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No secrets

Posted on 12 Sep 2022 @ 11:13pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare

2,006 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase quarters
Timeline: Current


With Shoreleave underway, Lamia and Chris had moved across to their Quarters on the station. Having spoken with Jane before leaving, Lamia had decided to tell Chris about her dream, hoping he wouldn’t ‘hit the roof’ about it.

“Hey” Lamia offered a nervous smile as she settled on the sofa. “Can we talk?”

Chris was still finding it strange to share quarters like the size on this Starbase, he did not know if Lamia had spoken to the Captain about being allotted one of the few Married quarters on the Tomcat, yet, he was about to take a drink of his coffee and actually had some in his mouth when those dreaded words in every relationship are it platonic or romantic came out of Lamia's mouth causing him to do a Spit-take and cough a little, he looked at her in shock, such three words early in their relationship was a surprise to him, he quickly gathered his wits.

oO Oh crap! What have I done now? Oo he asked himself unsure if Mia would detect his emotions but calmly said: "yes Mia, we can, what is up?" He asked he could see that she was clearly nervous but hiding it well/

“I need to...” She paused. “Hell, I’m just going to come out and say it...I had a dream last night, a very passionate dream about Remington and me.” She gave Chris a worried look. “I don’t want secrets between us Chris, I love you!”

"And the hits just keep on coming!" were the first words out of his mouth as he stood up and began to pace, his mind running through scenarios, then he remembered the erotic dreams he had of another female on this ship, but he respected her too much and she was unavailable anyway, he began to pace mumbling to himself for some time, he did not know how long, but it must have been a long time as Mia spoke up.

“It’s not like that!” Lamia offered Chris a teary-eyed look. “I was an emotional mess this morning so I spoke to Jane, she thinks between the fertility pool on the last mission, and my pheromones that my body is craving more sex than I can give it. Hence the dream. She thinks my previous feelings for Remington, and imagery from my subconscious mind added him into my dream.” She looked at him almost pleadingly. “I can have Jane explain it better if you want?”

He paused, with a bland look on his face as he looked at her "no your explanation was more than enough Lamia!" he said and returned to pacing, but finally stopped walked over to her and sat next to her and took her hand as he showed a friendly smile "thank you for telling me Mia, although it was a shock to the system, I am glad you told me" he said and kissed her hand "scuttlebutt has it that Dodd has eyes for our Fleet Captain, but I have no idea if that is true or not, but you know how scuttlebutt is?" He said.

Lamia smiled and nodded, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted. “After everything that happened to us, and losing Mia, it’s been hard not to have feelings for Remington. I swear to you I will never, ever, betray you! I said yes to marrying you because I love you and want to be your wife.”

Looking a little sheepish "in the spirit of honesty, I have had a similar thing happen, although she is no longer on my radar, I too fantasized and had the occasional dream of this woman, shortly after we, I mean you and I became an item, but like you, I never acted on it" Chris said honestly.

Lamia nodded. “I can’t be mad at you for that, hell every woman on this ship goes crazy when they see you smile!” She grinned as she reached out and gently stroked his cheek with her fingers. I feel like I’m the luckiest woman in the universe to have you Imzadi, I want us to marry, have a family, and see what the future brings.”

*Gives a deadpan look to the reader at Lamia's Response* then looks at Lamia "Are you not curious as to who it was I was fantasizing over?" Chris asked mildly curious, perhaps she did not want to know.

Lamia nodded. “Of course I’m curious! I was just waiting to see if you wanted to tell me first.” She grinned. “So who is it that you fantasise about?”

*eye's glassed over for a few seconds as the thought went through his mind* he looked at her clear-headed "Colonel Somers would be that woman, the Fleet Captain is a close second. One is the Commanding Officer of the Tomcat the other is married and acting Commander of the Tomcat, well now we know each other's fantasies" Chris said with an affectionate smile.

“You like redheads huh?” Lamia grinned. “It wouldn’t take too much to colour my hair if you’d like me to?” She gave him a serious look before grinning. “Don’t worry I’m only joking!”

Chris actually gave that idea of Lamia dying her hair red some serious thought then shook his head to break the visuals "hell no, you will never keep Commander Dodd off you, if you did that, no you are perfect, just the way you are. As for the hair colour, it is not that so much, but I have seen the Colonel in exercise gear and for a woman in her forties she has some dangerous curves as does the Captain, but Colonel Somers also scares me, the only woman ever to do so" Chris responded.

