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Time together

Posted on 12 Sep 2022 @ 5:32pm by Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

1,648 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51
Timeline: During shoreleave


Stepping out onto SB51’s promenade Lilli smiled as she walked along hand in hand with Leland, it was nice to have time together without the worry of having an upcoming shift.

Whilst they were on the station Leland had arranged for Lilli to see the station medical staff. She didn’t really need any further appointments yet, but she’d agreed with him just to put his mind at rest.

"Let's check in to our holo-suite. We have a nice cabin in the woods on Lake Nipissing in Northern Ontario. Wilderness is untouched, yet we have all the amenities of luxury. And I promise, no bugs!" He winked; as he did, he gripped her hand a bit.

“I’m looking forward to it!” Lilli grinned as she held onto Leland’s hand. This was time together she’d been looking forward to very much.

As they entered the holosuite area, Hawksley had their overnight bags with him. Taking the two slot cards for their suite, he breathed a sigh of relief. "I think we need this. Yes." He looked back to the Star base wide field windows out into the starships in the dock. "Need this!" He turned to Lilli and gave her a peck on her cheek. He was now happy that they were married and had a child on the way. Nothing else was better in life.

During the second part of their stay, Leland was a bit over-zealous and wanted Lilli to be seen by some of the best Star base medical doctors in the fleet. It was not every day that a hybrid child was born. Lilli took the whole pregnancy process like a champ, but he suspected it wasn't easy on her.

Entering their suite, the holo grid relieved itself into a panoramic view of a large log cabin in the woods. The lights were on the inside, and the cabin furnished everything they would need to relax, even a few holo-masseuses when they wanted.

"Would you care for dinner first or a nap? I know you’re probably tired from your shift, Imzadi?" Leland asked Lilli.

“Actually I’m more hungry than tired right now” Lilli smiled. “Eating for two is definitely the correct term!

Leland beamed. “Hey. I eat for two every day.” He winked. Patting his chest, there wasn’t much of a belly to behold. Thank goodness.

“Come, let me show you around. This is the living room.” The room was complete with extended pine log ceilings up high, as the next level was visible above the main bedroom. The comfy couches had warm blankets on them, and a large coffee table was in the middle. The room was the spitting image of his parent’s home back on Earth and where Leland’s family cottage was located. If they couldn’t visit home, he would bring it to them.

After the medium-sized log home tour, they overlooked the scenic brook outside the deck below. Salmon in the river, spruce trees so tall lending their view to a rocky slope of mountains in the long distance. The air was a warm breeze for the summer season.

Having watched Lilli, Leland knew. “I want us to spend our lives together in this place. Forever.” He placed his hand at Lilli’s, held it, and kissed it.

Lilli smiled as she returned the favour and kissed Leland on the cheek. “This is my idea of heaven! I’d love to live here one day Imzadi.”

As soon as the moment came, Leland felt his stomach grumble, and knowing Lilli was hungry, he didn’t want to make her wait too long.

Leland sat down at the table, setting up a short table on the deck with some candles for the evening light, the orange glow of a sunset off in the Rockies. There were a greens salad, poached salmon, and a nonalcoholic glass of wine. There were baked, stuffed potatoes with fixings and garden mushrooms on the plates.

“Wow! You really went out all out!” She took a wide eyed smell of the Salmon. “Is this real Salmon? How on Earth did you get fresh Salmon out here!? Not that I’m complaining.” She savoured the flavour as she ate.

“True fly, angler. My Father trained me when I was a wee child. That brook has all the best pooling spots to catch them.” Leland helped himself to his plate, taking a nice-sized piece and enjoying it. I took the chance when you had changed, thought it was only appropriate for a first welcome meal to the homestead.” Leland looked around. The place was exactly like back home.

As they ate, the sound of the brook, the candles lit. The smell of Lilli’s perfume. Hawk could not help but be the happiest man in the Federation. “Imzadi. I am afraid our trip will be short. We are recalled back to the Tomcat. I have arranged for tests for the child transferred back to the Tomcat; the technology is exported to the ship for the time being. If this is ok?” Leland was not one to make decisions for his wife; he wanted Lilli to take a firm stance in their Marriage and let Leland know if he was overstepping.

“Too bad Hercules could not be with us; he is spending the time with Dodd. This reminds me that Dodd is recalled from his sojourn as well. So much for shore leave.” At least they will have this small moment to share. After taking a drink and wiping his mouth on his napkin, he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Lilli’s lips. “You make me feel like I can do anything. I am the strongest male in the universe!”

Lilli returned Leland’s kiss smiling as she gently brushed his cheek with her fingers. “I wish you wouldn’t worry so much about me, and our baby. You didn’t need to arrange any appointments for me, there’s nothing due yet. I’m not complaining it’s just...” She paused. “I guess I feel like we’re wasting the time of the medical staff, when there’s nothing wrong...however, I will go to make you feel better.”

Leland listened. "If you feel we are wasting time with the medical staff... Then. Perhaps we best let them do their thing until we are needing them." He offered. He wanted to listen to Lilli, and she made a valid point.

Hawksley enjoyed the touch on his cheek and smiled; that always made him tingle inside any touch in loving grace from Lilli.

"Have you heard any scuttle but regarding our new mission? Seems to come so quick; I am not used to such a turnaround." He replied, taking a drink from his synthehol.

Lilli shook her head. “No clue whatsoever I’m afraid. It does seem a pretty fast turnaround I’ll admit, it must be pretty important. We can still enjoy time together in the holodeck when our duties allow.”

“I always enjoy our holodeck time… I have learned some new...” Leland paused regarding how to present his reply, “Insights from Sinclair in the world of love and sex. She knows a lot.” He took a drink and swished it in his glass, a slight grin forming at the sides of his lips.

“I like Sinclair. I feel I can talk to her and, well, about ‘our love life.’ Nothing bad. Nothing revealing of us. She seems more of a male friend than a female acquaintance; it is funny.” Hawk chuckled.

Lilli grinned. “Jane is very...talented. She’s taught me a few things when we’ve spent time together. It’s just...I feel like I shouldn’t be sleeping with anyone else. It’s like I’m betraying you!”

"Betray me. No betrayal. Communication and trust has never been thwarted, thus I have not felt jealous nor... over stepped. I want you to feel free to explore, experiment, to love. It comes back to me in spades..." Leland took Lilli's hand.

Lilli nodded. “If that is what you wish Imzadi.” She smiled warmly. “I’ll admit Jane encourages me to let myself loose, and I shall let myself loose with you as well. Just you wait!” She gave him a loving kiss.

"Well. I would be remiss if I didn't state that; I would rather you stick to women. If it were another man, I might get jealous." Hawksley shrugged. "It would be simply male nature."

“I don’t intend to make a habit of it, and never with another man” Lilli held onto Leland’s hands as she looked at him. “I spent a night with Jane because I was missing you, I needed the companionship. I won’t be spending all my time with her when you’re off ship, I’m your wife.”

"My mother always said, a happy wife is a happy life. I tend to agree with that." Hawksley didn't mean it as a bad thing; he was happy that Lilli had a female friend. Someone as understanding, comforting, and caring as Jane was good to be around. "I urge you to continue your ventures when of course, your urges are un-aided by me." Hawksley chuckled and then cheered his glass to Lilli's.

After they ate dinner, Leland took Lilli in his fireman forearm posture and carried her up to check out the view from the log cabin master bedroom. From there, enough pleasure and desires emanated to alert the wilderness around.

... Refreshed, relaxed, Hawksley held his hand into Lilli's, matching his wedding band to hers together in their grasp. Leland smiled; this was marriage! Until their Lil package is delivered.




Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat


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