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A Personal Chat

Posted on 20 Aug 2022 @ 9:38pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Racine "Ghost" Hanson
Edited on on 20 Aug 2022 @ 9:50pm

424 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Flight Deck
Timeline: Current


Serina was running a maintenance scan on her fighter when Racine tapped her shoulder. "Jesus Hanson! You wanna give me a damn heart attack?" she said dropping the PADD. Racine picked up the PADD and handed it to Serina, "Here boss and sorry I scared the hell out of you," Racine said, giving a small smile to Serina.

Serina and Racine had been friends since they were posted on the USS Arachnid together. Both were in the same fighter group and for every time they went out, they had to challenge each other to see who could fly better. It was just more than a challenge, it was like two siblings vying for the same job. Constantly competing with each other, and this type of competing that helped the bond between the two grow stronger each day.

"Serina, I know how uncomfortable you get every time I mention Orion. We have known each other since…….like forever, so when are you gonna tell me. You did say that you would tell me….", Racine said to her friend. Janice had asked her before about the Orion incident but Serina said it was too soon and she did not want to relive it just yet. Walking over to where Serina had sat down, Janice sat next to her and gave her a big hug. "You know how I think of you right?" Racine said, "Well I think of you as a big sister and we can talk about anything. So please tell me Serina, I can sense the emotions you know. You try so hard to hide them from everyone but you can't do it from me," she finished.

Serina knew Racine was full Betazoid and it was true as well as she was hiding her emotions. Everytime the word Orion was mentioned or heard, it made her heart skip a beat. "Ok, I will tell you but not here. Somewhere else, secluded, not overly populated. I don't need anyone else to see me," she said to Racine.

Both women headed for a small corner of the flight deck that was quiet and peaceful. Serina had had nightmares about it and the fears that Arwella would return again some day to claim both her and the twins, and the others that were experimented on. Even though she knew Paul and the Klingon house he was a part of would protect her, she was still afraid.


Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan


Lieutenant JG K'Rin "Tiger" C'Tinu
Flight Leader


Lieutenant JG Racine "Ghost" Hanson
Squadron Leader


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