Lamia grinned. “If you want a woman in exercise gear I’m sure I can show off my curves just as nicely. Though I wouldn’t want to distract the other males onboard.”

"I see enough of your curve in bed, and your uniform does not hide them, tell me have you told your family that you are marrying a grunt, a human and an enlisted member, yet?" Chris asked.

“Not yet, I was going to let it be a surprise!” Lamia smiled. “My mother is the upcoming matriarch of our house, if I tell her now our wedding will turn into a circus! I’d rather have it planned first than issue the invites!” She paused. “However I do need to introduce you or they’ll never forgive me. I’m not sure exactly where their ship is at present.”

"I am sure you will find out, I, however, have told my parents and siblings and they will be out here soon and look forward to meeting you, I think my father was surprised that I was finally getting ready to settle down as he would say. But I will warn you to be wary both are inquisitive, my mother will most likely talk your ear off when she gets here, and you may even get interrogated as such by my dad" Chris said.

Lamia nodded. “I consider myself warned” she grinned playfully. “Hopefully they won’t think I’ve corrupted their beloved son too much.”

"It is more likely it will be the other way around, but time will tell, how do you think your parents will take the news and have you spoken to the Captain about joined quarters on the Tomcat?" Chris asked.

“Of course I did!” Lamia nodded. “She said it was okay. I’m surprised you haven’t heard anything about it. We should find our quarters and get settled in. As for my parents, I think my mum will love you! My dad...he’s more protective, as all dads are. He’ll reserve judgement until he’s gotten to know you.”

*rolls eyes* "Oh great a full Betazoid who has full know-how on using his telepathic ability, I hope my emotional state does not annoy him too much!" Chris said.

“Don’t worry I’ll be making sure my parents don’t go using their abilities to their advantage. Besides...” she gave Chris a loving cuddle. “Nothing would ever change my mind about you. You are my Imzadi, and that isn’t going to change.”

Returning the embrace "I am so glad to hear that" he said as he sat back "What about Betazed, hope it is not going to be on Betazed, as if the Colonel and some others had to attend our wedding on betazed then such a ceremony required the Bride and groom plus guests to be naked, I fear for the males on seeing some of the females on the Tomcat in their birthday suits, so I hope we can have a ceremony on Starbase 51?" Chris asked.

Lamia grinned. “Definitely 51, the holodeck can magic up just about anywhere we’d like to go! I’m sure there must be somewhere totally magical that we could set up for our wedding. Besides I have no doubt you’ll want to spend some time yet before you tie the knot.”

Giving that some consideration "you are right, some time is good before we tie the knot, besides I want the Fleet Captain to marry us, but for now she is not well enough so waiting is good, I would say leave asking about ship-side joint quarters until she is able to command again" Chris responded.

“I already asked about shared quarters” Lamia offered a smile. “When I saw her after her return. She was amazed you asked me to marry you! She approved our having shared quarters.”

Just then Chris's Padd sounded, he pulled it out and looked at it "well what ya know, they notified me of the request granted, luckily I do not have much to move, however, have more, so do you know which level these shared quarters are on?" He asked.

Lamia shook her head, “I’ve no idea, isn’t it listed on your PADD? Luckily I packed light when I moved here, just a handful of boxes with home comforts in. Guess that means I need to go pack my things to move to our new quarters!”

"Hmm" he looked at his Padd "ah yes, Deck 3 Junior Officers quarters, corridor A" Chris responded suddenly realising he too would have to move his stuff from enlisted quarters to shared quarters.

“So...does that mean we have bigger quarters than I have now, or that we just get a double bed squeezed into smaller quarters?” She gave Chris a curious look. “Not that it matters as long as I’m with you!”

"Apparently they are larger quarters, with a double-bed a properly shared quarter," Chris said "so at some point we are going to have to move our stuff into it" he added.

“Seriously!? In that case, let’s get organised!!” Lamia was practically buzzing with enthusiasm. “The sooner I’m living with you full time the happier I’ll be.”

As Lamia stood Kildare looked at the reader "and it will deter Commander Dodd" he said blandly to the reader before a voice drew his attention back to his Imzadi.

“Did you say something Imzadi?” Lamia was looking at Kildare with a curious look on her face.

"Nothing dear!" he said giving the reader a knowing smile and look "so how much stuff do you have Mia?" He asked moving on as if nothing had happened.

“Not as much as you’re probably imagining!” Lamia grinned. “Just a few boxes. I’ll go pack!”

With a sigh, Chris returned to his quarters on the Tomcat to pack his meagre belongings and put them into his new shared quarters, Lamia was doing the same.




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