," Matt said.

“ I will,” Ted said




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